Environmental Engineer
Environmental Engineer


Mark L. Rockhold is an Earth scientist and environmental engineer with expertise in subsurface flow and transport modeling and data assimilation for site characterization and parameter estimation. His research interests include reactive transport modeling, development and calibration of alternative conceptual models, and joint inversion using hydrologic and geophysical data.

Mark has been a developer and user of the Subsurface Transport Over Multiple Phases (STOMP) simulator and has applied the code to a wide variety of applications. In addition, he is the steward of the exascale Subsurface Transport Over Multiple Phases (eSTOMP), a highly scalable version of STOMP. Mark earned his PhD in bioresource engineering (water resources) from Oregon State University. 

Research Interest

  • Physical, chemical, and biological processes and interactions in soils and groundwater
  • Surface and interfacial phenomena
  • Development and application of numerical flow and transport models
  • Reactive transport modeling
  • Parameterization methods for field-scale applications of flow and transport models in heterogeneous, variably saturated porous media
  • Stochastic and conditional simulation methods
  • Geostatistics
  • Uncertainty analysis

Disciplines and Skills

  • Environmental engineering
  • Geophysics
  • Geostatistics
  • Hydrologic modeling
  • Hydrology
  • Soil physics


  • PhD, bioresource engineering (water resources), Oregon State University
  • MS, Earth science (agronomy/soil physics), Kansas State University
  • BS, Earth science (geology), Kansas State University

Affiliations and Professional Service

  • American Geophysical Union (AGU)
  • Soil Science Society of America
  • Reviewer for Water Resources Research, Advances in Water Resources, Vadose Zone Journal, Soil Science Society of America Journal, Journal of Environmental Quality, Hydrogeology Journal

Awards and Recognitions

  • 2021—Superior Paper recognition (co-author) for paper #21024, “An Evaluation of Electrical Resistivity Tomography for Stratigraphic Characterization of Paleochannels at the Hanford Site” at Waste Management 2021 Symposium
  • 2019—Superior Paper and Papers of Note recognition (first author) for paper #19058, “Complex Sources and Impacts on Remedial and Monitoring Approaches” at Waste Management 2019 Symposium 
  • 2018—Exceptional Performance Award, PNNL Energy and Environment Division. Led completion of DV-1 Physical and Hydraulic Property Characterization Report, a Performance-Based Incentive Milestone for Client CHPRC.  
  • 2016—PNNL Key Contributor Award: Intellectual Property Creation, Development, and Commercialization for the STOMP Simulator
  • 2015—Outstanding Performance Award, PNNL Energy and Environment Division. Contributed to completion of eSTOMP Development and Qualification to Support Hanford IDF Performance Assessment
  • 2013—PNNL Key Contributor Award: Intellectual Property Creation, Development, and Commercialization for the STOMP Simulator
  • 2001—Outstanding Student Paper Award, American Geophysical Union Hydrology Section, Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA
  • 1999—Myron G. Cropsey Agricultural Engineering Scholarship, Dept. of Biological and Ecological Engineering, Oregon State University
  • 1988—Sigma Gamma Epsilon, Honorary Earth Science Society, Dept. of Geology, Kansas State University




  • Parajuli K., S.B. Jones, D.G. Tarboton, L. Hipps, L. Zhao, M. Sadeghi, and M.L. Rockhold, et al. 2020. "Stone Content Influence on Land Surface Model Simulation of Soil Moisture and Evapotranspiration at Reynolds Creek Watershed." Journal of Hydrometeorology 21, no. 8:1889-1904. PNNL-SA-148727. doi:10.1175/JHM-D-19-0075.1
  • Robinson J.L., R.D. Mackley, M.L. Rockhold, T.C. Johnson, J.N. Thomle, C.D. Johnson, and P. Jaysaval. 2020. Geophysical Methods for Stratigraphic Identification. PNNL-29182 Rev 1.0. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Geophysical Methods for Stratigraphic Identification
  • Rockhold M.L., J.L. Robinson, K. Parajuli, X. Song, Z. Zhang, and T.C. Johnson. 2020. "Groundwater characterization and monitoring at a complex industrial waste site using electrical resistivity imaging." Hydrogeology Journal 28, no. 6:2115-2127. PNNL-SA-147892. doi:10.1007/s10040-020-02167-1
  • Rockhold M.L., X. Song, Z. Zhang, N. Qafoku, M.A. Jensen, J.L. Downs, and J.D. Tagestad, et al. 2020. Spatiotemporal Analyses of Groundwater and Shoreline Cr(VI) Concentrations in the 100 Areas at Hanford. PNNL-30483. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Spatiotemporal Analyses of Groundwater and Shoreline Cr(VI) Concentrations in the 100 Areas at Hanford


