Andre Coleman
Andre Coleman
Dr. Andre Coleman is a data scientist at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL). Coleman joined PNNL in 2000 and brings 27 years of professional experience in the fields of geoinformatics, hazard informatics, geointelligence, hydrology, bioenergy, and computer science. His specific research interests are in spatial and numerical modeling and optimization, remote-sensing (satellite, airborne, unmanned aerial systems), rapid disaster assessments, machine/deep learning, heterogeneous data fusion, water security, estuarine systems modeling, high-performance distributed computing, and coupling of geographic information system (GISc) and physics-based numerical models. His research interests have found application in numerous local, regional, national, and global-scale environmental, hydrologic, climate, and energy-related projects.
Coleman completed his undergraduate degree in geography and earth resources from Utah State University in 1995 with emphases on GISc, hydrology, and fluvial geomorphology. In 2008, he completed his masters (MS cum laude) in geoinformatics at the Vrije Universiteit, The Netherlands. Among 23 competing universities, he unanimously received the International Award of Academic Excellence in Geoinformatics in 2008 for his work on neural-based classifiers for landscape classification and prediction. In 2022, Andre completed his doctoral degree in geography from the University of Utah with a focus on rapid heterogeneous data fusion for disaster-based situational awareness. To date, he has authored or co-authored 104 publications, including 31 peer-reviewed journal articles, and three book chapters.
At the state level, Coleman serves on the board of the Utah Geographic Information Council, where he focuses on geography and science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education and is an active member of the Utah Mapping Emergency Technical Team supporting the emergency management community. At the national and international level, Coleman serves on the White House Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief – Artificial Intelligence Technologies for First Responders Task Force, Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Remote-Sensing Innovations Working Group, and is an Associate Editor for the open-access/open science publication platform Frontiers Water – Water and Built Environment.
Research Interest
- Hazard informatics and disaster response
- Risk and forecast-based wildfire modeling
- Geographic information sciences, GeoAI, and remote sensing
- Geospatial Intelligence
- Machine learning, evolutionary computing, and data fusion
- Water security
- Bioenergy resource assessment and technoeconomics
- Waste to Energy
- Ecohydrology and estuarine sciences
- PhD in geography, University of Utah, 2022
- MS cum laude in geoinformatics, Vrije Universiteit, The Netherlands, 2008
- BS in geography and earth resources, Utah State University, 1995
Affiliations and Professional Service
Awards and Recognitions
- International Award of Academic Excellence in Geoinformatics, 2008
- Sun N., H. Yan, M.S. Wigmosta, A. Coleman, L. Leung, and Z. Hou. 2022. "Datasets for characterizing extreme events relevant to hydrologic design over the conterminous United States." Scientific Data 9. PNNL-SA-163804. doi:10.1038/s41597-022-01221-9
- Ou L., S. Banerjee, H. Xu, A. Coleman, H. Cai, U. Lee, and M.S. Wigmosta, et al. 2021. "Utilizing high-purity carbon dioxide sources for algae cultivation and biofuel production in the United States: Opportunities and challenges." Journal of Cleaner Production 321. PNNL-SA-161054. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.128779
- Roegner G.C., G.E. Johnson, and A.M. Coleman. 2021. "Indexing habitat opportunity for juvenile anadromous fishes in tidal-fluvial wetland systems." Ecological Indicators 124. PNNL-SA-107548. doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2021.107422
