Materials Scientist
Waste Form Development
Materials Scientist
Waste Form Development


Crum is a materials scientist in the Material Science Group at PNNL. Since joining PNNL in 1998, he has worked on glass, ceramic, and glass ceramic formulation, testing, and modeling. His work includes the development and use of empirical models to predict key processing properties of glass and glass ceramics. He also has considerable experience with synthesis and characterization of oxides and silicates. Areas of expertise are: glass and ceramic property measurements, and solids analysis by electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) and powder X-ray diffraction. Crum has authored over 30 journal articles, holds one patent, and is a member of the American Ceramic Society.

Research Interest

  • Glass and ceramic waste form development
  • Materials synthesis and characterization
  • X-ray diffraction including non-ambient
  • Electron microscopy analysis by EPMA, SEM/EDS, and EBSD


  • BS in Geology, University of Idaho (1995)

Affiliations and Professional Service

  • The American Ceramic Society

Awards and Recognitions

  • U.S. Department of Energy, Nuclear Energy Fuel Cycle R&D Excellence Award
  • One patent for high temperature glass seal


  • Kissinger R.M., S. Chong, B.J. Riley, and J.V. Crum. 2020. "Synthesis and crystal structure of a mixed alkaline-earth powellite, Ca0.84Sr0.16MoO4." Acta Crystallographica Section E: Crystallographic Communications E76, no. 2:121-124. PNNL-SA-150035. doi:10.1107/S2056989019017092
  • Neeway J.J., B. Parruzot, J.F. Bonnett, J. Reiser, S.N. Kerisit, J.V. Ryan, and J.V. Crum. 2020. "Acceleration of Glass Alteration Rates Induced by Zeolite Seeds at Controlled pH." Applied Geochemistry 113. PNNL-SA-148595. doi:10.1016/j.apgeochem.2019.104515
  • Strachan D.M., J.V. Crum, C.C. Bovaird, C.F. Windisch, M.R. Zumhoff, B. McIntosh, and X. Guo, et al. 2020. "Epsilon Metal: A Waste Form for Noble Metals from Used Nuclear Fuel." Journal of Nuclear Materials 532. PNNL-SA-147059. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2020.152040
  • Asmussen R.M., J.V. Ryan, J. Matyas, J.V. Crum, J. Reiser, N.M. Avalos, and E.M. McElroy, et al. 2019. "Investigating the Durability of Iodine Waste Forms in Dilute Conditions." Materials 12, no. 5:Article No. 686. PNNL-SA-140280. doi:10.3390/ma12050686
  • Crum, JV, S Chong, JA Peterson, and BJ Riley.  2019.  "Syntheses, crystal structures, and comparisons of rare-earth oxyapatites Ca2RE8(SiO4)6O2 (RE = La, Nd, Sm, Eu, or Yb) and NaLa9(SiO4)6O2."  Acta Crystallographica Section E 75(7):1020-25, doi:10.1107/S2056989019008442.
  • Gervasio V., J.V. Crum, B.J. Riley, J.D. Vienna, J.L. George, B.A. Stanfill, and A.A. Kruger. 2019. Liquidus Temperature: Assessing Standard Glasses for Furnace Calibration. PNNL-29312. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Liquidus Temperature: Assessing Standard Glasses for Furnace Calibration
  • Kroll J.O., J.V. Crum, B.J. Riley, J.J. Neeway, R.M. Asmussen, and M. Liezers. 2019. "Synthesis of Nd3BSi2O10 using a LiCl-flux method." Journal of Nuclear Materials 515. PNNL-SA-133296. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2018.12.016
  • McCloy J.S., B.J. Riley, J.V. Crum, J. Marcial, J.T. Reiser, K. Kruska, and J.A. Peterson, et al. 2019. "Crystallization Study of Rare Earth and Molybdenum Containing Nuclear Waste Glass Ceramics." Journal of the American Ceramic Society 102, no. 9:5149-5163. PNNL-SA-122002. doi:10.1111/jace.16406
  • Neeway J.J., R.M. Asmussen, E.M. McElroy, J.A. Peterson, B.J. Riley, and J.V. Crum. 2019. "Kinetics of Oxyapatite [Ca2Nd8(SiO4)6O2] and Powellite [(Ca,Sr,Ba)MoO4] Dissolution in Glass-Ceramic Nuclear Waste Forms in Acidic, Neutral, and Alkaline Conditions." Journal of Nuclear Materials 515. PNNL-SA-138113. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2018.12.043
  • Thompson M.R., B.J. Riley, M.E. Bowden, M.J. Olszta, D.J. Edwards, J.V. Crum, and B.R. Johnson, et al. 2019. "Crystal structure and chemistry of tricadmium digermanium tetraarsenide, Cd3Ge2As4." Acta Crystallographica. Section E: Structure Reports Online E75. PNNL-SA-144599. doi:10.1107/S2056989019010636
