

  • PhD in Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

  • BS in Chemistry, University of Rochester



  • Bhattarai A., K.T. Crampton, A.G. Joly, L. Kovarik, W.P. Hess, and P.Z. El-Khoury. 2018. "Imaging the Optical Fields of Functionalized Silver Nanowires through Molecular TERS." The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 9, no. 24:7105-1709. PNNL-SA-139471. doi:10.1021/acs.jpclett.8b03324


  • Gong Y., A.G. Joly, P.Z. El-Khoury, and W.P. Hess. 2017. "Polarization Directed Surface Plasmon Polariton Launching." Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 8, no. 1:49-54. PNNL-SA-121461. doi:10.1021/acs.jpclett.6b02509
  • Gong Y., A.G. Joly, X. Zhang, P.Z. El-Khoury, and W.P. Hess. 2017. "Surface Plasmon Coupling and Control using Spherical Cap Structures." Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 8, no. 12:2695-2699. PNNL-SA-125352. doi:10.1021/acs.jpclett.7b00852


  • El-Khoury P.Z., A.G. Joly, and W.P. Hess. 2016. "Hyperspectral Dark Field Optical Microscopy of Single Silver Nanospheres." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120, no. 13:7295-7298. PNNL-SA-115933. doi:10.1021/acs.jpcc.6b02401
  • El-Khoury P.Z., P. Abellan Baeza, Y. Gong, F.S. Hage, J. Cottom, A.G. Joly, and R. Brydson, et al. 2016. "Visualizing Surface Plasmons with Photons, Photoelectrons, and Electrons." Analyst 141, no. 12:3562-3572. PNNL-SA-115897. doi:10.1039/c6an00308g
  • El-Khoury P.Z., P. Abellan, R.L. Chantry, Y. Gong, A.G. Joly, I.V. Novikova, and J.E. Evans, et al. 2016. "The information content in single-molecule Raman nanoscopy." Advances in Physics: X 1, no. 1:35-54. PNNL-SA-114470. doi:10.1080/23746149.2016.1140010
  • Gong Y., A.G. Joly, P.Z. El-Khoury, and W.P. Hess. 2016. "Enhanced Propagating Surface Plasmon Signal Detection." ACS Photonics 3, no. 12:2413-2419. PNNL-SA-121997. doi:10.1021/acsphotonics.6b00636
  • Gotthold D.W., N. Browning, E. Jensen, A.G. Joly, and N.L. Canfield. 2016. Optically Stimulated Luminescence Based Optical Data Storage. PNNL-27989. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
  • Xu Y., C.J. Dibble, N.G. Petrik, R.S. Smith, A.G. Joly, R.G. Tonkyn, and B.D. Kay, et al. 2016. "A nanosecond pulsed laser heating system for studying liquid and supercooled liquid films in ultrahigh vacuum." Journal of Chemical Physics 144, no. 16:Article No. 164201. PNNL-SA-115728. doi:10.1063/1.4947304


  • El-Khoury P.Z., G.E. Johnson, I.V. Novikova, Y. Gong, A.G. Joly, J.E. Evans, and M. Zamkov, et al. 2015. "Enhanced Raman Scattering from Aromatic Dithiols Electrosprayed into Plasmonic Nanojunctions." Faraday Discussions 184. PNNL-SA-109386. doi:10.1039/C5FD00036J
  • El-Khoury P.Z., Y. Gong, P. Abellan, B.W. Arey, A.G. Joly, D. Hu, and J.E. Evans, et al. 2015. "Tip-Enhanced Raman Nanographs: Mapping Topography and Local Electric Fields." Nano Letters 15, no. 4:2385-2390. PNNL-SA-106991. doi:10.1021/acs.nanolett.5b00609
  • Gong Y., A.G. Joly, D. Hu, P.Z. El-Khoury, and W.P. Hess. 2015. "Ultrafast Imaging of Surface Plasmons Propagating on a Gold Surface." Nano Letters 15, no. 5:3472-3478. PNNL-SA-108438. doi:10.1021/acs.nanolett.5b00803
  • Gong Y., A.G. Joly, P.Z. El-Khoury, and W.P. Hess. 2015. "Efficient Coupling and Transport of a Surface Plasmon at 780 nm in a Gold Nanostructure." In Plasmonics: Metallic Nanostructures and Their Optical Properties XIII, August 9, 2015, San Diego, California. Proceedings of the SPIE, edited by AD Boardman and DP Tsai, 9547, Paper No. 95470H. Bellingham, Washington:SPIE, the International Society for Optics and Photonics. PNNL-SA-111002. doi:10.1117/12.2190449
  • Halliday M.T., A.G. Joly, W.P. Hess, and A. Shluger. 2015. "Photoinduced Br Desorption from CsBr Thin Films Grown on Cu(100)." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119, no. 42:24036-24045. PNNL-SA-114919. doi:10.1021/acs.jpcc.5b08275
  • Kong L., A.G. Joly, T.C. Droubay, and W.P. Hess. 2015. "Quantum Efficiency Enhancement in CsI/Metal Photocathodes." Chemical Physics Letters 621. PNNL-SA-107505. doi:10.1016/j.cplett.2015.01.010


