
Interfaces for Energy and the Environment Conference

An international, interdisciplinary conference focused on advancing fundamental understanding of mineral-aqueous interfaces relevant to energy and environmental applications.

This illustration shows connections between red, purple, and gray atoms on a blue background, with basic text about the conference.

Illustration by Melanie Hess-Robinson | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

May 19 – 23, 2025

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA USA

The 2025 Interfaces for Energy and the Environment Conference (IEEC) is an interdisciplinary meeting aimed at sharing cutting-edge research on aqueous-mineral interfaces impacting energy and environmental applications. Participants will share recent finding and the latest developments in experimental and theoretical capabilities across a broad range of fields—including, but not limited to, geochemistry, atmospheric chemistry, soil science, environmental management, and catalysis science.

Session topics include:

  • Theories for interface structure, dynamics, and charge transfer
  • Abiotic and biologically-mediated nucleation, growth, and dissolution
  • Frontiers in computation and advances in analytical techniques
  • Interfaces at all scales: extending the spatial and temporal scales of interfacial studies
  • Interfaces under extreme environments: high salinity, pH, temperature, confinement, radiation, and photocatalysis 

IEEC will promote collaboration and networking among industry, national laboratories, and university participants. The three-day technical program features invited lectures, contributed oral presentations, poster sessions, sponsor and vendor exhibits, and a dinner banquet. The conference will be held in-person at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Richland, Washington (USA) from May 19 23, 2025.

Click here for details on abstract submission, speakers, registration, and event accommodations.

Important Dates

  • October 14, 2024: Sponsor and exhibitor packages available, contact Heather Roney or Theva Thevuthasan
  • October 14, 2024: Call for abstracts opens
  • October 24, 2024: Registration opens
  • January 24, 2025: Abstract submission closes (extended by two weeks on January 10)
  • February 3, 2025: Presenters notified
  • February 28: Early-bird registration closes
    • Full conference fee for general participants (U.S. and non-U.S. citizens): $450 U.S. 
    • Student fee (undergraduate, graduate, postdoctorate): $150 U.S.
  • March 10: General registration for international/non-U.S. citizens closes*
    • Full conference fee for general participants, $500 U.S.
    • Student fee (undergraduate, graduate, postdoctorate): $150 U.S.
  • May 5: Sponsorship opportunities close
  • May 12: General registration for U.S. citizens closes
    • Full conference fee for general participants: $500 U.S.
    • Student fee (undergraduate, graduate, postdoctorate): $150 U.S.
  • May 12: Student registration for U.S. citizens closes (undergraduate, graduate, postdoctoral): $150 
  • May 19-23: IEEC commences, in-person at PNNL in Richland, Washington State

*Due to the venue, additional approvals and documentation are required for all non-U.S. citizens before registration will be approved. This process can take up to 45 days.

IEEC Leadership

Conference Co-Chairs

Mavis Boamah

Mavis Boamah, PhD, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. An experimental geochemist, Boamah’s research expertise involves understanding interfacial chemistry and electron transfer processes at mineral/aqueous and mineral/organics interfaces with ultrafast spectroscopy techniques essential for water remediation, electronic nanodevices, geochemistry, and renewable energy production. 


Sandra Taylor is a geochemist. She focuses on using microscopy to understand crystal growth mechanisms.

Sandra Taylor, PhD, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. A geochemist, Taylor’s research focuses on understanding crystal growth mechanisms across a broad range of fields—from biogeochemistry to corrosion science to novel materials synthesis—using advanced microscopy techniques.


Program Committee

  • Anastasia G. Ilgen, Sandia National Laboratories
  • Franz Geiger, Northwestern University
  • Eric Borguet, Temple University
  • Young-Shin Jun, Washington University in St. Louis
  • James Kubicki, University of Texas at El Paso
  • Nadine Kabengi, Georgia State University
  • Julianne Gibbs, University of Alberta
  • Kevin Rosso, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
  • Vicki H. Grassian, University of California San Diego