- Harding S.F., A. Coleman, and G.C. Roegner. 2020. "Comparison of experimental and computational methods for discharge measurements from tidal wetlands." River Research and Applications 36, no. 9:1954-1961. PNNL-SA-151241. doi:10.1002/rra.3709
- Seiple T.E., R.L. Skaggs, L. Fillmore, and A. Coleman. 2020. "Municipal wastewater sludge as a renewable, cost-effective feedstock for transportation biofuels using hydrothermal liquefaction." Journal of Environmental Management 270. PNNL-SA-149910. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2020.110852
- Sun N., R. Skaggs, M.S. Wigmosta, A. Coleman, M.H. Huesemann, and S.J. Edmundson. 2020. "Growth Modeling to Evaluate Alternative Cultivation Strategies to Enhance National Microalgal Biomass Production." Algal Research 49. PNNL-SA-145175. doi:10.1016/j.algal.2020.101939
- Xu H., U. Lee, A. Coleman, M.S. Wigmosta, N. Sun, T.R. Hawkins, and M.Q. Wang. 2020. "Balancing Water Sustainability and Productivity Objectives in Microalgae Cultivation: Siting Open Ponds by Considering Seasonal Water-Stress Impact Using AWARE-US." Environmental Science & Technology 54, no. 4:2091-2102. PNNL-SA-145174. doi:10.1021/acs.est.9b05347
- Yan H., N. Sun, M.S. Wigmosta, L. Leung, Z. Hou, A. Coleman, and R.L. Skaggs. 2020. "Evaluating next-generation intensity-duration-frequency curves for design flood estimates in the snow-dominated western United States." Hydrological Processes 34, no. 5:1255-1268. PNNL-SA-143219. doi:10.1002/hyp.13673
- Hou Z., H. Ren, N. Sun, M.S. Wigmosta, Y. Liu, L. Leung, and H. Yan, et al. 2019. "Incorporating Climate Non-stationarity and Snowmelt Processes in Intensity-Duration-Frequency Analyses with Case Studies in Mountainous Areas." Journal of Hydrometeorology 20, no. 12:2331-2346. PNNL-SA-132327. doi:10.1175/JHM-D-19-0055.1
- Xu H., U. Lee, A. Coleman, M.S. Wigmosta, and M.Q. Wang. 2019. "Assessment of algal biofuel resource potential in the United States with consideration of regional water stress." Algal Research 37. PNNL-SA-138253. doi:10.1016/j.algal.2018.11.002
- Yan H., N. Sun, M.S. Wigmosta, R. Skaggs, L. Leung, A. Coleman, and Z. Hou. 2019. "Observed Spatiotemporal Changes in the Mechanisms of Extreme Water Available for Runoff in the Western United States." Geophysical Research Letters 46, no. 2:767-775. PNNL-SA-138215. doi:10.1029/2018GL080260
- Milbrandt A., T.E. Seiple, D. Heimiller, R. Skaggs, and A. Coleman. 2018. "Wet waste-to-energy resources in the United States." Resources, Conservation and Recycling 137. PNNL-SA-135750. doi:10.1016/j.resconrec.2018.05.023
- Skaggs R., A. Coleman, T.E. Seiple, and A. Milbrandt. 2018. "Waste-to-Energy Biofuel Production Potential for Selected Feedstocks in the Conterminous United States." Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 82, no. Pt. 3:2640-2651. PNNL-SA-125982. doi:10.1016/j.rser.2017.09.107
- Seiple T.E., A. Coleman, and R. Skaggs. 2017. "Municipal Wastewater Sludge as a Sustainable Bioresource in the United States." Journal of Environmental Management 197. PNNL-SA-125058. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2017.04.032
- Wigmosta M.S., A. Coleman, E. Venteris, and R. Skaggs. 2017. "Microalgae Feedstocks for Aviation Fuels." In Green Aviation: Reduction of Environmental Impact Through Aircraft Technology and Alternative Fuels, edited by ES Nelson and DR Reddy. Boca Raton, Florida:CRC Press. PNNL-SA-129394.
- Huesemann M.H., M.S. Wigmosta, B.J. Crowe, P. Waller, A.R. Chavis, S.J. Hobbs, and S.J. Edmundson, et al. 2016. "Estimating the Maximum Achievable Productivity in Outdoor Ponds: Microalgae Biomass Growth Modeling and Climate Simulated Culturing." In Microalgal Production for Biomass and High-Value Products, edited by SP Slocombe and JR Benemann. 113-137. Boca Raton, Florida:CRC Press. PNNL-SA-105694. doi:10.1201/b19464-6
- Langholtz M., A.M. Coleman, L. Eaton, M.S. Wigmosta, C.M. Hellwinckel, and C.C. Brandt. 2016. "Potential Land Competition Between Open-Pond Microalgae Production and Terrestrial Dedicated Feedstock Supply Systems in the U.S." Renewable Energy 93. PNNL-SA-91459. doi:10.1016/j.renene.2016.02.052