  • Droubay T.C., S.A. Chambers, A.G. Joly, W.P. Hess, K. Nemeth, K.C. Harkay, and L. Spentzouris. 2014. "Metal-Insulator Photocathode Heterojunction for Directed Electron Emission." Physical Review Letters 112, no. 6:067601(5). PNNL-SA-97936. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.112.067601
  • El-Khoury P.Z., E. Khon, Y. Gong, A.G. Joly, P. Abellan, J.E. Evans, and N.D. Browning, et al. 2014. "Electric Field Enhancement in a Self-Assembled 2D Array of Silver Nanospheres." Journal of Chemical Physics 141, no. 21:Article No. 214308. PNNL-SA-105010. doi:10.1063/1.4902905
  • Gong Y., A.G. Joly, L. Kong, P.Z. El-Khoury, and W.P. Hess. 2014. "High Brightness Plasmon-Enhanced Nanostructured Gold Photoemitters." Physical Review Applied 2, no. 6:Article No. 064012. PNNL-SA-100555. doi:10.1103/PhysRevApplied.2.064012
  • Gong Y., A.G. Joly, P.Z. El-Khoury, and W.P. Hess. 2014. "Interferometric Plasmonic Lensing with Nanohole Arrays." Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 5, no. 24:4243-4248. PNNL-SA-106215. doi:10.1021/jz502296n
  • Gong Y., A.G. Joly, P.Z. El-Khoury, and W.P. Hess. 2014. "Nonlinear Photoemission Electron Micrographs of Plasmonic Nanoholes in Gold Thin Films." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118, no. 44:25671-25676. PNNL-SA-105747. doi:10.1021/jp509900h
  • Kong L., A.G. Joly, T.C. Droubay, Y. Gong, and W.P. Hess. 2014. "Enhanced Quantum Efficiency From Hybrid Cesium Halide/Copper Photocathode." Applied Physics Letters 104, no. 17:Article No. 171106. PNNL-SA-101664. doi:10.1063/1.4874339
  • Ma L., W. Chen, G. Schatte, W. Wang, A.G. Joly, Y. Huang, and R. Sammynaiken, et al. 2014. "A new Cu-cysteamine complex: structure and optical properties." Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2, no. 21:4239-4246. PNNL-SA-103576. doi:10.1039/C4TC00114A


  • El-Khoury P.Z., S.J. Peppernick, D. Hu, A.G. Joly, and W.P. Hess. 2013. "The Origin of Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering of 4,4' -Biphenyldicarboxylate on Silver Substrates." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117, no. 14:7260-7268. PNNL-SA-92092. doi:10.1021/jp401026x
  • Halliday M.T., A.G. Joly, W.P. Hess, P. Sushko, and A.L. Shluger. 2013. "Mechanisms of Photodesorption of Br Atoms from CsBr Surfaces." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117, no. 26:13502-13509. PNNL-SA-94776. doi:10.1021/jp4036343
  • He W., S. VilayurGanapathy, A.G. Joly, T.C. Droubay, S.A. Chambers, J.R. Maldonado, and W.P. Hess. 2013. "Comparison of CsBr and KBr coated Cu photocathodes: Effects of laser irradiation and work function changes." Applied Physics Letters 102, no. 7:Article No. 071604. PNNL-SA-92864. doi:10.1063/1.4793214
  • Hossu M., R.O. Schaeffer, L. Ma, W. Chen, Y. Zhu, R. Sammynaiken, and A.G. Joly. 2013. "On the Luminescence Enhancement of Mn2+ By Co-doping of Eu2+ in ZnS:Mn,Eu." Optical Materials 35, no. 8:1513-1519. PNNL-SA-94692. doi:10.1016/j.optmat.2013.03.014
  • Peppernick S.J., A.G. Joly, K.M. Beck, and W.P. Hess. 2013. "Plasmon-Induced Optical Field Enhancement studied by Correlated Scanning and Photoemission Electron Microscopy." Journal of Chemical Physics 138, no. 15:Article No. 154701. PNNL-SA-93520. doi:10.1063/1.4799937
  • Peppernick S.J., A.G. Joly, K.M. Beck, W.P. Hess, J. Wang, Y. Wang, and W. Wei. 2013. "Photoemission Electron Microscopy of a Plasmonic Silver Nanoparticle Trimer." Applied Physics A, Materials Science and Processing 112, no. 1:35-39. PNNL-SA-84162. doi:10.1007/s00339-012-7316-5
  • Vilayur Ganapathy S., M.I. Nandasiri, A.G. Joly, P.Z. El-Khoury, T. Varga, G.W. Coffey, and B. Schwenzer, et al. 2013. "Silver nanorod arrays for photocathode applications." Applied Physics Letters 103, no. 16:Article No. 161112. PNNL-SA-97756. doi:10.1063/1.4825262
  • Wang C.M., T.C. Kaspar, V. Shutthanandan, A.G. Joly, L. Kovarik, B.W. Arey, and M. Gu, et al. 2013. "Structure And Radiation Damage Behavior Of Epitaxial CrxMo1-x Alloy Thin Films On MgO." Journal of Nuclear Materials 437, no. 1-3:55-61. PNNL-SA-92123. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2013.01.345
  • Wang Z., A.R. Felmy, C.J. Thompson, J.S. Loring, A.G. Joly, K.M. Rosso, and H.T. Schaef, et al. 2013. "Near-Infrared Spectroscopic Investigation of Water in Supercritical CO2 and the Effect of CaCl2." Fluid Phase Equilibria 338. PNNL-SA-89926. doi:10.1016/j.fluid.2012.11.012


