Director of Federal Affairs
External Affairs
Director of Federal Affairs
External Affairs


Josh Shiode is currently Federal Affairs Director for the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), representing PNNL and its priorities to key federal stakeholders and bringing PNNL resources to bear on federal- and national-level issues. Prior to joining PNNL, Josh served as Director of Government Affairs for the Semiconductor Industry Association and Senior Government Relations Officer at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). During his time with AAAS, Josh led the Association’s work on the Golden Goose Award, which recognizes scientists whose silly, odd, or obscure-sounding federally funded basic research has led to significant impacts on society. Josh’s entrée into science and technology policy came as the 5th John N. Bahcall Public Policy Fellow of the American Astronomical Society. Josh holds a Ph.D. in astrophysics from UC Berkeley and a B.A. in physics and astronomy from Boston University.