Data Scientist
Data Scientist


Brett Simpson is a data scientist who came to Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) in 2018. Prior to joining PNNL, he worked at several Hanford Site prime contractors as a chemical engineer and data analyst on Hanford tank waste characterization and effluent treatment at the Fukushima site. Simpson has over 25 years of engineering, data analysis, and quantitative modeling experience.

His projects supporting the Applied Data Analytics and Visualization group include Monte Carlo risk modeling and analysis for the U.S. High Performance Research Reactor Conversion program for the National Nuclear Security Administration; design, testing, and deployment of scalable, Tableau-based data analytics for Washington River Protection Solutions’ Industrial Hygiene team supporting the Hanford Tank Farm Vapors Program; and he leads technical development of Temporary Emergency Exposure Limits for the National Nuclear Security Administration’s Office of Emergency Policy. He also leads the program management of the PHOENIX portfolio of self-serve data access and visualization tools for Department of Energy’s, Richland Operations Office and Office of River Protection.

Disciplines and Skills

  • Chemical process engineering 

  • Data science 

  • Data visualization 

  • Project management skills 

  • Project portfolio management 

  • Radioactive waste management 

  • Risk informed decision analysis 

  • Radioactive waste characterization 


  • MS, predictive analytics, Northwestern University  

  • BS, chemical engineering, University of North Dakota 


Preston, J. D., D. A. Preston, T. M. Vance, B. C. Simpson, P. A. Madakson, and W. R. Rieger. 2022. Systems and Methods for Using Smart Contracts to Control the Trade, Supply, Manufacture, and Distribution of Commodities. US Patent 11037211.

Preston, J. D., W. R. Rieger, D. A. Preston, and B. C. Simpson. 2021. System and method for manufacturing and trading securities and commodities. US Patent 11017469.



Bernat, A. B. C. Simpson, M. B. Triplett, and R. N. Anderson. 2023. “Evaluating Personal Ammonia Monitor Performance to Better Meet Industrial Hygiene Standards at a Decommissioned Nuclear Site.” Paper number 23277. Waste Management Symposia, Pheonix, AZ, 2023.  


Yu X., M.D. Sturtevant, and B.C. Simpson. 2021. "The CMM Wizard: An Improved Tool for Consequence Assessment." Sturtevant at Emergency Management Issues (EMI) Special Interest Group (SIG) Annual Meeting, Virtual, United States, August 05, 2021. PNNL-SA-164099. 


Unwin S.D., D. Calderin Morales, B.C. Simpson, C.J. Spitz, A. Veeramany, J.A. Gastelum, and C.T. Maloney. 2020. "An Improved Risk Priority Measure for the Management of Project Risk." In ASME 2020 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition IMECE2020. PNNL-SA-152881. 

Simpson B.C., M.B. Triplett, E.L. McCann, N.J. Betzsold, R.J. Toth, S.R. Clingenpeel, and M.L. Zabel. 2020. "Conducting Industrial Hygiene Exposure Assessments at Scale Using Non-Parametric Upper Tolerance Limits at the Hanford Site." Paper number 20439. Waste Management Symposia, Phoenix, AZ, March 03, 2020.  


Royer, P., M. Eberlein, B. C. Simpson, M. B. Triplett and M. Pelton. 2019. “Exploration and Analysis of Legacy Data at the Hanford Site using PHOENIX.” Paper number 19044. Waste Management Symposia Phoenix, AZ, 2019.  


Ion Exchange. 2016. “Inorganic Ion Exchange Media Used at Fukushima- Daiichi.” London, England, 2016.  


Simpson, B. C, J. L. Mertz, W. L. Bratton and C. J. Nelson. 2015. “Development of Ion Specific Media and Modular Processing Systems to Treat Sr-Contaminated Water at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.” Paper Number 5029. Global2015 Conference, Paris, France, September 2015.  


Renevitz, M. B. C. Simpson and J. C. Peshong. 2014. “DOE Dashboards Eliminate Redundancy, Improve Accuracy, and Speed Decision-Making.” Paper number 14363. Waste Management Conference, Phoenix, AZ, 2014.  

Simpson, B. C., J. C. Peshong and M. Renevitz. 2014. “Data Integration with Geospatial Visualization Tools at the Hanford Site.” Paper Number 14369. Waste Management Conference, Phoenix, AZ, 2014.  

Renevitz, M. B. C. Simpson, J. C. Peshong and B. Charboneau. 2014. “DOE Dashboards Eliminate Redundancy, Improve Accuracy, and Speed Decision-Making.” Paper number 14363. Waste Management Conference, Phoenix, AZ, 2014. 


Simpson B.C., R.A. Corbin, M.J. Anderson, and C.T. Kincaid. 2007. Hanford Soil Inventory Model (SIM) Rev. 2 User's Guide. PNNL-16925. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Hanford Soil Inventory Model (SIM) Rev. 2 User's Guide 


Remund, K. A. and B. C. Simpson. 1997. “Clustering of Radioactive Tank Waste Data and Comparisons with Historical Models.” Sixth International Conference on Radioactive Waste Management and Environmental Remediation, Singapore, 1997.  


Simpson, B. C., S. J Eberlein, T. M. Brown, C. Brevick and S. F. Agnew. 1996. “Characterization of Hanford Tank Waste and the Role of Historic Modeling,” Paper Number 37-2. Waste Management Symposia, Tucson AZ, 1996. 


Simpson, B. C. and D. S. DeLorenzo. 1994. “Hanford Site Waste Tank Characterization,” WHC-SA-2584-FP. Characterization and Treatment of High-Level Waste Symposium, Washington DC, 1994. 


Simpson, B. C., H. Babad and R. J. Cash. 1993. “Recent results from Characterization of Ferrocyanide Wastes at the Hanford Site.” Paper Number 1111. Waste Management Conference, Tucson AZ, 1993.