  • Johnson T.J., Y. Su, K.H. Jarman, B.M. Kunkel, J.C. Birnbaum, A.G. Joly, and E.G. Stephan, et al. 2012. "Demonstrated Wavelength Portability of Raman Reference Data for Explosives and Chemical Detection." International Journal of Spectroscopy 2012. PNNL-SA-85885. doi:10.1155/2012/297056
  • Kaspar T.C., M.E. Bowden, T. Varga, C.M. Wang, V. Shutthanandan, A.G. Joly, and B.D. Wirth, et al. 2012. "Structural characterization of epitaxial CrxMo1-x alloy thin films." Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 24, no. 9:095001. PNNL-SA-81559. doi:10.1088/0953-8984/24/9/095001
  • Peppernick S.J., A.G. Joly, K.M. Beck, and W.P. Hess. 2012. "Near-Field Focused Photoemission from Polystyrene Microspheres Studied with Photoemission Electron Microscopy." Journal of Chemical Physics 137, no. 1:124202-1/9. PNNL-SA-89597. doi:10.1063/1.4730598


  • Fredricksen C.J., D.R. Panjwani, J.P. Arnold, P.N. Figueiredo, F.K. Rezaie, J.E. Colwell, and K. Baillie, et al. 2011. "Plasmonic enhancement of thin-film solar cells using gold-black coatings." In Next Generation (Nano) Photonic and Cell Tehcnologies for Solar Energy Conversion II, August 21, 2011, San Diego, California. Proceedings of the SPIE, edited by L Tsakalakos, 8111, Article No. 811106. Bellingham, Washington:SPIE. PNNL-SA-82070. doi:10.1117/12.893620
  • Kunkel B.M., Y. Su, R.G. Tonkyn, E.G. Stephan, A.G. Joly, J.C. Birnbaum, and K.H. Jarman, et al. 2011. "Raman Database Considerations for Near-Infrared Systems." In Optics and Photonics for Counterterrorism and Crime Fighting VIII, September 19, 2011, Prague, Czech Republic. Proceedings of the SPIE, edited by R Zamboni, et al, 8189, Article No. 818905. Bellingham, Washington:SPIE. PNNL-SA-82532. doi:10.1117/12.898368
  • Loring J.S., C.J. Thompson, Z. Wang, A.G. Joly, D.S. Sklarew, H.T. Schaef, and E.S. Ilton, et al. 2011. "In Situ Infrared Spectroscopic Study of Forsterite Carbonation in Wet Supercritical CO2." Environmental Science & Technology 45, no. 14:6204-6210. PNNL-SA-74249. doi:10.1021/es201284e
  • Mangham A.N., N. Govind, M.E. Bowden, V. Shutthanandan, A.G. Joly, M.A. Henderson, and S.A. Chambers. 2011. "Photochemical Properties, Composition, and Structure in Molecular Beam Epitaxy Grown Fe “Doped” and (Fe,N) Codoped Rutile TiO2(110)." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 115, no. 31:15416-15424. PNNL-SA-79027. doi:10.1021/jp203061n
  • Peppernick S.J., A.G. Joly, K.M. Beck, and W.P. Hess. 2011. "Plasmonic Field Enhancement of Individual Nanoparticles by Correlated Scanning and Photoemission Electron Microscopy." Journal of Chemical Physics 134, no. 3:034507-1/7. PNNL-SA-74489. doi:10.1063/1.3543714
  • Sushko P.V., A.L. Shluger, A.G. Joly, K.M. Beck, and W.P. Hess. 2011. "Exciton-driven highly hyperthermal O-atom desorption from nanostructured CaO." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 115, no. 3:692-699. PNNL-SA-74573. doi:10.1021/jp1078423
  • Velarde Ruiz Esparza L.A., X. Zhang, Z. Lu, A.G. Joly, Z. Wang, and H. Wang. 2011. "Communication: Spectroscopic phase and lineshapes in high-resolution broadband sum frequency vibrational spectroscopy: Resolving interfacial inhomogeneities of "identical" molecular groups." Journal of Chemical Physics 135, no. 24:Article No. 241102. PNNL-SA-83817. doi:10.1063/1.3675629
  • Wang C.M., T.C. Kaspar, V. Shutthanandan, A.G. Joly, and R.J. Kurtz. 2011. "Structure of Cr Film Epitaxially Grown on MgO (001)." Acta Materialia 59, no. 11:4274-4282. PNNL-SA-75809. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2011.03.051
  • Woo B.K., A.G. Joly, and W. Chen. 2011. "Observation of green emission from Ce3+ doped gadolinium oxide nanoparticles." Journal of Luminescence 131, no. 1:49-53. PNNL-SA-74951.
  • Woo B.K., Z. Luo, Y. Li, S.P. Singh, A.G. Joly, M. Hossu, and Z. Liu, et al. 2011. "Luminescence enhancement of CaZnGe2O6:Tb3+ afterglow phosphors synthesized using ZnO nanopowders." Optical Materials 33, no. 8:1283-1290. PNNL-SA-79067. doi:10.1016/j.optmat.2011.03.001
  • Yao M., Y. Li, M. Hossu, A.G. Joly, Z. Liu, Z. Liu, and W. Chen. 2011. "Luminescence of Lanthanide-Dimethyl Sulfoxide Compound Solutions." Journal of Physical Chemistry B 115, no. 30:9352-9359. PNNL-SA-81905. doi:10.1021/jp202350p


