
Hydropower Vision: Unveiling the Reimagined Roadmap

Graphic shaped like a gear that describes the process to reach hydropower goals by 2050.

Illustration by Cortland Johnson for Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

October 12 and November 7, 2023

In 2016, the Department of Energy (DOE) released the Hydropower Vision report, a seminal document that outlined:

  • The state of hydropower in the United States
  • An assessment of national hydropower potential
  • A roadmap detailing the pathway forward to 2050.

With the release, DOE made a commitment to the hydropower community to make the Vision report a living document. Thus, we have reimagined the Hydropower Vision Roadmap with the support of the hydropower community.

We invite all members of the hydropower community to join us to: 

  1. Unveil the Reimagined Hydropower Vision Roadmap
  2. Hear community feedback about the potential effort, impact, and timing of the Reimagined Hydropower Vision goals
  3. Engage in discussions to share ongoing efforts that you and others are doing to support the roadmap activities.

There will be two opportunities to learn more and participate, the first during a panel discussion at Clean Currents 2023 and the second in a virtual webinar:

Graphic that shows a landscape with interconnected energy systems
Illustration by Cortland Johnson for Pacific Northwest National Laboratory