  • Edwards M.K., J. Matyas, and J.V. Crum. 2018. "Real-Time Monitoring of Crystal Accumulation in the High-Level Waste Glass Melters with Electrical Conductivity Method." International Journal of Applied Glass Science 9, no. 1:42-51. PNNL-SA-123930. doi:10.1111/ijag.12275
  • Jin T., J. Chun, D.R. Dixon, D. Kim, J.V. Crum, C.C. Bonham, and B.J. Vanderveer, et al. 2018. "Melter Feed Viscosity during Conversion to Glass: Comparison between Low-Activity Waste and High-Level Waste Feeds." Journal of the American Ceramic Society 101, no. 5:1880-1891. PNNL-SA-127329. doi:10.1111/jace.15352
  • Patil D.S., M. Konale, M. Gabel, O.K. Neill, J.V. Crum, A. Goel, and M.C. Stennett, et al. 2018. "Impact of rare earth ion size on the phase evolution of MoO3-containing aluminoborosilicate glass-ceramics." Journal of Nuclear Materials 510. PNNL-SA-137055. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2018.08.004
  • Peterson J.A., J.V. Crum, B.J. Riley, R.M. Asmussen, and J.J. Neeway. 2018. "Synthesis and characterization of oxyapatite [Ca2Nd8(SiO4)6O2] and mixed-alkaline-earth powellite [(Ca,Sr,Ba)MoO4] for a glass-ceramic waste form." Journal of Nuclear Materials 510. PNNL-SA-133874. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2018.08.048
  • Riley B.J., D.A. Pierce, J.V. Crum, B.D. Williams, M. Snyder, and J.A. Peterson. 2018. "Waste form evaluation for RECl3 and REOx fission products separated from used electrochemical salt." Progress in Nuclear Energy 104. PNNL-SA-124232. doi:10.1016/j.pnucene.2017.09.005
  • Riley B.J., J.V. Crum, W.C. Buchmiller, B.T. Rieck, M.J. Schweiger, and J.D. Vienna. 2018. "Laboratory-scale quartz crucible melter tests for vitrifying a high-MoO3 raffinate waste simulant." Progress in Nuclear Energy 110. PNNL-SA-128158. doi:10.1016/j.pnucene.2018.08.022
  • Riley B.J., P.R. Hrma, J.V. Crum, J.D. Vienna, M.J. Schweiger, C.P. Rodriguez, and J.A. Peterson. 2018. "Liquidus temperature in the spinel primary phase field: A comparison between optical and crystal fraction methods." Journal of Non-crystalline Solids 483. PNNL-SA-128799. doi:10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2017.11.033
  • Vienna J.D., and J.V. Crum. 2018. "Non-linear Effects of Alumina Concentration on Product Consistency Test Response of Waste Glasses." Journal of Nuclear Materials 511. PNNL-SA-135588. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2018.09.040
  • Riley B.J., J.D. Vienna, S.M. Frank, J.O. Kroll, J.A. Peterson, N.L. Canfield, and Z. Zhu, et al. 2017. "Glass Binder Development for a Glass-Bonded Sodalite Ceramic Waste Form." Journal of Nuclear Materials 489. PNNL-SA-123338. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2017.03.041
  • Rodriguez C.P., J. Chun, J.V. Crum, N.L. Canfield, E. Ronnebro, J.D. Vienna, and A.A. Kruger. 2017. "Thermal properties of simulated Hanford waste glasses." Journal of the American Ceramic Society 100, no. 6:2533-2542. PNNL-SA-115965. doi:10.1111/jace.14786
  • Vienna J.D., J.O. Kroll, P.R. Hrma, J.B. Lang, and J.V. Crum. 2017. "Submixture Model to Predict Nepheline Precipitation in Waste Glasses." International Journal of Applied Glass Science 8, no. 2:143-157. PNNL-SA-114489. doi:10.1111/ijag.12207
  • Marcial J., J.V. Crum, O. Neill, and J.S. Mccloy. 2016. "Nepheline Structural and Chemical Dependence on Melt Composition." The American Mineralogist 101, no. 2:266-276. PNNL-SA-109528. doi:10.2138/am-2016-5370
  • Piepel G.F., S.K. Cooley, J.D. Vienna, and J.V. Crum. 2016. "Designing a Mixture Experiment When the Components are Subject to a Nonlinear Multiple-Component Constraint." Quality Engineering 28, no. 2:220-230. PNNL-SA-107355. doi:10.1080/08982112.2015.1086003
  • Riley B.J., W.C. Lepry, and J.V. Crum. 2016. "Solution-Derived Sodalite Made with Si- and Ge-Ethoxide Precursors for Immobilizing electrorefiner salt." Journal of Nuclear Materials 468. PNNL-SA-112411. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2015.11.011
  • Serne R., J.V. Crum, B.J. Riley, and T.G. Levitskaia. 2016. Options for the Separation and Immobilization of Technetium. PNNL-25834;EMSP-RPT-029Rev0. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. doi:10.2172/1333455.Options for the Separation and Immobilization of Technetium