- Coleman A.M., H.L. Diefenderfer, D.L. Ward, and A.B. Borde. 2015. "A Spatially Based Area-Time Inundation Index Model Developed to Assess Habitat Opportunity in Tidal-Fluvial Wetlands and Restoration Sites." Ecological Engineering 82. PNNL-SA-98413. doi:10.1016/j.ecoleng.2015.05.006
- Moore B.C., A.M. Coleman, M.S. Wigmosta, R. Skaggs, and E. Venteris. 2015. "A High Spatiotemporal Assessment of Consumptive Water Use and Water Scarcity in the Conterminous United States." Water Resources Management 29, no. 14:5185-5200. PNNL-SA-111026. doi:10.1007/s11269-015-1112-x
- Abodeely J., A.M. Coleman, D.M. Stevens, A.E. Ray, K.G. Cafferty, and D.T. Newby. 2014. "Assessment of Algal Farm Designs Using a Dynamic Modular Approach." Algal Research 5. PNNL-SA-99902. doi:10.1016/j.algal.2014.03.004
- Coleman A.M., J. Abodeely, R. Skaggs, W. Moeglein, D.T. Newby, E.R. Venteris, and M.S. Wigmosta. 2014. "An Integrated Assessment of Location-Dependent Scaling for Microalgae Biofuel Production Facilities." Algal Research 5. PNNL-SA-98336. doi:10.1016/j.algal.2014.05.008
- Venteris E.R., M.S. Wigmosta, A.M. Coleman, and R. Skaggs. 2014. "Strain selection, biomass to biofuel conversion, and resource colocation have strong impacts on the economic performance of algae cultivation sites." Frontiers in Energy Research 2. PNNL-SA-103615. doi:10.3389/fenrg.2014.00037
- Venteris E.R., R. McBride, A.M. Coleman, R. Skaggs, and M.S. Wigmosta. 2014. "Siting algae cultivation facilities for biofuel production in the United States: trade-offs between growth rate, site constructability, water availability, and infrastructure." Environmental Science & Technology 48, no. 6:3559-3566. PNNL-SA-98419. doi:10.1021/es4045488
- Venteris E.R., R. Skaggs, M.S. Wigmosta, and A.M. Coleman. 2014. "A National-Scale Comparison of Resource and Nutrient Demands for Algae-Based Biofuel Production by Lipid Extraction and Hydrothermal Liquefaction." Biomass & Bioenergy 64. PNNL-SA-95364. doi:10.1016/j.biombioe.2014.02.001
- Venteris E.R., R. Skaggs, M.S. Wigmosta, and A.M. Coleman. 2014. "Regional Algal Biofuel Production Potential in the Coterminous United States as Affected by Resource Availability Trade-offs." Algal Research 5. PNNL-SA-98390. doi:10.1016/j.algal.2014.02.002
- Coleman A.M., G.E. Johnson, A.B. Borde, H.L. Diefenderfer, N.K. Sather, T.E. Seiple, and J.A. Serkowski. 2013. The Oncor Geodatabase for the Columbia Estuary Ecosystem Restoration Program: Annual Report, 2012. PNNL-22405. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. The Oncor Geodatabase for the Columbia Estuary Ecosystem Restoration Program: Annual Report, 2012
- Sather N.K., A.B. Borde, H.L. Diefenderfer, J.A. Serkowski, A.M. Coleman, and G.E. Johnson. 2013. The Oncor Geodatabase for the Columbia Estuary Ecosystem Restoration Program: Handbook of Data Reduction Procedures, Workbooks, and Exchange Templates. PNNL-22922. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. The Oncor Geodatabase for the Columbia Estuary Ecosystem Restoration Program: Handbook of Data Reduction Procedures, Workbooks, and Exchange Templates
- Venteris E.R., R. Skaggs, A.M. Coleman, and M.S. Wigmosta. 2013. "A GIS COST MODEL TO ASSESS THE AVAILABILITY OF FRESHWATER, SEAWATER, AND SALINE GROUNDWATER FOR ALGAL BIOFUEL PRODUCTION IN THE UNITED STATES." Environmental Science & Technology 47, no. 9:4840-4849. PNNL-SA-91131. doi:10.1021/es304135b
- Diefenderfer H.L., G.E. Johnson, J.R. Skalski, S.A. Breithaupt, and A.M. Coleman. 2012. "Application of the Diminishing Returns Concept in the Hydroecologic Restoration of Riverscapes." Landscape Ecology 27, no. 5:671-682. PNNL-SA-66973. doi:10.1007/s10980-012-9713-8
- Johnson G.E., H.L. Diefenderfer, R.M. Thom, G.C. Roegner, B.D. Ebberts, J.R. Skalski, and A.B. Borde, et al. 2012. Evaluation of Cumulative Ecosystem Response to Restoration Projects in the Lower Columbia River and Estuary, 2010. PNNL-20296. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Evaluation of Cumulative Ecosystem Response to Restoration Projects in the Lower Columbia River and Estuary, 2010
