

Dr. Daria Boglaienko (PhD in environmental engineering) is a chemist at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) supporting the Energy and Environment Directorate. She has experience in X-ray absorption spectroscopy, synthesis and characterization of bismuth-based materials and zero-valent iron for uptake and sequestration of radioactive contaminants, characterization of fission products, decontamination of steel surfaces with removable coatings, radionuclide wet chemistry and separations, data acquisition with lab-scale X-ray absorption and emission spectrometers, and chemical speciation modeling.

Prior to joining PNNL, Boglaienko conducted research on sequestration of radioactive contaminants (Tc-99) from aqueous waste streams with zero-valent iron at Florida International University, where she received her master’s and doctorate degrees and was employed at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Applied Research Center. Her research experience also includes interfacial science in relation to capture of oil spills with granular materials and agroecology with geographic information system mapping and soil characterization. Boglaienko is a certified engineer in training in environmental engineering through the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying. For real-time publication updates, visit Boglaienko’s ORCID profile.

Research Interest

  • X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy
  • Radiochemistry

Disciplines and Skills

  • Radiochemistry
  • Wet Chemistry
  • X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy


  • PhD in Environmental/Civil Engineering, Florida International University
  • MS in Environmental Studies, Florida International University
  • MS in Environmental Protection, National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” (Ukraine)
  • BS in Ecology, National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” (Ukraine)

Affiliations and Professional Service

  • American Association for the Advancement of Science

Awards and Recognitions

  • Safeguards Fellowship, PNNL (20192020)
  • Outstanding Doctoral Award in Civil Engineering, FIU (2017) 
  • Worlds Ahead Graduate Award, Doctorate Program, FIU (2017) 
  • Dissertation Year Fellowship, FIU (20162017) 
  • Scholar of Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (20152017)
  • Outstanding Academic Achievement Award, MS in Environmental Studies, FIU (2014)



  • Boamah M.D., C.I. Pearce, D. Boglaienko, P. Chen, Z. Wang, X. Zhang, and K.M. Rosso. 2024. "Laser-Induced Photoreduction of Iron (III) Oxide Nanoparticles Enhanced by the Presence of Organic Chromophores." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 128, no. 12:5215-5227. PNNL-SA-188440. doi:10.1021/acs.jpcc.4c00154
  • Nambafu G.S., A.M. Hollas, S. Zhang, P.S. Rice, D. Boglaienko, J.L. Fulton, and M. Li, et al. 2024. "Phosphonate-based iron complex for a cost-effective and long cycling aqueous iron redox flow battery." Nature Communications 15. PNNL-SA-191088. doi:10.1038/s41467-024-45862-3


  • Katsenovich Y., A.A. Maria, J. Williams, S. Kandel, D. Boglaienko, H.P. Emerson, and T.G. Levitskaia. 2023. "Reductive Removal of Pertechnetate and Chromate by Zero Valent Iron under Variable Ionic Strength Conditions." Journal of Hazardous Materials 445. PNNL-SA-174414. doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2022.130546
  • Saslow S.A., E. Cordova, N.M. Escobedo Avalos, O. Qafoku, M.E. Bowden, C.T. Resch, and N. Lahiri, et al. 2023. "Accumulation mechanisms for contaminants on weak-base hybrid ion exchange resins." Journal of Hazardous Materials 459. PNNL-SA-167020. doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2023.132165
  • Saslow S.A., T.G. Levitskaia, E. Cordova, N.M. Avalos, D. Boglaienko, Y. Fang, and X. Song, et al. 2023. "Part I: Predicting Performance of Purolite A532E Resins for Remediation of Comingled Contaminants in Groundwater." Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 11, no. 3:Art. No. 109618. PNNL-SA-178092. doi:10.1016/j.jece.2023.109618
  • Saslow S.A., T.G. Levitskaia, E. Cordova, N.M. Avalos, D. Boglaienko, Y. Fang, and X. Song, et al. 2023. "Part II: Predicting Performance of DOWEX 21K Resin for Remediation of Comingled Contaminants in Groundwater." Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 11, no. 3:Art. No. 109620. PNNL-SA-178093. doi:10.1016/j.jece.2023.109620


  • Lee, E. H., D. Boglaienko, B. K. McNamara, and T. G. Levitskaia. 2022. “Removable coatings: Thermal stability and decontamination of steel surfaces from 241Am.Chemosphere 301: 134680.
  • Boglaienko, D., A. Andersen, S. M. Heald, T. Varga, D. R. Mortensen, S. Tetef, G. T. Seidler, N. Govind, and T. G. Levitskaia. 2022. “X-ray absorption spectroscopy of trivalent Eu, Gd, Tb, and Dy chlorides and oxychlorides.Journal of Alloys and Compounds 897: 162629.
  • Kandel, S., Y. P. Katsenovich, D. Boglaienko, H. P. Emerson, and T. G. Levitskaia. 2022. “Time dependent zero valent iron oxidation and the reductive removal of pertechnetate at variable pH.Journal of Hazardous Materials 424: 127400.