  • Wang Z., J. Liu, Y. Zhou, J.J. Neeway, D.K. Schreiber, J.V. Crum, and J.V. Ryan, et al. 2016. "Nanoscale Imaging of Li and B in Nuclear Waste Glass, a Comparison of ToF-SIMS, NanoSIMS and APT." Surface and Interface Analysis 48, no. 13:1392-1401. PNNL-SA-115059. doi:10.1002/sia.6049
  • Zhang W., D. Banerjee, J. Liu, H.T. Schaef, J.V. Crum, C.A. Fernandez, and R.K. Kukkadapu, et al. 2016. "Redox-Active Metal-Organic Composites for Highly Selective Oxygen Separation Applications." Advanced Materials 28, no. 18:3572-3577. PNNL-SA-112948. doi:10.1002/adma.201600259
  • Piepel G.F., S.K. Cooley, J.D. Vienna, and J.V. Crum. 2015. Experimental Design for Hanford Low-Activity Waste Glasses with High Waste Loading. PNNL-24391; EWG-RPT-006, Rev. 0. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Experimental Design for Hanford Low-Activity Waste Glasses with High Waste Loading
  • Xu K., P.R. Hrma, J.A. Rice, B.J. Riley, M.J. Schweiger, and J.V. Crum. 2015. "Melter Feed Reactions at T = 700°C for Nuclear Waste Vitrification." Journal of the American Ceramic Society 98, no. 10:3105-3111. PNNL-SA-102293. doi:10.1111/jace.13766
  • Crum J.V., V. Maio, J.S. McCloy, C. Scott, B.J. Riley, B. Benefiel, and J.D. Vienna, et al. 2014. "Cold Crucible Induction Melter Studies for Making Glass Ceramic Waste Forms: A Feasibility Assessment." Journal of Nuclear Materials 444, no. 1-3:481-492. PNNL-SA-95078. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2013.10.029
  • Hrma P.R., B.J. Riley, J.V. Crum, and J. Matyas. 2014. "The effect of high-level waste glass composition on spinel liquidus temperature." Journal of Non-crystalline Solids 384. PNNL-SA-91584. doi:10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2013.02.014
  • Nelson A.T., J.V. Crum, and M. Tang. 2014. "Thermophysical Properties of Multiphase Borosilicate Glass-Ceramic Waste Forms." Journal of the American Ceramic Society 97, no. 4:1177-1186. PNNL-SA-103833. doi:10.1111/jace.12792
  • Riley B.J., J.S. Mccloy, J.V. Crum, W.C. Lepry, C.P. Rodriguez, C.F. Windisch, and J. Matyas, et al. 2014. Alternative Electrochemical Salt Waste Forms, Summary of FY11-FY12 Results. PNNL-22034 Rev. 1. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Alternative Electrochemical Salt Waste Forms, Summary of FY11-FY12 Results
  • Riley B.J., M.J. Schweiger, D. Kim, W.W. Lukens, B.D. Williams, C. Iovin, and C.P. Rodriguez, et al. 2014. "Iodine Solubility in Low-Activity Waste Borosilicate Glass at 1000 °C." Journal of Nuclear Materials 452, no. 1-3:178-188. PNNL-SA-100866. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2014.04.027
  • Smith G.L., D. Kim, M.J. Schweiger, J.C. Marra, J.B. Lang, J.V. Crum, and C.L. Crawford, et al. 2014. Silicate Based Glass Formulations for Immobilization of U.S. Defense Wastes Using Cold Crucible Induction Melters. PNNL-23288; EMSP-RPT-021. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Silicate Based Glass Formulations for Immobilization of U.S. Defense Wastes Using Cold Crucible Induction Melters
  • Strachan D.M., J.V. Crum, J.V. Ryan, and A. Silvestri. 2014. "Characterization and modeling of the cemented sediment surrounding the Iulia Felix glass." Applied Geochemistry 41, no. 2014:107-114. PNNL-SA-96213. doi:10.1016/j.apgeochem.2013.12.003
  • Tang M., A. Kossoy, G.D. Jarvinen, J.V. Crum, L.A. Turo, B.J. Riley, and K. Brinkman, et al. 2014. "Radiation stability test on multiphase glass ceramic and crystalline ceramic waste forms." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 326. PNNL-SA-103808. doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2013.10.092
  • Brinkman K., K.M. Fox, K.M. Fox, J.C. Marra, J. Reppert, J.V. Crum, and M. Tang. 2013. "Single phase melt processed powellite (Ba,Ca)MoO4 for the immobilization of Mo-rich nuclear waste." Journal of Alloys and Compounds 551. PNNL-SA-94806. doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2012.09.049
  • Crum J.V., D.M. Strachan, A. Rohatgi, and M.R. Zumhoff. 2013. "Epsilon Metal Waste Form for Immobilization of Noble Metals from Used Nuclear Fuel." Journal of Nuclear Materials 441, no. 1-3:103-112. PNNL-SA-100524. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2013.05.043
  • Ding F., W. Xu, X. Chen, J. Zhang, M.H. Engelhard, Y. Zhang, and B.R. Johnson, et al. 2013. "Effects of Carbonate Solvents and Lithium Salts on Morphology and Coulombic Efficiency of Lithium Electrode." Journal of the Electrochemical Society 160, no. 10:A1894-A1901. PNNL-SA-96244. doi:10.1149/2.100310jes