  • Beck K.M., A.G. Joly, and W.P. Hess. 2010. "Effect of Surface Charge on Laser-induced Neutral Atom Desorption." Applied Physics A, Materials Science and Processing 101, no. 1:61-64. PNNL-SA-69648. doi:10.1007/s00339-010-5758-1
  • Joly A.G., K.M. Beck, and W.P. Hess. 2010. "Surface-Specific Laser Matter Interactions and Dynamics." In International Symposium on High Power Laser Ablation, April 18-22, 2010, Santa Fe, NM: AIP Conference Proceedings, edited by C Phipps, 1278, 90-97. Melville, New York:American Institute of Physics. PNNL-SA-70662. doi:10.1063/1.3507187
  • Li Y., Z. Sun, L. Ma, X. Zhang, M. Yao, A.G. Joly, and Z. Liu, et al. 2010. "Synthesis and luminescence of CePO4:Tb/LaPO4 core/sheath nanowires." Nanotechnology 21, no. 12:125604. PNNL-SA-69675.
  • Matson D.W., G.L. Graff, J.L. Male, B.R. Johnson, Z. Nie, A.G. Joly, and L.C. Olsen. 2010. "Synthesis and Screening of Thin Films in the CeCl3-CeBr3 System for Scintillator Applications." Thin Solid Films 518, no. 12:3194-3198. PNNL-SA-64097. doi:10.1016/j.tsf.2009.09.015
  • Peale R.E., J.W. Cleary, M. Ishimaru, C.W. Smith, K. Baillie, J.E. Colwell, and K.M. Beck, et al. 2010. "Gold-black as IR Absorber and Solar Cell Enhancer." In Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 2009 Fall Meeting, November 30 - December 4, 2009, Boston MA, 1208, 1208-O21-04. Warrendale, Pennsylvania:Materials Research Society. PNNL-SA-69851. doi:10.1557/PROC-1208-O21-04
  • Suriamoorthy P., X. Zhang, G. Hao, A.G. Joly, S. Singh, M. Hossu, and X. Sun, et al. 2010. "Folic acid-CdTe quantum dot conjugates and their applications for cancer cell targeting." Cancer Nanotechnology 1, no. 1-6:19-28. PNNL-SA-74194. doi:10.1007/s12645-010-0003-3
  • Xiong G., R. Shao, S.J. Peppernick, A.G. Joly, K.M. Beck, W.P. Hess, and M. Cai, et al. 2010. "Materials Applications of Photoelectron Emission Microscopy." JOM. The Journal of the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society 62, no. 12:90-93. PNNL-SA-74908. doi:10.1007/s11837-010-0189-1
  • Yao M., A.G. Joly, and W. Chen. 2010. "Formation and Luminescence Phenomena of LaF3:Ce3+ Nanoparticles and Lanthanide-Organic Compounds in Dimethyl Sulfoxide." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114, no. 2:826-831. PNNL-SA-65792. doi:10.1021/jp9092173
  • Yao M., X. Zhang, L. Ma, W. Chen, A.G. Joly, J. Huang, and Q. Wang. 2010. "Luminescence Enhancement of CdTe Nanostructures in LaF3:Ce/CdTe Nanocomposites." Journal of Applied Physics 108, no. 10:207-213. PNNL-SA-74942. doi:10.1063/1.3506416


  • Beck K.M., A.G. Joly, and W.P. Hess. 2009. "Two-color Laser Desorption of Nanostructured MgO Thin Films." Applied Surface Science 255, no. 24:9562-9565. PNNL-SA-62094. doi:10.1016/j.apsusc.2009.04.089
  • Dreger Z.A., E. Balasubramaniam, Y.M. Gupta, and A.G. Joly. 2009. "High-Pressure Effects on the Electronic Structure of Anthracene Single Crystals: Role of Nonhydrostaticity." Journal of Physical Chemistry A 113, no. 8:1489-1496. PNNL-SA-63974.
  • Joly A.G., K.M. Beck, and W.P. Hess. 2009. "Photodesorption of excited iodine atoms from KI (100)." Journal of Chemical Physics 131, no. 14:144509-1/6. PNNL-SA-67047.
  • Milbrath B.D., J.A. Caggiano, M.H. Engelhard, A.G. Joly, D.W. Matson, P. Nachimuthu, and L.C. Olsen. 2009. "Using Thin Films to Screen Possible Scintillator Materials." IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 56, no. 3, PT 3:1650-1654. PNNL-SA-62864.


  • Joly A.G., K.M. Beck, and W.P. Hess. 2008. "Electronic Energy Transfer on CaO Surfaces." Journal of Chemical Physics 129, no. 12:124704. PNNL-SA-61221. doi:10.1063/1.2980049
  • Li Y., L. Ma, X. Zhang, A.G. Joly, Z. Liu, and W. Chen. 2008. "Synthesis and Optical Properties of Sulfide Nanoparticles Prepared in Dimethylsulfoxide." Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 8, no. 11:5646-5651. PNNL-SA-61571.
  • Li Y., T.C. Kaspar, T.C. Droubay, A.G. Joly, P. Nachimuthu, Z. Zhu, and V. Shutthanandan, et al. 2008. "A Study of H and D doped ZnO epitaxial films grown by pulsed laser deposition." Journal of Applied Physics 104, no. 5:Article no. 053711. PNNL-SA-62192. doi:10.1063/1.2975219
  • Liu Y., W. Chen, S. Wang, A.G. Joly, S.L. Westcott, and B.K. Woo. 2008. "X-Ray Luminescence of LaF3:Tb3+ and LaF3:Ce3+, Tb3+ Water Soluble Nanoparticles." Journal of Applied Physics 103, no. 6:Art. No. 063105. PNNL-SA-56544. doi:10.1063/1.2890148
  • Liu Y., W. Chen, S. Wang, and A.G. Joly. 2008. "Investigation of Water-Soluble X-ray Luminescence Nanoparticles for Photodynamic Activation." Applied Physics Letters 92, no. 4:Art. No. 043901. PNNL-SA-58245.
  • Lu C., P.J. Shamberger, E.N. Yitamben, K.M. Beck, A.G. Joly, M.A. Olmstead, and F.S. Ohuchi. 2008. "Laser and Electrical Current Induced Phase Transformation of In2Se3 Semiconductor thin film on Si(111)." Applied Physics A, Materials Science and Processing 93, no. 1:93-98. PNNL-SA-57165. doi:10.1007/s00339-008-4776-8
  • Woo B.K., W. Chen, A.G. Joly, and R. Sammynaiken. 2008. "The Effects of Aging on the Luminescence of PEG-Coated Water-Soluble ZnO Nanoparticles Solutions." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 112, no. 37:14292-14296. PNNL-SA-60871. doi:10.1021/jp803649k