  • Rockhold M.L., S.R. Waichler, J.L. Downs, X. He, J.D. Tagestad, Y. Fang, and V.L. Freedman, et al. 2019. Information on Technical Impracticability for Remediation of Iodine-129 Contamination. PNNL-28057 Rev 1.0. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Information on Technical Impracticability for Remediation of Iodine-129 Contamination
  • Rockhold M.L., X. Song, and X. Chen. 2019. "Complex Sources and Impacts on Remediation and Monitoring Approaches." In WM SYMPOSIA (WM 2019), March 3-7, 2019, Phoenix, AZ, Paper No. 19058. Tempe, Arizona:WM Symposia, Inc. PNNL-SA-139412.
  • Rod K.A., W. Um, S.M. Colby, M.L. Rockhold, C.E. Strickland, A.P. Kuprat, and S. Han. 2019. "Relative permeability for water and gas through fractures in cement." PLoS One 14, no. 1:Article Number: e0210741. PNNL-SA-124005. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0210741


  • Johnson C.M., J.D. Lowrey, M.L. Rockhold, and S.R. Waichler. 2018. "The impact of geologic parameters and water infiltration on the imprinting of 133Xe." Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 318, no. 1:131-137. PNNL-SA-133423. doi:10.1007/s10967-018-6069-9
  • Johnson C.M., S.R. Biegalski, J.D. Lowrey, M.L. Rockhold, and D.A. Haas. 2018. "Comparison of measured and simulated concentrations of 133Xe in the shallow subsurface." Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 189. PNNL-SA-132618. doi:10.1016/j.jenvrad.2018.04.010
  • Johnson T.C., J.N. Thomle, and M.L. Rockhold. 2018. "3D Time-Lapse Geophysical Imaging Evaluation of Contaminant Migration at the Hanford BY Cribs Site." In Proceedings of the 44th Annual Waste Management Conference (WM2018): Nuclear and Industrial Robotics, Remote Systems and Other Emerging Technology, March 18-22, 2018, Phoenix, Arizona, 8, 5438-5451; Paper No. 18504. Tempe, Arizona:Waste Management Symposia, Inc. PNNL-SA-131239.
  • Rockhold M.L., F.A. Spane, T.W. Wietsma, D.R. Newcomer, R.E. Clayton, D.I. Demirkanli, and D.L. Saunders, et al. 2018. Physical and Hydraulic Properties of Sediments from the 200-DV-1 Operable Unit. PNNL-27846. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
  • Rockhold M.L., J.L. Downs, S.R. Waichler, C. Yonkofski, V.L. Freedman, and M.J. Truex. 2018. Draft Technical Impracticability Evaluation for Iodine-129 in Groundwater at Hanford: 200-UP-1 Operable Unit. PNNL-28057. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Draft Technical Impracticability Evaluation for Iodine-129 in Groundwater at Hanford: 200-UP-1 Operable Unit
  • Rockhold M.L., X. Song, J.D. Tagestad, P.D. Thorne, G.D. Tartakovsky, and X. Chen. 2018. Sensitivity Analysis of Contaminant Transport from Vadose Zone Sources to Groundwater. PNNL-28065. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Sensitivity Analysis of Contaminant Transport from Vadose Zone Sources to Groundwater
  • Truex M.J., G.B. Chronister, C.E. Strickland, C.D. Johnson, G.D. Tartakovsky, M. Oostrom, and R.E. Clayton, et al. 2018. Deep Vadose Zone Treatability Test of Soil Desiccation for the Hanford Central Plateau: Final Report. PNNL-26902. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Deep Vadose Zone Treatability Test of Soil Desiccation for the Hanford Central Plateau: Final Report


  • Oostrom M., M.J. Truex, M.L. Rockhold, and T.C. Johnson. 2017. "Deep Vadose Zone Contaminant Flux Evaluation at the Hanford BY-Cribs Site using Forward and Imposed Concentration Modeling Approaches." Environmental Processes 4, no. 4:771-797. PNNL-SA-127119. doi:10.1007/s40710-017-0272-5
  • Rockhold M.L., and Y. Bott. 2017. Alternative conceptual models of the subsurface at WMA-C. PNNL-24740. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Alternative conceptual models of the subsurface at WMA-C.


