S&T Seminar Series

Engaging the Future STEM Workforce through their Teachers

Alison Colotelo
December 1, 2020 5:00 pm

PNNL’s Teacher-Scientist Partnership aims to develop the future STEM workforce through the professional development of teachers. In partnership with PNNL researchers, we design a real-life, STEM problem-based immersion experience for the teachers. Teachers embrace the role of “learner” and engage in hands-on activities that show them how science is done at a national laboratory – in teams and across disciplines. Throughout the experience, PNNL’s Office of STEM Education works with teachers to connect the activities to their classroom and state learning standards. Teachers leave the experience with tools to integrate problem-based learning into their classrooms, in turn inspiring their students to pursue careers in STEM fields.

About the Community Science and Technology Seminar Series
The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory’s Community Science and Technology Seminar Series was launched to help the general public better understand and explore how science transforms our world. For more information about this seminar and upcoming seminars, call (509) 375-6871.