Nathalie Voisin
Nathalie Voisin
Nathalie Voisin is chief scientist for regional water-energy dynamics in the Earth System Predictability group at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Her fundamental advancements in hydrometeorological forecasting and coupling of human-Earth system models has unlocked new understanding around critical energy-water systems. Voisin has authored more than 50 papers around those main science advances. She was invited to join the University of Washington Civil and Environmental Engineering Department as associate professor in 2016 and has contributed to the Tier 1 journal Water Resources Research as associate editor since 2017. Voisin acts as subject matter expert for water-energy integration challenges, contributing to International Energy Agency activities, leading modeling workshops for water management representation in power systems models and water-use tradeoffs, and working with the hydropower industry on transitioning water-energy research into operations as part of international industry information exchange platforms. She leads and contributes to numerous multi-institution projects sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy - Water Power Technology Office, and Office of Electricity.
Voisin joined PNNL in 2010, after completing a Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering from the University of Washington in Seattle, WA. She also holds a M.Sc. in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences from McGill University in Montreal, Canada, and a B. Eng. and M.Eng. in Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics from the ENSEEIHT engineering school in Toulouse, France.
Disciplines and Skills
- Climate Change
- Cross-sector Collaboration
- Earth System Models
- Electric Power Systems
- Forecasting
- Hydrologic Modeling
- Hydrology
- Hydropower
- Project Management
- Stakeholder Engagement
- Surface Water Modeling
- Water Resource Management
Doctor of Philosophy, Civil Engineering, University of Washington
Master of Science, Atmospheric & Oceanic Science, McGill University
Master of Engineering, Fluid Mechanics, ENSEEIHT