  • Lepry W.C., B.J. Riley, J.V. Crum, C.P. Rodriguez, and D.A. Pierce. 2013. "Solution-based approaches for making high-density sodalite waste forms to immobilize spent electrochemical salts." Journal of Nuclear Materials 442, no. 1-3:350-359. PNNL-SA-94213. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2013.08.033
  • McCloy J.S., K.A. Korolev, J.V. Crum, and M.N. Afsar. 2013. "Millimeter-Wave Absorption as a Quality Control Tool for M-Type Hexaferrite Nanopowders." IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 49, no. 1:546-551. PNNL-SA-84631. doi:10.1109/TMAG.2012.2208651
  • Pierce E.M., S.N. Kerisit, E.J. Krogstad, S.D. Burton, B.N. Bjornstad, V.L. Freedman, and K.J. Cantrell, et al. 2013. Integrated Disposal Facility FY 2012 Glass Testing Summary Report. PNNL-21812 Rev. 1. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Integrated Disposal Facility FY 2012 Glass Testing Summary Report
  • Pokorny R., J.A. Rice, J.V. Crum, M.J. Schweiger, and P.R. Hrma. 2013. "Kinetic model for quartz and spinel dissolution during melting of high-level-waste glass batch." Journal of Nuclear Materials 443, no. 1-3:230-235. PNNL-SA-95930. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2013.07.039
  • Snyder M., E.C. Golovich, D.M. Wellman, J.V. Crum, R. Lapierre, D.C. Dage, and K.E. Parker, et al. 2013. Radionuclide Retention in Concrete Wasteforms - FY13. PNNL-22880. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Radionuclide Retention in Concrete Wasteforms - FY13
  • Crum J.V., C.P. Rodriguez, J.S. McCloy, J.D. Vienna, and C. Chung. 2012. Glass Ceramic Formulation Data Package. PNNL-21471. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Glass Ceramic Formulation Data Package
  • Crum J.V., D.M. Strachan, and M.R. Zumhoff. 2012. Initial Evaluation of Processing Methods for an Epsilon Metal Waste Form. PNNL-21350. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Initial Evaluation of Processing Methods for an Epsilon Metal Waste Form
  • Crum J.V., L.A. Turo, B.J. Riley, M. Tang, and A. Kossoy. 2012. "Multi-phase glass-ceramics as a waste form for combined fission products: alkalis, alkaline earths, lanthanides, and transition metals." Journal of the American Ceramic Society 95, no. 4:1297-1303. PNNL-SA-82525. doi:10.1111/j.1551-2916.2012.05089.x
  • Crum J.V., T.B. Edwards, R.L. Russell, P.J. Workman, M.J. Schweiger, R.F. Schumacher, and D.E. Smith, et al. 2012. "DWPF STARTUP FRIT VISCOSITY MEASUREMENT ROUND ROBIN RESULTS." Journal of the American Ceramic Society 95, no. 7:2196-2205. PNNL-SA-78315.
  • Riley B.J., B.R. Johnson, J.V. Crum, and M.R. Thompson. 2012. "Tricadmium Digermanium Tetraarsenide: a New Crystalline Phase Made with a Double-Containment Ampoule Method." Journal of the American Ceramic Society 95, no. 7:2161-2168. PNNL-SA-82633.
  • Riley B.J., B.T. Rieck, J.S. McCloy, J.V. Crum, S.K. Sundaram, and J.D. Vienna. 2012. "Tellurite glass as a waste form for a simulated mixed chloride waste stream: Candidate materials selection and initial testing." Journal of Nuclear Materials 424, no. 1-3:29-37. PNNL-SA-77804. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2012.01.024
  • Riley B.J., J.V. Crum, J. Matyas, J.S. McCloy, and W.C. Lepry. 2012. "Solution-Derived, Chloride-Containing Minerals as a Waste Form for Alkali Chlorides." Journal of the American Ceramic Society 95, no. 10:3115-3123. PNNL-SA-86321. doi:10.1111/j.1551-2916.2012.05363.x
  • Riley B.J., P.R. Hrma, J.D. Vienna, M.J. Schweiger, C.P. Rodriguez, J.V. Crum, and J.B. Lang, et al. 2012. "The liquidus temperature of nuclear waste glasses: an international Round-Robin Study." International Journal of Applied Glass Science 2, no. 4:321-333. PNNL-SA-80149. doi:10.1111/j.2041-1294.2011.00063.x
  • Sundaram S.K., J.S. McCloy, B.J. Riley, M.K. Murphy, H. Qiao, C.F. Windisch, and E.D. Walter, et al. 2012. "Gamma Radiation Effects on Physical, Optical, and Structural Properties of Binary As-S glasses." Journal of the American Ceramic Society 95, no. 3:1048-1055. PNNL-SA-78558. doi:10.1111/j.1551-2916.2011.04938.x