  • Gilmore T.J., A.H. Bonneville, E.C. Sullivan, M.E. Kelley, D. Appriou, V.R. Vermeul, and S.K. White, et al. 2016. "Characterization and Design of the FutureGen 2.0 Carbon Storage Site." International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 53. PNNL-SA-116762. doi:10.1016/j.ijggc.2016.07.022
  • Rockhold M.L., Z.F. Zhang, and Y. Bott. 2016. Scale-Dependent Solute Dispersion in Variably Saturated Porous Media. PNNL-25146. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Scale-Dependent Solute Dispersion in Variably Saturated Porous Media



  • Freedman V.L., X. Chen, S.A. Finsterle, M.D. Freshley, I. Gorton, L.J. Gosink, and E. Keating, et al. 2014. “A high-performance workflow system for subsurface simulation.” Environmental Modelling & Software 55. PNNL-SA-92680. Doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2014.01.030


  • Chen X., G.E. Hammond, C.J. Murray, M.L. Rockhold, V.R. Vermeul, and J.M. Zachara. 2013. "Applications of Ensemble-based Data Assimilation Techniques for Aquifer Characterization using Tracer Data at Hanford 300 Area." Water Resources Research 49. PNNL-SA-91954. doi:10.1002/2012WR013285
  • Rockhold M.L., D.H. Bacon, V.L. Freedman, K.R. Parker, S.R. Waichler, and M.D. Williams. 2013. System-Scale Model of Aquifer, Vadose Zone, and River Interactions for the Hanford 300 Area - Application to Uranium Reactive Transport. PNNL-22886;RPT-DVZ-AFRI-019. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. System-Scale Model of Aquifer, Vadose Zone, and River Interactions for the Hanford 300 Area - Application to Uranium Reactive Transport
  • Stegen J.C., X. Lin, J.K. Fredrickson, X. Chen, D.W. Kennedy, C.J. Murray, and M.L. Rockhold, et al. 2013. "Quantifying Community Assembly Processes and Identifying Features that Impose Them." The ISME Journal 7. PNNL-SA-86535. doi:10.1038/ismej.2013.93
  • Zachara J.M., P.E. Long, J. Bargar, J.A. Davis, P.M. Fox, J.K. Fredrickson, and M.D. Freshley, et al. 2013. "Persistence of uranium groundwater plumes: Contrasting mechanisms at two DOE sites in the groundwater-river interaction zone." Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 147. PNNL-SA-88773. doi:10.1016/j.jconhyd.2013.02.001


  • Chen X., H. Murakami, H. Murakami, M.S. Hahn, G.E. Hammond, M.L. Rockhold, and J.M. Zachara, et al. 2012. “Three-Dimensional Bayesian Geostatistical Aquifer Characterization at the Hanford 300 Area using Tracer Test Data.” Water Resources Research 48. PNNL-SA-78432. Doi:10.1029/2011WR010675
  • Hou Z., M.L. Rockhold, and C.J. Murray. 2012. “Evaluating the impact of caprock and reservoir properties on potential risk of CO2 leakage after injection.” Environmental Earth Sciences 66, no. 8:2403-2415. PNNL-SA-78848. Doi:10.1007/s12665-011-1465-2
  • Johnson T.C., R.J. Versteeg, M.L. Rockhold, L.D. Slater, D. Ntarlagiannis, W.J. Greenwood, and J.M. Zachara. 2012. “Characterization of a contaminated wellfield using 3D electrical resistivity tomography implemented with geostatistical, discontinuous boundary, and known conductivity constraints.” Geophysics 77, no. 6:EN85-EN96. PNNL-SA-86781. Doi:10.1190/geo2012-0121.1
  • Rockhold M.L., D.H. Bacon, V.L. Freedman, M.J. Lindberg, and R.E. Clayton. 2012. Numerical Modeling of 90Sr and 137Cs Transport from a Spill in the B-Cell of the 324 Building, Hanford Site 300 Area. PNNL-21214. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Numerical Modeling of 90Sr and 137Cs Transport from a Spill in the B-Cell of the 324 Building, Hanford Site 300 Area
  • Schuchardt K.L., D.A. Agarwal, S.A. Finsterle, C.W. Gable, I. Gorton, L.J. Gosink, and E. Keating, et al. 2012. “AKUNA – INTEGRATED TOOLSETS SUPPORTING ADVANCED SUBSURFACE FLOW AND TRANSPORT SIMULATIONS FOR ENVIRONMETAL MANAGEMENT.” In International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources (CMWR 2012), June 17-22, 2012, Champaign, IL. Washington, District Of Columbia:US Department of Energy, Office of Science. PNNL-SA-86251.
  • Zachara J.M., B.N. Bjornstad, J.N. Christensen, M.S. Conrad, J.K. Fredrickson, M.D. Freshley, and R. Haggerty, et al. 2012. Multi-Scale Mass Transfer Processes Controlling Natural Attenuation and Engineered Remediation: An IFRC Focused on Hanford’s 300 Area Uranium Plume January 2011 to January 2012. PNNL-21169. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Multi-Scale Mass Transfer Processes Controlling Natural Attenuation and Engineered Remediation: An IFRC Focused on Hanford’s 300 Area Uranium Plume January 2011 to January 2012