  • Cai M., S.C. Langford, J.T. Dickinson, G. Xiong, T.C. Droubay, A.G. Joly, and K.M. Beck, et al. 2007. "An In Situ Study of the Martensitic Transformation in Shape Memory Alloys Using Photoemission Electron Microscopy." Journal of Nuclear Materials 361, no. 2-3:306-312. PNNL-SA-49612. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2006.12.008
  • Cai M., S.C. Langford, M.J. Wu, W.M. Huang, G. Xiong, T.C. Droubay, and A.G. Joly, et al. 2007. "Study of Martensitic Phase transformation in a NiTiCu Thin Film Shape Memory Alloy Using Photoelectron Emission Microscopy." Advanced Functional Materials 17, no. 1:161-167. PNNL-SA-49610. doi:10.1002/adfm.200600611
  • Chambers S.A., S.H. Cheung, V. Shutthanandan, S. Thevuthasan, M.K. Bowman, and A.G. Joly. 2007. "Properties of Structurally Excellent N-doped TiO2 Rutile." Chemical Physics 339, no. 1-3:27-35. PNNL-SA-53996. doi:10.1016/j.chemphys.2007.04.024
  • Cheung S.H., P. Nachimuthu, A.G. Joly, M.H. Engelhard, M.K. Bowman, and S.A. Chambers. 2007. "N incorporation and electronic structure in N-doped TiO2(110) rutile." Surface Science 601, no. 7:1754-1762. PNNL-SA-50468. doi:10.1016/j.susc.2007.01.051
  • Joly A.G., G. Xiong, C.M. Wang, D.E. McCready, K.M. Beck, and W.P. Hess. 2007. "Synthesis and Photoexcited Charge Carrier Dynamics of beta-FeOOH Nanorods." Applied Physics Letters 90, no. 10:Art. No. 103504. PNNL-SA-52077. doi:10.1063/1.2711395
  • Joly A.G., W. Chen, J. Zhang, and S. Wang. 2007. "Electronic Energy Relaxation and Luminescence Decay Dynamics of Eu3+ in Zn2SiO4:Eu3+." Journal of Luminescence 126, no. 2:491-496. PNNL-SA-49556. doi:10.1016/j.jlumin.2006.09.004
  • Li G.H., F. Su, W.J. Wang, K. Ding, W. Chen, Y. Liu, and A.G. Joly. 2007. "Pressure Behaviour of the UV and Green Emission Bands in ZnO Micro-rods." Physica Status Solidi B, Basic Research 244, no. 1:87-92. PNNL-SA-51536. doi:10.1002/pssb.200672545
  • Ouyang J., J.A. Ripmeester, X. Wu, D. Kingston, K. Yu, A.G. Joly, and W. Chen. 2007. "Upconversion Luminescence of Colloidal CdS and ZnCdS Semiconductor Quantum Dots." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 111, no. 44:16261-16266. PNNL-SA-55777. doi:10.1021/jp074416b
  • Wei W., G. Xiong, Y. Sun, A.G. Joly, K.M. Beck, J.M. White, and W.P. Hess. 2007. "Real Time Study of Cu Diffusion Through a Ru Thin Film by Photoemission Electron Microscopy (PEEM)." In Materials, technology and reliability of low-k dielectrics and copper interconnects. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings; 2006, edited by Ting Y Tsui, 914, 185-190 (Paper no. 0914-F05-07). Warrendale, Pennsylvania:Material Research Society. PNNL-SA-49613.
  • Wei W., S.L. Parker, Y. Sun, J.M. White, G. Xiong, A.G. Joly, and K.M. Beck, et al. 2007. "Study of Copper Diffusion Through Ruthenium Thin Film by Photoemission Electron Microscopy." Applied Physics Letters 90. PNNL-SA-52829. doi:10.1063/1.2712832
  • Xiong G., R. Shao, T.C. Droubay, A.G. Joly, K.M. Beck, S.A. Chambers, and W.P. Hess. 2007. "Photoemission Electron Microscopy of TiO2 Anatase Films Embedded with Rutile Nanocrystals." Advanced Functional Materials 17, no. 13:2133-2138. PNNL-SA-53255. doi:10.1002/adfm.200700146