  • Vienna J.D., J.V. Crum, G.J. Sevigny, and G.L. Smith. 2012. Preliminary Technology Maturation Plan for Immobilization of High-Level Waste in Glass Ceramics. PNNL-21714. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Preliminary Technology Maturation Plan for Immobilization of High-Level Waste in Glass Ceramics
  • Crum J.V., B.J. Riley, L.A. Turo, M. Tang, and A. Kossoy. 2011. Summary Report: Glass-Ceramic Waste Forms for Combined Fission Products. PNNL-20749. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Summary Report: Glass-Ceramic Waste Forms for Combined Fission Products
  • Kim D., M.J. Schweiger, C.P. Rodriguez, W.C. Lepry, J.B. Lang, J.V. Crum, and J.D. Vienna, et al. 2011. Formulation and Characterization of Waste Glasses with Varying Processing Temperature. PNNL-20774. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Formulation and Characterization of Waste Glasses with Varying Processing Temperature
  • McCloy J.S., J.V. Crum, S.K. Sundaram, R.W. Slaugh, and P.P. Woskov. 2011. "High temperature millimeter wave radiometric and interferometric measurements of slag-refractory interaction for application to coal gasifiers." Journal of Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves 32, no. 11:1337-1349. PNNL-SA-77184. doi:10.1007/s10762-011-9823-4
  • McCloy J.S., R.K. Kukkadapu, J.V. Crum, B.R. Johnson, and T.C. Droubay. 2011. "Size Effects on Gamma Radiation Response of Magnetic Properties of Barium Hexaferrite Powders." Journal of Applied Physics 110, no. 11:Article No. 113912. PNNL-SA-80909. doi:10.1063/1.3665769
  • Riley B.J., J.S. McCloy, J.V. Crum, C.P. Rodriguez, C.F. Windisch, W.C. Lepry, and J. Matyas, et al. 2011. Alternative Electrochemical Salt Waste Forms, Summary of FY/CY2011 Results. PNNL-21016. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Alternative Electrochemical Salt Waste Forms, Summary of FY/CY2011 Results
  • Riley B.J., J.V. Crum, J.S. McCloy, and J. Matyas. 2011. "Advanced Electrochemical Waste Forms." In Separations and Waste Forms FY 2011 Accomplishments Report: Separations and Waste Forms Research and Development. 120-122. Idaho Falls, Idaho:Idaho National Laboratory. PNNL-20834; INL/EXT-11-24155 Rev 0.
  • Rodriguez C.P., J.S. McCloy, M.J. Schweiger, J.V. Crum, and A.E. Winschell. 2011. Optical Basicity and Nepheline Crystallization in High Alumina Glasses. PNNL-20184; EMSP-RPT-003. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Optical Basicity and Nepheline Crystallization in High Alumina Glasses
  • Schweiger M.J., B.J. Riley, J.V. Crum, P.R. Hrma, C.P. Rodriguez, B.M. Arrigoni, and J.B. Lang, et al. 2011. Expanded High-Level Waste Glass Property Data Development: Phase I. PNNL-17950. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Expanded High-Level Waste Glass Property Data Development: Phase I
  • Strachan D.M., J.V. Crum, M.R. Zumhoff, C.C. Bovaird, C.F. Windisch, and B.J. Riley. 2011. Epsilon Metal Summary Report FY 2011. PNNL-20975. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Epsilon Metal Summary Report FY 2011
  • Crum J.V., L.A. Turo, B.J. Riley, M. Tang, A. Kossoy, and K.E. Sickafus. 2010. Glass Ceramic Waste Forms for Combined CS+LN+TM Fission Products Waste Streams. PNNL-19780. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Glass Ceramic Waste Forms for Combined CS+LN+TM Fission Products Waste Streams
  • Marra J.C., A.Y. Billings, J.V. Crum, J.V. Ryan, and J.D. Vienna. 2010. "DEVELOPMENT OF GLASS COMPOSITIONS TO IMMOBILIZE ALKALI, ALKALINE EARTH, LANTHANIDE AND TRANSITION METAL FISSION PRODUCTS FROM NUCLEAR FUEL REPROCESSING." In Ceramics for Environmental and Energy Applications: Ceramic Transactions, edited by A. Boccaccini, et al, 217, 3-10. Hoboken, New Jersey:John Wiley & Sons, Inc. PNNL-SA-85377. doi:10.1002/9780470909874.ch1
  • Matyas J., J.D. Vienna, M.J. Schaible, C.P. Rodriguez, J.V. Crum, A.L. Arrigoni, and R.M. Tate. 2010. Development of Crystal-Tolerant High-Level Waste Glasses. PNNL-20072. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Development of Crystal-Tolerant High-Level Waste Glasses
  • McCloy J.S., B.J. Riley, S.K. Sundaram, H. Qiao, J.V. Crum, and B.R. Johnson. 2010. "Structure-Optical Property Correlations of Arsenic Sulfide Glasses in Visible, Infrared, and Sub-millimeter Regions." Journal of Non-crystalline Solids 356, no. 25-27:1288-1293. PNNL-SA-68840.