  • Bonneville A., G.D. Black, I. Gorton, P.S. Hui, E.M. Murphy, C.J. Murray, and M.L. Rockhold, et al. 2011. "Geologic Sequestration Software Suite (GS3): a collaborative approach to the management of geological GHG storage projects." In Proceedings of the 10th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference (GHGT10), September 19-23, 2010, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Energy Procedia, edited by J Gale, C Hendriks W Turkenberg, 4, 3825-3832. Amsterdam:Elsevier. PNNL-SA-74783. doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2011.02.318
  • Hammond G.E., P.C. Lichtner, and M.L. Rockhold. 2011. "Stochastic Simulation of Uranium Migration at the Hanford 300 Area." Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 120-121. PNNL-SA-69786. doi:10.1016/j.jconhyd.2010.04.005
  • Zachara J.M., B.N. Bjornstad, J.N. Christensen, M.S. Conrad, J.K. Fredrickson, M.D. Freshley, and R. Haggerty, et al. 2011. Multi-Scale Mass Transfer Processes Controlling Natural Attenuation and Engineered Remediation: An IFRC Focused on Hanford's 300 Area Uranium Plume January 2010 to January 2011. PNNL-20257. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Multi-Scale Mass Transfer Processes Controlling Natural Attenuation and Engineered Remediation: An IFRC Focused on Hanford's 300 Area Uranium Plume January 2010 to January 2011


  • Ma R., C. Zheng, H. Prommer, J. Greskowiak, C. Liu, J.M. Zachara, and M.L. Rockhold. 2010. “A Field-Scale Reactive Transport Model for U(VI) Migration Influenced by Coupled Multirate Mass Transfer and Surface Complexation Reactions.” Water Resources Research 46. PNNL-SA-67581. Doi:10.1029/2009WR008168
  • Murakami H., H. Murakami, X. Chen, M.S. Hahn, Y. Liu, M.L. Rockhold, and V.R. Vermeul, et al. 2010. “Bayesian approach for three-dimensional aquifer characterization at the Hanford 300 Area.” Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 14. PNNL-SA-75939. Doi:10.5194/hess-14-1989-2010
  • Rockhold M.L., G.V. Last, and L.A. Middleton. 2010. Prototype Data Models and Data Dictionaries for Hanford Sediment Physical and Hydraulic Properties. PNNL-19817. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Prototype Data Models and Data Dictionaries for Hanford Sediment Physical and Hydraulic Properties
  • Schuchardt K.L., K. Agarwal, J.M. Chase, M.L. Rockhold, V.L. Freedman, T.O. Elsethagen, and T.D. Scheibe, et al. 2010. “Task parallel sensitivity analysis and parameter estimation of groundwater simulations through the SALSSA framework.” In Proceedings of the 2010 Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing (SciDAC) Conference, July 11-15, 2010, Cattanooga, Tennessee, 233-237. Oak Ridge, Tennessee:Oak Ridge National Laboratory. PNNL-SA-73770.
  • Szecsody J.E., V.R. Vermeul, J.S. Fruchter, M.D. Williams, M.L. Rockhold, N. Qafoku, and J.L. Phillips. 2010. Hanford 100-N Area In Situ Apatite and Phosphate Emplacement by Groundwater and Jet Injection: Geochemical and Physical Core Analysis. PNNL-19524. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Hanford 100-N Area In Situ Apatite and Phosphate Emplacement by Groundwater and Jet Injection: Geochemical and Physical Core Analysis
  • Zachara J.M., B.N. Bjornstad, J.N. Christensen, M.E. Conrad, J.K. Fredrickson, M.D. Freshley, and R. Haggerty, et al. 2010. Multi-Scale Mass Transfer Processes Controlling Natural Attenuation and Engineered Remediation: An IFRC Focused on Hanford’s 300 Area Uranium Plume. PNNL-19209. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Multi-Scale Mass Transfer Processes Controlling Natural Attenuation and Engineered Remediation: An IFRC Focused on Hanford’s 300 Area Uranium Plume