  • Boglaienko, D., O. Qafoku, R. K. Kukkadapu, L. Kovarik, Y. Katsenovich, D. E. Cherkasov, H. E. Emerson, and T. G. Levitskaia. 2021. “Elemental Iron: Reduction of Pertechnetate in Presence of Silica and Periodicity of Precipitated Nano-structures.” Environmental Science: Nano 8: 97–109. Featured on cover.


  • Boglaienko, D., J. A. Soltis, R. K. Kukkadapu, Y. Du, L. E. Sweet, V. E. Holfeltz, G. B. Hall, E. C. Buck, C. U. Segre, H. P. Emerson, Y. Katsenovich, and T. G. Levitskaia.  2020. “Spontaneous redox continuum reveals sequestered technetium clusters and retarded mineral transformation of iron.” Communications Chemistry 3 (87). 
  • Campbell, E. L., A. M. Rovira, F. Cintron Colon, D. Boglaienko, T. G. Levitskaia, and R. A. Peterson. 2020. “Elemental Characterization of Crystalline Silicotitanate Following Hanford Tank Waste Processing.” Separation Science and Technology: 1–9. 
  • Levitskaia, T. G., E. L. Campbell, G. B. Hall, S. D. Chatterjee, D. Boglaienko, D. D. Reilly, and M. A. Carlson. 2020. “Characterization of spent Purolite A530E resin with implications for long-term radioactive contaminant removal.” Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering: 104155. 
  • Hall, G. B., V. E. Holfeltz, E. L. Campbell, D. Boglaienko, G. J. Lumetta, and T. G. Levitskaia. 2020. “Evolution of Acid-Dependent Am3+ and Eu3+ Organic Coordination Environment: Effects on the Extraction Efficiency.” Inorganic Chemistry 59 (7): 4453–4467. 
  • Emerson, H. P., A. Gebru, D. Boglaienko, Y. P. Katsenovich, S. Kandel, and T. G. Levitskaia. 2020. “Impact of zero valent iron aging on reductive removal of technetium-99.” Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 8 (3): 103767. 


  • Boglaienko, D. and T. G. Levitskaia. 2019. “The abiotic reductive removal and subsequent incorporation of Tc(IV) into iron oxides: a frontier review.” Environmental Science: Nano 6 (12): 3492–3500.
  • Boglaienko, D., H. P. Emerson, Y. Katsenovich, and T. G. Levitskaia. 2019. “Comparative analysis of ZVI materials for reductive separation of 99Tc(VII) from aqueous waste streams.” Journal of Hazardous Materials 380: 120836.
  • Tansel, B. and D. Boglaienko. 2019. “Characterization of aggregation and declustering tendency of hydrophobic fine particles in water.” Granular Matter 21: 34. 


  • Boglaienko, D. and B. Tansel. 2018. “Classification of oil-particle interactions in aqueous environment: Aggregate types depending on state of oil and particle characteristics.” Marine Pollution Bulletin 133: 693–700. 
  • Tansel, B and D. Boglaienko. 2018. “Viscous effects on the interaction of granular particles with floating oils in water.” Science of The Total Environment 628–629: 835–839


  • Boglaienko, D. and B. Tansel. 2017. “Submergence patterns of floating crude oil by granular particles.” Chemical Engineering Journal 314: 548–553. 
  • Boglaienko, Dand B. Tansel. 2017. “Wicking of light hydrophobic liquid phase from water by pulverized rubber: theoretical and experimental analyses.” Journal of Hazardous Materials 325: 189–197. 
  • Boglaienko, D. and B. Tansel. 2017. “Preferential positioning and phase exposure of granular particles at hydrophobic liquid-water interface.” Journal of Cleaner Production 142: 2629–2636. 
  • Tansel B. and D. Boglaienko. 2017. “Self-assembly, mobilization, and flotation of crude oil contaminated sand particles as granular shells on gas bubbles in water.” Science of The Total Environment 574: 437–442.


  • Boglaienko, D. and B. Tansel. 2016. “Partitioning of fresh crude oil between floating, dispersed and sediment phases: Effect of exposure order to dispersant and granular materials.” Journal of Environmental Management 175: 40–45. 
  • Boglaienko, D. and B. Tansel. 2016. “Gravity induced densification of floating crude oil by granular materials: effect of particle size and surface morphology.” Science of the Total Environment 556: 146–153. 
  • Boglaienko, D. and B. Tansel. 2016. “Encapsulation of light hydrophobic liquids with fine quartz sand: property based characterization and stability in aqueous media with different salinities.” Chemical Engineering Science 145: 90–96. 
  • Boglaienko D., B. Tansel, and M. C. Sukop. 2016. “Granular encapsulation of light hydrophobic liquids (LHL) in LHL-salt water systems: particle induced densification with quartz sand.” Chemosphere 144: 1358–1364. 


  • Boglaienko D. and B. Tansel. 2015. “Instantaneous stabilization of floating crude oils by surface application of natural granular materials (beach sand and limestone).” Marine Pollution Bulletin 91 (1): 107–112. 


  • Boglaienko D., P. Soti, K. G. Shetty, and K. Jayachandran. 2014. “Buckwheat as a cover crop in Florida: mycorrhizal status and soil analysis.” Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 38 (9): 1033–1046.