  • Riley B.J., B.T. Rieck, J.V. Crum, J. Matyas, J.S. McCloy, S.K. Sundaram, and J.D. Vienna. 2010. Alternative Electrochemical Salt Waste Forms, Summary of FY2010 Results. PNNL-19690. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Alternative Electrochemical Salt Waste Forms, Summary of FY2010 Results
  • Strachan D.M., J.V. Crum, E.C. Buck, B.J. Riley, and M.R. Zumhoff. 2010. Fiscal Year 2010 Summary Report on the Epsilon-Metal Phase as a Waste Form for 99 Tc. PNNL-19828. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Fiscal Year 2010 Summary Report on the Epsilon-Metal Phase as a Waste Form for 99 Tc
  • Wells B.E., R.L. Russell, L.A. Mahoney, G.N. Brown, D.E. Rinehart, W.C. Buchmiller, and E.C. Golovich, et al. 2010. Hanford Sludge Simulant Selection for Soil Mechanics Property Measurement. PNNL-19250. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Hanford Sludge Simulant Selection for Soil Mechanics Property Measurement
  • Crum J.V., A.Y. Billings, J.B. Lang, J.C. Marra, C.P. Rodriguez, J.V. Ryan, and J.D. Vienna. 2009. Baseline Glass Development for Combined Fission Products Waste Streams. PNNL-18524. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Baseline Glass Development for Combined Fission Products Waste Streams
  • Crum J.V., B.J. Riley, and J.D. Vienna. 2009. "Binary Phase Diagram of the Manganese Oxide-Iron Oxide System." Journal of the American Ceramic Society 92, no. 10:2378-2384. PNNL-SA-50830. doi:10.1111/j.1551-2916.2009.03230.x
  • Crum J.V., S.K. Sundaram, B.J. Riley, J. Matyas, S.A. Arreguin, and J.D. Vienna. 2009. Alternative Waste Forms for Electro-Chemical Salt Waste. PNNL-18930. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Alternative Waste Forms for Electro-Chemical Salt Waste
  • Johnson B.R., B.J. Riley, J.V. Crum, J.V. Ryan, S.K. Sundaram, J.S. McCloy, and A. Rockett. 2009. FY08 Annual Report: Amorphous Semiconductors for Gamma Radiation Detection (ASGRAD). PNNL-22277. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. FY08 Annual Report: Amorphous Semiconductors for Gamma Radiation Detection (ASGRAD)
  • Johnson B.R., B.J. Riley, S.K. Sundaram, J.V. Crum, C.H. Henager, Y. Zhang, and V. Shutthanandan, et al. 2009. "Synthesis and Characterization of Bulk Vitreous Cadmium Germanium Arsenide." Journal of the American Ceramic Society 92, no. 6:1236-1243. PNNL-SA-60889. doi:10.1111/j.1551-2916.2009.03001.x
  • Johnson B.R., J.V. Crum, S.K. Sundaram, R.M. Van Ginhoven, C.E. Seifert, B.J. Riley, and J.V. Ryan. 2009. "DC Ionization Conductivity of Amorphous Semiconductors for Radiation Detection Applications." IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 56, no. 3, PT. 2:863-868. PNNL-SA-61380.
  • Riley B.J., J.V. Crum, W.C. Buchmiller, B.T. Rieck, M.J. Schweiger, and J.D. Vienna. 2009. Initial Laboratory-Scale Melter Test Results for Combined Fission Product Waste. PNNL-18781. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Initial Laboratory-Scale Melter Test Results for Combined Fission Product Waste
  • Russell R.L., R.A. Peterson, D.E. Rinehart, and J.V. Crum. 2009. Laboratory Tests on Post-Filtration Precipitation in the WTP Pretreatment Process. PNNL-18876; WTP-RPT-205 Rev 0. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Laboratory Tests on Post-Filtration Precipitation in the WTP Pretreatment Process
  • Shimskey R.W., J.M. Billing, E.C. Buck, A.J. Casella, J.V. Crum, R.C. Daniel, and K.E. Draper, et al. 2009. Filtration and Leach Testing for PUREX Cladding Sludge and REDOX Cladding Sludge Actual Waste Sample Composites. PNNL-18048. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Filtration and Leach Testing for PUREX Cladding Sludge and REDOX Cladding Sludge Actual Waste Sample Composites
  • Snow L.A., E.C. Buck, A.J. Casella, J.V. Crum, R.C. Daniel, K.E. Draper, and M.K. Edwards, et al. 2009. Characterization and Leach Testing for PUREX Cladding Waste Sludge (Group 3) and REDOX Cladding Waste Sludge (Group 4) Actual Waste Sample Composites. PNNL-18054. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Characterization and Leach Testing for PUREX Cladding Waste Sludge (Group 3) and REDOX Cladding Waste Sludge (Group 4) Actual Waste Sample Composites
  • Johnson B.R., B.J. Riley, J.V. Crum, S.K. Sundaram, C.H. Henager, C.E. Seifert, and R.M. Van Ginhoven, et al. 2008. ASGRAD FY07 Annual Report. PNNL-17514. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. ASGRAD FY07 Annual Report
  • Mattigod S.V., D.M. Wellman, K.E. Parker, E.A. Cordova, K.M. Gunderson, S.R. Baum, and J.V. Crum, et al. 2008. Preparation and Characterization of Chemical Plugs Based on Selected Hanford Waste Simulants. PNNL-17758. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Preparation and Characterization of Chemical Plugs Based on Selected Hanford Waste Simulants
  • Pilli S., K.I. Johnson, R.E. Williford, S.K. Sundaram, V.N. Korolev, and J.V. Crum. 2008. "Modeling of Time Varying Slag Flow in Coal Gasifiers." In Proceedings of the 25th Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, 3, 1702-1711. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania:University of Pittsburgh. PNNL-SA-61862.