  • Meyer P.D., M. Ye, S.P. Neuman, and M.L. Rockhold. 2008. “Application of Maximum Likelihood Bayesian Model Averaging to Groundwater Flow and Transport at the Hanford Site 300 Area.” In Calibration and Reliability in Groundwater Modelling: Credibility of Modelling: Proceedings of ModelCARE 2007 Conference, 64-69. Oxfordshire:International Association of Hydrological Sciences. PNNL-SA-55882.
  • Meyer P.D., T.J. Nicholson, M. Ye, S.P. Neuman, and M.L. Rockhold. 2008. “Incorporating Scenario Uncertainty within a Hydrogeologic Uncertainty Assessment Methodology.” In 2008 Ground Water Summit, March 20 – April 2, 2008, Memphis, TN. Westerville, Ohio:National Ground Water Association. PNNL-SA-70390.
  • Nichols W.E., M.L. Rockhold, and J.L. Downs. 2008. Compendium of Data for the Hanford Site (Fiscal Years 2004 to 2008) Applicable to Estimation of Recharge Rates. PNNL-17841. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Compendium of Data for the Hanford Site (Fiscal Years 2004 to 2008) Applicable to Estimation of Recharge Rates
  • Peterson R.E., M.L. Rockhold, R.J. Serne, P.D. Thorne, and M.D. Williams. 2008. Uranium Contamination in the Subsurface Beneath the 300 Area, Hanford Site, Washington. PNNL-17034. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Uranium Contamination in the Subsurface Beneath the 300 Area, Hanford Site, Washington
  • Rockhold M.L. 2008. Status Report for Remediation Decision Support Project, Task 1, Activity 1.B – Physical and Hydraulic Properties Database and Interpretation. PNNL-17866. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Status Report for Remediation Decision Support Project, Task 1, Activity 1.B – Physical and Hydraulic Properties Database and Interpretation
  • Szecsody J.E., J.S. Fruchter, C.A. Burns, M.L. Rockhold, M. Oostrom, M.D. Williams, and V.R. Vermeul. 2008. “Sr-90 Immobilization by Infiltration of a Ca-Citrate-PO4 Solution into the Hanford 100-N Area Vadose Zone.” In Waste Management 2008: HLW, TRU, LLW/ILW, Mixed, Hazardous Wastes & Environmental Management, Art. # 8141. Tucson, Arizona:Arizona Board of Regents. PNNL-SA-58607.
  • White M.D., M. Oostrom, M.L. Rockhold, and M. Rosing. 2008. “Scalable Modeling of Carbon Tetrachloride Migration at the Hanford Site Using the STOMP Simulator.” Vadose Zone Journal 7, no. 2:654-666. PNNL-SA-57102. Doi:10.2136/vzj2007.0070
  • Williams M.D., B.G. Fritz, D.P. Mendoza, M.L. Rockhold, P.D. Thorne, Y. Xie, and B.N. Bjornstad, et al. 2008. Interim Report: 100-NR-2 Apatite Treatability Test: Low Concentration Calcium Citrate-Phosphate Solution Injection for In Situ Strontium-90 Immobilization. PNNL-17429. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Interim Report: 100-NR-2 Apatite Treatability Test: Low Concentration Calcium Citrate-Phosphate Solution Injection for In Situ Strontium-90 Immobilization
  • Williams M.D., M.L. Rockhold, P.D. Thorne, and Y. Chen. 2008. Three-Dimensional Groundwater Models of the 300 Area at the Hanford Site, Washington State. PNNL-17708. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Three-Dimensional Groundwater Models of the 300 Area at the Hanford Site, Washington State