- Venteris E.R., R. Skaggs, A.M. Coleman, and M.S. Wigmosta. 2012. "An Assessment of Land Availability and Price in the Coterminous United States for Conversion to Algal Biofuel Production." Biomass & Bioenergy 47. PNNL-SA-85839. doi:10.1016/j.biombioe.2012.09.060
- Diefenderfer H.L., G.E. Johnson, N.K. Sather, J.R. Skalski, E.M. Dawley, A.M. Coleman, and K.G. Ostrand, et al. 2011. Evaluation of Life History Diversity, Habitat Connectivity, and Survival Benefits Associated with Habitat Restoration Actions in the Lower Columbia River and Estuary, Annual Report 2010. PNNL-20295 Final. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Evaluation of Life History Diversity, Habitat Connectivity, and Survival Benefits Associated with Habitat Restoration Actions in the Lower Columbia River and Estuary, Annual Report 2010
- Geerlofs S.H., N. Voisin, K.D. Ham, J.D. Tagestad, T.P. Hanrahan, A.M. Coleman, and J. Saulsbury, et al. 2011. The Integrated Basin-Scale Opportunity Assessment Initiative, FY 2011 Year-End Report: Deschutes Basin Preliminary Hydropower Opportunity Assessment Draft Report. PNNL-20802. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. The Integrated Basin-Scale Opportunity Assessment Initiative, FY 2011 Year-End Report: Deschutes Basin Preliminary Hydropower Opportunity Assessment Draft Report
- Prasad R., L.F. Hibler, A.M. Coleman, and D.L. Ward. 2011. Design-Basis Flood Estimation for Site Characterization at Nuclear Power Plants in the United States of America. PNNL-20091; NUREG/CR-7046. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Design-Basis Flood Estimation for Site Characterization at Nuclear Power Plants in the United States of America
- Roesijadi G., A.M. Coleman, C. Judd, F.B. Van Cleve, R.M. Thom, K.E. Buenau, and J.D. Tagestad, et al. 2011. Macroalgae Analysis A National GIS-based Analysis of Macroalgae Production Potential Summary Report and Project Plan. PNNL-21087. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Macroalgae Analysis A National GIS-based Analysis of Macroalgae Production Potential Summary Report and Project Plan
- Wigmosta M.S., A.M. Coleman, R. Skaggs, and M.H. Huesemann. 2011. "National Microalgae Biofuel Production Potential and Resource Demand." Water Resources Research 47, no. 3:Article No. W00H04. PNNL-SA-73040. doi:10.1029/2010WR009966
- Wigmosta M.S., A.M. Coleman, R. Skaggs, M.H. Huesemann, and L.J. Lane. 2011. "National Microalgae Biofuel Production Potential and Resource Demand." Water Resources Research 47. PNNL-SA-74865. doi:10.1029/2010WR009966
- Coleman A.M., D.L. Ward, K.B. Larson, and J.W. Lettrick. 2010. Development of a high-resolution bathymetry dataset for the Columbia River through the Hanford Reach. PNNL-19878. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Development of a high-resolution bathymetry dataset for the Columbia River through the Hanford Reach
- Diefenderfer H.L., G.E. Johnson, N.K. Sather, J.R. Skalski, E.M. Dawley, and A.M. Coleman. 2010. Evaluation of Life History Diversity, Habitat Connectivity, and Survival Benefits Associated with Habitat Restoration Actions in the Lower Columbia River and Estuary, Annual Report 2009. PNNL-19410. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Evaluation of Life History Diversity, Habitat Connectivity, and Survival Benefits Associated with Habitat Restoration Actions in the Lower Columbia River and Estuary, Annual Report 2009
- Johnson G.E., H.L. Diefenderfer, A.B. Borde, A.J. Bryson, A. Cameron, A.M. Coleman, and C. Corbett, et al. 2010. Evaluating Cumulative Ecosystem Response to Restoration Projects in the Lower Columbia River and Estuary, 2009. PNNL-19440. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Evaluating Cumulative Ecosystem Response to Restoration Projects in the Lower Columbia River and Estuary, 2009
- Coleman A.M. 2009. "Adaptive Classification of Landscape Process and Function: An Integration of Geoinformatics and Self-Organizing Maps." In Geospatial Crossroads at Geoinformatics Forum 2009, 11-22. Heidelberg:Wichmann-Verlag. PNNL-SA-65453.