  • Chen W., G. Huang, H.B. Lu, D.E. McCready, A.G. Joly, and J. Bovin. 2006. "Utilizing Nanofabrication to Construct Strong, Luminescent Materials." Nanotechnology 17, no. 10:2595-2601. PNNL-SA-47721. doi:10.1088/0957-4484/17/10/025
  • Chen W., J. Zhang, S.L. Westcott, A.G. Joly, J. Malm, and J. Bovin. 2006. "The Origin of X-ray Luminescence from CdTe Nanoparticles in CdTe/BaFBr:Eu2+ Nanocomposite Phosphors." Journal of Applied Physics 99, no. 3:Art. No. 034302. PNNL-SA-45966.
  • Joly A.G., J.R. Williams, S.A. Chambers, G. Xiong, W.P. Hess, and D.M. Laman. 2006. "Carrier Dynamics in a-Fe2O3 (0001) Thin Films and Single Crystals Probed by Femtosecond Transient Absorption and Reflectivity." Journal of Applied Physics 99, no. 5:Article: 053521 (6 pages). PNNL-SA-45700.
  • Liu Y., W. Chen, A.G. Joly, Y. Wang, C. Pope, Y. Zhang, and J. Bovin, et al. 2006. "Comparison of Water-Soluble CdTe Nanoparticles Synthesized In Air and In Nitrogen." Journal of Physical Chemistry B 110, no. 34:16992-17000. PNNL-SA-50105.
  • Su F., B. Ma, K. Ding, G. Li, S. Wang, W. Chen, and A.G. Joly, et al. 2006. "Luminescence Temperature and Pressure Studies of Zn2SiO4 Phosphors Doped with Mn2+ and Eu3+ Ions." Journal of Luminescence 116, no. 1-2:117-126. PNNL-SA-44672.
  • Su F., W. Wang, K. Ding, G. Li, Y. Liu, A.G. Joly, and W. Chen. 2006. "Pressure Dependence of the Near-Band-Edge Photoluminescence from ZnO Microds at Low Temperature." The Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 67, no. 11:2376-2381. PNNL-SA-52143.
  • Su F., Y. Liu, W. Chen, W.J. Wang, K. Ding, G. Li, and A.G. Joly, et al. 2006. "Temperature and pressure dependences of the Copper-related Green Emission in ZnO Microrods." Journal of Applied Physics 100, no. 1:013107-1 - 013107-6. PNNL-SA-49551. doi:10.1063/1.2206705
  • Xiong G., A.G. Joly, G.R. Holtom, C.M. Wang, D.E. McCready, K.M. Beck, and W.P. Hess. 2006. "Excited Carrier Dynamics of a-Cr2O3/a-Fe2O3 Core-Shell Nanostructures." Journal of Physical Chemistry B 110, no. 34:16937-16940. PNNL-SA-50398. doi:10.1021/jp062507n S1520-6106(06)02507-7
  • Xiong G., A.G. Joly, K.M. Beck, and W.P. Hess. 2006. "Laser-Induced Oxygen Vacancy Formation and Diffusion on TiO2(110) Surfaces Probed by Photoemission Electron Microscopy." Physica Status Solidi C 3, no. 10:3598-3602. PNNL-SA-50474.
  • Xiong G., A.G. Joly, K.M. Beck, W.P. Hess, M. Cai, S.C. Langford, and J.T. Dickinson. 2006. "In Situ Photoelectron Emission Microscopy of a Thermally Induced Martensitic Transformation in a CuZnAI Shape Memory Alloy." Applied Physics Letters 88, no. 9:Art. No. 091910. PNNL-SA-47843.
  • Xiong G., A.G. Joly, W.P. Hess, M. Cai, and J.T. Dickinson. 2006. "Introduction to Photoelectron Emission Microscopy: Principles and Applications." Journal of Chinese Electron Microscopy Society 25, no. 1:15-25. PNNL-SA-45670.


  • Chambers S.A., J.R. Williams, M.A. Henderson, A.G. Joly, M. Varela, and S.J. Pennycook. 2005. "Structure, Band Offsets and Photochemistry at Epitaxial ?-Cr2O3/?-Fe2O3 Heterojunctions." Surface Science 587, no. 3:L197-L207. PNNL-SA-43436.
  • Chen W., A.G. Joly, and D.E. McCready. 2005. "Upconversion Luminescence from CdSe Nanoparticles." Journal of Chemical Physics 122, no. 22:224708 (7 pages). PNNL-SA-43873.
  • Chen W., J. Bovin, S. Wang, A.G. Joly, Y. Wang, and P.M. Sherwood. 2005. "Fabrication and Luminescence of ZnS:Mn2+ Nanoflowers." Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 5, no. 9:1309-1322. PNNL-SA-44728.
  • Chen W., S. Wang, S.L. Westcott, J. Zhang, K. Dou, A.G. Joly, and D.E. McCready. 2005. "Structure and Luminescence of BaFBr:Eu2+ and BaFBr:Eu2+, Tb3+ Phosphors and Thin Films." Journal of Applied Physics 97, no. 8:083506 (8 p.). PNNL-SA-42955.
  • Henyk M., K.M. Beck, M.H. Engelhard, A.G. Joly, W.P. Hess, and J.T. Dickinson. 2005. "Surface Electronic Properties and Site-Specific Laser Desorption Processes of Highly Structured Nanoporous MgO Thin Films." Surface Science 593, no. 1-3:242-247. PNNL-SA-44464.
  • Joly A.G., W. Chen, D.E. McCready, J. Malm, and J. Bovin. 2005. "Upconversion Luminescence of CdTe Nanoparticles." Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter 71. PNNL-SA-42170. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.71.165304
  • Zhang J., F. Su, W. Chen, R. Sammynaiken, S.L. Westcott, D.E. McCready, and G. Li, et al. 2005. "Synthesis and Luminescence of ZnMgS:Mn2+ Nanoparticles." Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 5, no. 9:1465-1471. PNNL-SA-44628.


