

VanDevender is an experimental nuclear and particle physicist with research interests divided between basic science and applications that benefit from his nuclear physics and radiation detection background. His primary basic science interest is in the mass of the neutrino and its implications for the fundamental symmetries of “new” physics that could supersede our current Standard Model of particle physics. His applied physics interests are focused on the safeguards and accountancy of fissile material in the civilian nuclear fuel cycle, and the detection of nuclear explosions, which are a violation of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty. VanDevender has emerging interest in the intersections of nuclear physics and quantum information science, especially where nuclear physics techniques can improve quantum devices, or where such devices can lead to dramatic improvements in sensitivity to detect new physics. 


  • PhD in Physics, University of Virginia
  • BS in Physics, University of Virginia

Awards and Recognitions

  • Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics (2016)
  • Early Career Award, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science (2015)
  • Author of the Year, National Security Directorate, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (2015)




Vepsalainen et al., 2020. “Impact of Ionizing Radiation on Superconducting Qubits.” Nature 584.

M. Foxe, T. Bowyer, R. Carr, J. Orrell and B. A. VanDevender. 2020. “Antineutrino Detectors Remain Impractical for Nuclear Explosion Monitoring.” Pure Appl. Geophys. 177. 


Aker et al. (KATRIN Collaboration). 2019. “Improved Upper Limit on the Neutrino Mass from a Direct Kinematic Method by KATRIN, M.” Phys. Rev. Lett. 123:221802. 

A. Ashtari Esfahani et al. (Project 8 Collaboration). 2019. “Electron radiated power in cyclotron radiation emission spectroscopy experiments.” Phys. Rev. C, 99:055501. 


D. M. Asner et al. (Project 8 Collaboration). 2015. “Single-Electron Detection and Spectroscopy via Relativistic Cyclotron Radiation.” Phys. Rev. Lett. 114:162501.

J. F. Amsbaugh et al. 2015. “Focal-plane detector system for the KATRIN experiment.” Nucl. Inst. Meth. A778:40–60.


B. A. VanDevender et al. 2014. “High-Purity Germanium Spectroscopy at Rates in Excess of 106 Events/s.” IEEE Trans. on Nucl. Sci. 61:2619–2627. 

B. L. Wall et al. 2014. “Dead layer on silicon p–i–n diode charged-particle detectors.” Nucl. Inst. Meth. A744:73–79.     


M. Bychkov, D. Počanić c, B. A. VanDevender et al. (PIBETA Collaboration). 2009. “New Precise Measurement of the Pion Axial Form-Factor in the π+ e+νγ Decay.” Phys. Rev. Lett. 103:051802. 


B. Aharmim et al. (SNO Collaboration). 2008. “An Independent Measurement of the Total 8B Solar Neutrino Flux Using an Array of 3He Proportional Counters at the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory.” Phys. Rev. Lett. 101:111301.


J. F. Amsbaugh et al. 2007. “An Array of Low-background 3He Proportional Counters for the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory.” Nucl. Inst. Meth. A579:1054-1080.


D. Počanić et al. (PIBETA Collaboration). 2004. “Precise Measurement of the π+ π0e+ν Branching Ratio.” Phys. Rev. Lett. 93:181803.