  • Canfield N.L., J.V. Crum, J. Matyas, A. Bandyopadhyay, K.S. Weil, L.R. Pederson, and J.S. Hardy. 2007. "Sintering of Mixed-Conducting Composites for Hydrogen Membranes From Nanoscale Co-Synthesized Powders." In Processing and manufacturing of advanced materials international conference; THERMEC 2006, Jul 5th, 2006, Vancouver, Canada. Materials Science Forum, 539-543, 1413-1420. Zurich:Trans Tech Publications. PNNL-SA-48245.
  • Hardy J.S., E.C. Thomsen, N.L. Canfield, J.V. Crum, K.S. Weil, and L.R. Pederson. 2007. "Development of Passive Hydrogen Separation Membranes made from Co-Synthesized Nanoscale Cermet Powders." International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 32. PNNL-SA-48968. doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2006.08.016
  • Hardy J.S., N.L. Canfield, J.V. Crum, A. Bandyopadhyay, K.S. Weil, and L.R. Pederson. 2007. "Co-synthesis of Mixed Conducting Composites for Hydrogen Separation: Compositional Considerations." In Materials in Clean Power Systems: Applications, Corrosion, and Protection: 2006 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition, edited by ZG Yang, KS Weil and MP Brady, 3-14. Warrendale, Pennsylvania:TMS. PNNL-SA-47483.
  • Johnson B.R., B.J. Riley, J.V. Crum, S.K. Sundaram, C.H. Henager, Y. Zhang, and V. Shutthanandan. 2007. FY06 Annual Report: Amorphous Semiconductors for Gamma Radiation Detection (ASGRAD). PNNL-16429. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. FY06 Annual Report: Amorphous Semiconductors for Gamma Radiation Detection (ASGRAD)
  • Sundaram S.K., K.I. Johnson, R.E. Williford, S. Pilli, J. Matyas, A. Fluegel, and S.K. Cooley, et al. 2007. "Slag-Refractory Interaction in Coal Gasifiers." In Twenty-Fourth Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, 168. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania:Pittsburgh Coal Conference. PNNL-SA-56592.
  • Hanni J., E.D. Pressly, J.V. Crum, K.B. Minister, D.N. Tran, P.R. Hrma, and J.D. Vienna. 2005. "Liquidus Temperature Measurements for Modeling Oxide Glass Systems Relevant to Nuclear Waste Vitrification." Journal of Materials Science 20, no. 12:3346-3357. PNNL-SA-44260. doi:10.1557/JMR.2005.0424
  • Hrma P.R., J.V. Crum, D.J. Bates, P. Bredt, L.R. Greenwood, and H.D. Smith. 2005. "Vitrification and testing of a Hanford high-level waste sample. Part 1: Glass fabrication, and chemical and radiochemical analysis." Journal of Nuclear Materials 345, no. 1:19-30. PNWD-SA-6931. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2005.03.026
  • Hrma P.R., J.V. Crum, P. Bredt, L.R. Greenwood, and H.D. Smith. 2005. "Vitrification and testing of a Hanford high-level waste sample, Part 2: Phase identification and waste form leachability." Journal of Nuclear Materials 345, no. 1:31-40. PNWD-SA-6932.
  • Kim D., C.Z. Soderquist, J.P. Icenhower, B.P. McGrail, R.D. Scheele, B.K. McNamara, and L.M. Bagaasen, et al. 2005. Tc Reductant Chemistry and Crucible Melting Studies with Simulated Hanford Low-Activity Waste. PNNL-15131. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Tc Reductant Chemistry and Crucible Melting Studies with Simulated Hanford Low-Activity Waste
  • Pierce E.M., B.P. McGrail, L.M. Bagaasen, E.A. Rodriguez, D.M. Wellman, K.N. Geiszler, and S.R. Baum, et al. 2005. Laboratory Testing of Bulk Vitrified Low-Activity Waste Forms to Support the 2005 Integrated Disposal Facility Performance Assessment. PNNL-15126 Rev. 1. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Laboratory Testing of Bulk Vitrified Low-Activity Waste Forms to Support the 2005 Integrated Disposal Facility Performance Assessment
  • Pierce E.M., B.P. McGrail, L.M. Bagaasen, E.A. Rodriguez, D.M. Wellman, K.N. Geiszler, and S.R. Baum, et al. 2005. Laboratory Testing of Bulk Vitrified Low-Activity Waste Forms to Support the 2005 Integrated Disposal Facility Performance Assessment. PNNL-15126. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Laboratory Testing of Bulk Vitrified Low-Activity Waste Forms to Support the 2005 Integrated Disposal Facility Performance Assessment
  • Vienna J.D., T.B. Edwards, J.V. Crum, D. Kim, and D.K. Peeler. 2005. "LIQUIDUS TEMPERATURE AND ONE PERCENT CRYSTAL CONTENT MODELS FOR INITIAL HANFORD HLW GLASSES." In Environmental Issues and Waste Management Technologies in the Ceramic and Nuclear Industries X, (also referenced as Ceramic Transactions Vol. 168), 10, 133-140. Westerville, Ohio:American Ceramic Society. PNWD-SA-6609.