  • Beck K.M., A.G. Joly, N.F. Dupuis, P. Perozzo, W.P. Hess, P.V. Sushko, and A.L. Shluger. 2004. "Laser Control of Product Electronic State: Desorption from Alkali Halides." Journal of Chemical Physics 120, no. 5:2456-2463. PNNL-SA-39229.
  • Chen W., A.G. Joly, J. Malm, and J. Bovin. 2004. "Upconversion luminescence of Eu3+ and Mn2+ in ZnS:Mn2+, Eu3+ codoped nanoparticles." Journal of Applied Physics 95, no. 2:667-672. PNNL-SA-40757.
  • Chen W., J. Bovin, A.G. Joly, S. Wang, F. Su, and G. Li. 2004. "Full-Color Emission From In2S3 and In2S3:Eu3+ Nanoparticles." Journal of Physical Chemistry B 108, no. 32:11927-11934. PNNL-SA-41658.
  • Chen W., J.Z. Zhang, and A.G. Joly. 2004. "Optical Properties and Potential Applications of Doped Semiconductor Nanoparticles." Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 4, no. 8:919-947. PNNL-SA-41022.
  • Espana A.L., A.G. Joly, W.P. Hess, and J.T. Dickinson. 2004. "Laser-Induced Damage of Calcium Fluoride." Journal of Undergraduate Research Volume IV, 2004. PNNL-SA-40508.
  • Joly A.G., W.P. Hess, and K.M. Beck. 2004. "Time-Resolved Femtosecond Laser Desorption from Alkali Halide Crystals." In High-Power Laser Ablation V. Proceedings of the SPIE, edited by Claude R. Phipps, 5448, 532-537. Bellingham:International Society Optical Engineering. PNNL-SA-41296.
  • Wang Z., J.M. Zachara, W. Yantasee, P.L. Gassman, C. Liu, and A.G. Joly. 2004. "Cryogenic Laser Induced Fluorescence Characterization of U(VI) in Hanford Vadose Zone Pore Waters." Environmental Science & Technology 38. PNNL-SA-41205.


  • Chen W., A.G. Joly, J. Malm, J. Bovin, and S. Wang. 2003. "Full-Color Emission and Temperature Dependence of the Luminescence in Poly-P -Phenylene Ethynylene-ZnS:Mn2+ Composite Particles." Journal of Physical Chemistry B 107, no. 27:6544-6551. PNNL-SA-38150.
  • Henyk M., A.G. Joly, K.M. Beck, and W.P. Hess. 2003. "Photon stimulated desorption from KI: Laser control of I-atom velocity distributions." Surface Science 528, no. 1-3:219-223. PNNL-SA-36324.
  • Laman D.M., A.G. Joly, and D. Ray. 2003. "The Structures of Fluorene-(H2O)(1,2) Determined by Rotational Coherence Spectroscopy." Journal of Chemical Physics 119, no. 4:1970-1977. PNNL-SA-32521.


  • Chen W., A.G. Joly, and J. Roark. 2002. ""Photostimulated Luminescence and Dynamics of Agl and Ag Nanoclusters in Zeolites"." Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter 65. PNNL-SA-35759.
  • Chen W., A.G. Joly, G.A. Kowalchuk, J. Malm, Y. Huang, and J. Bovin. 2002. "Structure, Luminescence, and Dynamics of Eu2O3 Nanoparticles in MCM-41." Journal of Physical Chemistry B 106, no. 28:7034-7041. PNNL-SA-36359.
  • Chen W., F. Su, G. Li, A.G. Joly, J. Malm, and J. Bovin. 2002. "Temperature and Pressure Dependences of the Mn2+ and Donor-Acceptor Emissions in ZnS:Mn2+ Nanoparticles." Journal of Applied Physics 92, no. 4:1950-1955. PNNL-SA-36213.
  • Hess W.P., A.G. Joly, K.M. Beck, and J.T. Dickinson. 2002. "Time-Resolved Femtosecond Laser Desorption from Wide-BandGap Single Crystals." In High-Power Laser Ablation IV, Proc. SPIE, edited by Claude R. Phipps, 4760, 318-325. Bellingham, Washington:SPIE. PNNL-SA-36088.
  • Joly A.G., W.P. Hess, K.M. Beck, and J.T. Dickinson. 2002. "Femtosecond Time-Resolved Photo-Stimulated Desorption from Ionic Crystals." Applied Surface Science 186, no. 1-4:339-344. PNNL-SA-34867.
  • Li H., Z. Wang, L. Li, D.M. Strachan, Y. Su, and A.G. Joly. 2002. "Spectroscopic Elucidation of Lanthanide Cation Dissolution Mechanism in Borosilicate Glass." In Advanced Fibers, Plastics, Laminates, and Composites, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, edited by F.T. Wallengerger et al, 702, 291-301. Warrendale, Pennsylvania:Materials Research Society. PNNL-SA-35613.


