Materials Scientist
Hierarchical Materials Team
Materials Scientist
Hierarchical Materials Team


Ajay Karakoti works on developing a fundamental understanding of the effect of local environments on the activity and stability of materials. He is developing materials that act and behave as redox enzymes under certain conditions and can catalyze oxidation and reduction of molecules by controlling the chemistry, oxidation states, and defects at the surfaces.

His research includes a combination of in-situ spectroscopic techniques, including cryo-XPS, to understand the fundamental processes occurring at these interfaces. His research has direct application in the areas related to redox cycling of materials, including heterogenous catalysis and clean energy applications.

Karakoti has specific research expertise in enabling nanotechnology platforms relevant to chemical and gas sensors, biomedical materials, particulate materials, renewable energy, and sustainable environment.

Ajay Karakoti on Google Scholar.

Disciplines and Skills

  • Materials science
  • Nanotechnology
  • Synthesis science


  • PhD in materials science and engineering, University of Central Florida, 2010
  • MS in corrosion science, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, 2003
  • MS in chemistry, University of Delhi, 2001
  • BS in chemistry, University of Delhi, 1999

Awards and Recognitions

  • M.T. Thomas Award, Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, 2012
  • Young Scientist Award, NASI-Scopus, India, 2018