  • Vienna J.D., D. Kim, M.J. Schweiger, P.R. Hrma, J. Matyas, J.V. Crum, and D.E. Smith. 2004. "Preliminary Glass Development and Testing for In-Container Vitrification of Hanford Low-Activity Waste." In Ceramic Transactions, 155, 261-268. Westerville, Ohio:American Ceramic Society. PNNL-SA-40271.
  • Kim D., J.D. Vienna, P.R. Hrma, M.J. Schweiger, J. Matyas, J.V. Crum, and D.E. Smith, et al. 2003. Development and Testing of ICV Glasses for Hanford LAW. PNNL-14351. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Development and Testing of ICV Glasses for Hanford LAW
  • Kukkadapu R.K., H. Li, G.L. Smith, J.V. Crum, J. Jeoung, W. Poisl, and M.C. Weinberg. 2003. "Mossbauer and Optical Spectroscopic Study of Temperature and Redox Effects on Iron Local Environments in a Fe-Doped (0.5 mol% Fe2O3) 18Na(2)O-72SiO(2) Glass." Journal of Non-crystalline Solids 317, no. 3:301-318. PNNL-SA-36181.
  • Willwater T.M., J.V. Crum, S.M. Goodwin, and S.K. Sundaram. 2003. "RUTHENIUM - SPINEL INTERACTION IN A MODEL HIGH-LEVEL WASTE (HLW) GLASS." In Environmental Issues and Waste Management Technologies in the Ceramic and Nuclear Industries VIII, 143, 141-148. Westerville, Ohio:American Ceramic Society. PNNL-SA-37689.
  • Vienna J.D., W.C. Buchmiller, J.V. Crum, D.D. Graham, D. Kim, B.D. Macisaac, and M.J. Schweiger, et al. 2002. Glass Formulation Development for INEEL Sodium-Bearing Waste. PNNL-14050. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Glass Formulation Development for INEEL Sodium-Bearing Waste
  • Crum J.V., J.D. Vienna, D.K. Peeler, and I.A. Reamer. 2001. Formulation Efforts for Direct Vitrification of INEEL Blend Calcine Waste Simulate: Fiscal Year 2000. PNNL-13483. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Formulation Efforts for Direct Vitrification of INEEL Blend Calcine Waste Simulate: Fiscal Year 2000
  • Vienna J.D., P.R. Hrma, J.V. Crum, and M. Mika. 2001. "LIQUIDUS TEMPERATURE-COMPOSITION MODEL FOR MULTI-COMPONENT GLASSES IN THE Fe, Cr, Ni, AND Mn SPINEL PRIMARY PHASE FIELD." Journal of Non-crystalline Solids 292, no. 1-3:1-24. PNNL-SA-34269.
  • Hrma P.R., J.D. Vienna, J.V. Crum, G.F. Piepel, and M. Mika. 2000. "Liquidus Temperature of High-Level Waste Borosilicate Glasses with Spinel Primary Phase." In Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management XXIII, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, edited by Robert W. Smith; David W. Shoesmith, 608, 671-676. Warrendale, Pennsylvania:Materials Research Society. PNNL-SA-32484.
  • Peeler D.K., T.B. Edwards, I.A. Reamer, J.D. Vienna, D.E. Smith, M.J. Schweiger, and B.J. Riley, et al. 2000. "Composition/Property Relationships for the Phase I Am/Cm Glass Variability Study." In Environmental Issues and Waste Management Technologies in the Ceramic and Nuclear Industries V, Americam Ceramic Society Conf., Ceramic Transactions, 107, 427-439. Westerville, Ohio:Americam Ceramic Society. PNWD-SA-4651.
  • Vienna J.D., T.J. Plaisted, R.L. Plaisted, J.V. Crum, D.K. Peeler, and I.A. Reamer. 2000. "Glass Formulation for Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory Zirconia High-Activity Waste." In Environmental Issues and Waste Mangement Technologies in the Ceramic and Nuclear Industries V, Ceramic Transactions, 107, 451-459. Westerville, Ohio:American Ceramic Society. PNNL-SA-31726.
  • Hrma P.R., J.D. Vienna, M. Mika, J.V. Crum, and G.F. Piepel. 1999. Liquidus Temperature Data for DWPF Glass. PNNL-11790. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Liquidus Temperature Data for DWPF Glass