  • Beck K.M., A.G. Joly, and W.P. Hess. 2001. "Evidence for a Surface Exciton in KBr via Laser Desorption." Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter 63, no. 12:125423(6). PNNL-SA-33478.
  • Chen W., A.G. Joly, and J.Z. Zhang. 2001. "Up-Conversion Luminescence of Mn2+ in ZnS:Mn2+ Nanoparticles." Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter 64. PNNL-SA-34392.
  • Felmy A.R., Z. Wang, D.A. Dixon, A.G. Joly, J.R. Rustad, and M.J. Mason. 2001. "The Aqueous Complexation of Eu(III) with Organic Chelates at High Base Concentration: Molecular and Thermodynamic Modeling Results." In Nuclear Site Remediation: First Accomplishments of the Environmental Management Science Program. ACS Symposium Series, edited by PG Eller, WR. Heineman, 778, 63-82. Washington Dc, District Of Columbia:American Chemical Society. PNNL-SA-32787.
  • Hess W.P., A.G. Joly, D.P. Gerrity, K.M. Beck, P. Sushko, and A. Shluger. 2001. "Selective laser desorption of ionic surfaces: resonant surface excitation of KBr." Journal of Chemical Physics 115, no. 20:9463 - 9472. PNNL-SA-34994.
  • Joly A.G., W. Chen, J. Roark, and J.Z. Zhang. 2001. "Temperature Dependence of Up-Conversion Luminescence and Photoluminescence of Mn2+ in ZnS:Mn2+ Nanoparticles." Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 1, no. 3:295-301. PNNL-SA-35236.
  • Wang Z., D. Friedrich, C.C. Ainsworth, S.L. Hemmer, A.G. Joly, and M.R. Beversluis. 2001. "Ground-State Proton Transfer Tautomer of Al(III)-Salicylate Complexes in Ethanol Solution." Journal of Physical Chemistry A 105, no. 5:942-950. PNNL-SA-33421.
  • Wang Z., D. Friedrich, M.R. Beversluis, S.L. Hemmer, A.G. Joly, M.H. Huesemann, and M.J. Truex, et al. 2001. "A Fluorescence Spectroscopic Study of Phenanthrene Sorbed on Porous Silica." Environmental Science & Technology 35, no. 13:2710-2716. PNNL-SA-33334.
  • Wang Z., S.L. Hemmer, D. Friedrich, and A.G. Joly. 2001. "Anthracene as the Origin of the Red-Shifted Emission from Commercial Zone-Refined Phenanthrene Sorbed on Mineral Surfaces." Journal of Physical Chemistry A 105, no. 25:6020-6023. PNNL-SA-33335.


  • Beck K.M., A.G. Joly, and W.P. Hess. 2000. "Time-resolved Femtosecond Laser Induced Desorption from Magnesium Oxide and Lithium Fluoride Single Crystals." Surface Science 451. PNNL-SA-31461.
  • Beck K.M., A.G. Joly, and W.P. Hess. 2000. "Time-Resolved Femtosecond Laser-Induced Desorption from Magnesium Oxide and Lithium Fluoride Single Crystals." Surface Science 451, no. 1-3:166-173. PNNL-SA-33218.
  • Elder S.H., F. Cot, Y. Su, S.M. Heald, A.M. Tyryshkin, M.K. Bowman, and Y. Gao, et al. 2000. "The Discovery and Study of Nanocrystalline TiO2-(MoO3) Core-Shell Materials." Journal of the American Chemical Society 122, no. 21:5138-5146. PNNL-SA-33714.
  • Smith B.A., J.Z. Zhang, A.G. Joly, and J. Liu. 2000. "Luminescence Decay Kinetics of Mn2+ Doped ZnS Nanoclusters Grown in Reverse Micelles." Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter 62, no. 3:2021-2028. PNNL-SA-32726.
  • Wang Z., C.C. Ainsworth, D. Friedrich, P.L. Gassman, and A.G. Joly. 2000. "Kinetics and Mechanism of Surface Reaction of Salicylate on Alumina in Colloidal Aqueous Suspension." Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 64, no. 7:1159-1172. PNNL-SA-30736.


  • Friedrich D., Z. Wang, A.G. Joly, K.A. Peterson, P.R. Callis, and P.R. Callis. 1999. "Ground-state proton-transfer tautomer of the salicylate anion." Journal of Physical Chemistry A 103, no. 48:9644-9653. PNNL-SA-32613.
  • Hess W.P., A.G. Joly, K.M. Beck, R.M. Williams, and J. Dickinson. 1999. "Femtosecond Time-Resolved Laser Induced Desorption of Positive Ions from MgO." Applied Physics A, Materials Science and Processing 69. PNNL-SA-31434.
  • Joly A.G., K.M. Beck, and W.P. Hess. 1999. "Ultrafast and Nanosecond Laser Induced Desorption of Positive Ions from Lithium Fluoride Single Crystals." Applied Physics A, Materials Science and Processing 69. PNNL-SA-31435.
  • Mccarroll M.E., A.G. Joly, Z. Wang, D.M. Friedrich, and R. Von Wandruszka. 1999. "Time-Resolved Fluorescence Anisotropies in Mixed Surfactant Solutions." Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 218, no. 1:260-264. PNNL-SA-32407.


  • Ainsworth C.C., D. Friedrich, P.L. Gassman, Z. Wang, and A.G. Joly. 1998. "Characterization of salicylate-alumina surface complexes by polarized fluorescence spectroscopy." Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 62, no. 4:595-612. PNNL-SA-29751. doi:10.1016/S0016-7037(97)00375-X


  • Bahnmaier A.H., A.G. Joly, J.M. Price, and D. Ray. 1995. "Ionization-Detected Rotational Coherence Spectroscopy of Mass Selected Clusters." In Laser Techniques for State-Selected and State-to-State Chemistry II, July 9-14, 1995, San Diego CA. Proceedings of the SPIE, edited by JW Hepburn, 2548, 182-187. Bellingham, Washington:SPIE. PNL-SA-26575. doi:10.1117/12.220846