- Skaggs R., M.S. Wigmosta, and A.M. Coleman. 2009. "A National Resource Availability Assessment for Microalgae Biofuel Production." In AIChE 2009 Spring National Meeting, April 27-30, 2009, Tampa, Florida. New York, New York:AiChE. PNNL-SA-65250.
- Whelan G., N.D. Tenney, M.A. Pelton, A.M. Coleman, D.L. Ward, J.G. Droppo, and P.D. Meyer, et al. 2009. Techniques to Access Databases and Integrate Data for Hydrologic Modeling. PNNL-18244. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Techniques to Access Databases and Integrate Data for Hydrologic Modeling
- Wigmosta M.S., L.J. Lane, J.D. Tagestad, and A.M. Coleman. 2009. "Hydrologic and Erosion Models To Assess Land Use and Management Practices Affecting Soil Erosion." Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 14, no. 1:27-41. PNNL-SA-53368.
- Coleman A.M. 2008. An Adaptive Landscape Classification Procedure using Geoinformatics and Artificial Neural Networks. PNNL-17777. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. An Adaptive Landscape Classification Procedure using Geoinformatics and Artificial Neural Networks
- Coleman A.M., M.S. Wigmosta, L.J. Lane, J.D. Tagestad, and D. Roberts. 2008. "A GIS-based Adaptive Management Decision Support System to Develop a Multi-Objective Framework: A case study utilizing GIS technologies and physically-based models to archieve improved decision making for site management." Journal of Map & Geography Libraries 4, no. 2:269 - 284. PNNL-SA-50845.
- Diefenderfer H.L., A.M. Coleman, A.B. Borde, and I.A. Sinks. 2008. "Hydraulic Geometry and Microtopography of Tidal Freshwater Forested Wetlands and Implications for Restoration, Columbia River, U.S.A." International Journal of Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology 8, no. 2-4:339-361. PNNL-SA-59093. doi:10.2478/v10104-009-0027-7
- Coleman A.M., and W.D. Webber. 2007. "GeoSpatial Infrastructure at the U.S. Department of Energy's Hanford Site." Journal of Map & Geography Libraries 4, no. 1:83-95. PNNL-SA-53660. doi:10.1300/J230v04n01_05
- Wigmosta M.S., M.K. Gill, A.M. Coleman, R. Prasad, and L.W. Vail. 2007. "A Distributed Modeling System for Short-Term to Seasonal Ensemble Streamflow Forecasting in Snowmelt Dominated Basins." In Proceedings of the 75th Annual Western Snow Conference, April 16-19, 2007, Kona, HI, edited by R Julander, 187-194. Soda Springs, California:Western Snow Conference. PNNL-SA-56074.
- Coleman A.M., and W.D. Webber. 2005. "GIS Operations at the U.S. Department of Energy's Hanford Site: A Review of the Current Status and a Proposed Action to Ensure Long-Term Data Sustainability." In Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Annual ESRI International User Conference, 12 pp. Redlands, California:Environmental Systems Research Institute. PNNL-SA-45477. GIS Operations at the U.S. Department of Energy's Hanford Site: A Review of the Current Status and a Proposed Action to Ensure Long-Term Data Sustainability
- Waichler S.R., M.S. Wigmosta, and A.M. Coleman. 2004. Natural Recharge to the Unconfined Aquifer System on the Hanford Site from the Greater Cold Creek Watershed: Progress Report 2004. PNNL-14717. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Natural Recharge to the Unconfined Aquifer System on the Hanford Site from the Greater Cold Creek Watershed: Progress Report 2004
- Cook C.B., M.C. Richmond, A.M. Coleman, C.L. Rakowski, P.S. Titzler, and M.D. Bleich. 2003. Numerically Simulating the Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Environment for Migrating Salmon in the Lower Snake River. PNNL-14297. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Numerically Simulating the Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Environment for Migrating Salmon in the Lower Snake River
- Ghan S.J., X. Bian, A.G. Hunt, and A.M. Coleman. 2002. "The Thermodynamic Influence of Subgrid Orography in a Global Climate Model." Climate Dynamics 20, no. 1:31-44. PNNL-SA-35158.
- O’Brien LE and AM Coleman (2000) Testing the Application of Digital Photogrammetry to Monitor Topographic Changes of Sandbars in the Colorado River Ecosystem. Final Report to Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center Cooperative Agreement 1425-98-FC-40-22640, Modification 002. October, 2000.