  • Gee G.W., M. Oostrom, M.D. Freshley, M.L. Rockhold, and J.M. Zachara. 2007. "Hanford Site Vadose-Zone Studies: An Overview." Vadose Zone Journal 6, no. 4:899-905. PNNL-SA-53286. doi:10.2136/vzj2006.0179
  • Knight R.J., J.D. Irving, P. Tercier, E.J. Freeman, C.J. Murray, and M.L. Rockhold. 2007. "A Comparison of the Use of Radar Images and Neutron Probe Data to Determine the Horizontal Correlation Length of Water Content." In Subsurface Hydrology: Data Integration for Properties and Processes: Geophysical Monograph Series, edited by David W. Hyndman, Frederick D. Day-Lewis, Kamini Singha. 31-44. Washington, District Of Columbia:American Geophysical Union. PNNL-SA-52665.
  • Last G.V., C.J. Murray, D.A. Bush, E.C. Sullivan, M.L. Rockhold, R.D. Mackley, and B.N. Bjornstad. 2007. "Standardization of Borehole Data to Support Vadose Zone Flow and Transport Modeling." Vadose Zone Journal 6, no. 4:906-912. PNNL-SA-53079. doi:10.2136/vzj2006.0175
  • Meyer P.D., M. Ye, M.L. Rockhold, S.P. Neuman, and K.J. Cantrell. 2007. Combined Estimation of Hydrogeologic Conceptual Model, Parameter, and Scenario Uncertainty with Application to Uranium Transport at the Hanford Site 300 Area. NUREG/CR-6940; PNNL-16396. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Combined Estimation of Hydrogeologic Conceptual Model, Parameter, and Scenario Uncertainty with Application to Uranium Transport at the Hanford Site 300 Area
  • Oostrom M., M.L. Rockhold, P.D. Thorne, M.J. Truex, G.V. Last, and V.J. Rohay. 2007. "Carbon Tetrachloride Flow and Transport in the Subsurface of the 216-Z-9 Trench at the Hanford Site." Vadose Zone Journal 6, no. 4:971-984. PNNL-SA-52843. doi:10.2136/vzj2006.0166
  • Vermeul V.R., M.D. Williams, B.G. Fritz, R.D. Mackley, D.P. Mendoza, D.R. Newcomer, and M.L. Rockhold, et al. 2007. Treatability Test Plan for 300 Area Uranium Stabilization through Polyphosphate Injection. PNNL-16571. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Treatability Test Plan for 300 Area Uranium Stabilization through Polyphosphate Injection
  • Williams B.A., C.F. Brown, W. Um, M.J. Nimmons, R.E. Peterson, B.N. Bjornstad, and D.C. Lanigan, et al. 2007. Limited Field Investigation Report for Uranium Contamination in the 300 Area, 300-FF-5 Operable Unit, Hanford Site, Washington. PNNL-16435. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Limited Field Investigation Report for Uranium Contamination in the 300 Area, 300-FF-5 Operable Unit, Hanford Site, Washington





  • Chen G., M.L. Rockhold, and K.A. Strevett. 2003. "Equilibrium and Kinetic Adsorption of Bacteria on Alluvial Sand and Surface Thermodynamic Interpretation." Research in Microbiology 154. PNNL-SA-39284.


  • Rockhold M.L., R.R. Yarwood, M.R. Niemet, P.J. Bottomley, and J.S. Selker. 2002. “Considerations for Modeling Bacterial-Induced Changes in Hydraulic Properties of Variably Saturated Porous Media.” Advances in Water Resources 25, no. 5:477-495. PNNL-SA-36850. Doi:10.1016/S0309-1708(02)00023-4
  • Yarwood R., M.L. Rockhold, M. Niemet, J.S. Selker, and P.J. Bottomley. 2002. “Noninvasive Quantitative Measurement of Bacterial Growth in Porous Media Under Unsaturated-Flow Conditions.” Applied and Environmental Microbiology 68, no. 7:3597-3605. PNNL-SA-36835.


  • Meyer P.D., G.W. Gee, and M.L. Rockhold. 1999. "Characterization of Soil Hydraulic Parameter Uncertainty." In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Characterization and Measurement of the Hydraulic Properties of Unsaturated Porous Media. Oct. 22-24, 1997, edited by M. Th. van Genuchten F. J. Leij and L. Wu, 1439-1451. Riverside, California: U.C. Riverside Press. PNNL-SA-31789.
  • Rockhold M.L., C.J. Murray, and M.J. Fayer. 1999. "Conditional simulation and upscaling of soil hydraulic properties." In Characterization and Measurement of the Hydraulic Properties of Unsaturated Porous Media, edited by M. Th. van Genuchten, F. J. Leij, and L. Wu, 2, 1391-1401. Riverside, California: University of California Press. PNNL-SA-31799.