
Dark Matter Day 2021

Celebrate the hunt for the unseen

Dark Matter Day 2021
November 1–4, 2021, 5:30–6:30 P.M. (Pacific Time)

Zoom Webinars

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) scientists presented a series of online talks exploring the mysteries of dark matter and the experiments that could bring us closer to solving them. 

Science Seminar: Searching for the Direct Detection of Dark Matter on Earth

November 1, 2021

Observations of the universe show conclusively that there is more matter present than can be accounted for by all the forms of matter we are familiar with from modern physics and chemistry. Because our telescopes can’t see this matter through any emission of electromagnetic radiationsuch as light or radio wavesthis unseen matter is dubbed dark matter. At PNNL, researchers are working to design and build experiments to directly detect dark matter here on Earth, because dark matter should be everywhere around us. This seminar will present an overview of what we know–and don’t knowabout dark matter and describe the methods the research community is using to search for direct detection of dark matter. 

Presenter: Ben Loer, Physicist, PNNL

Watch the recording: Dark Matter Science Seminar

Science Career Panel

November 2, 2021

PNNL uses an interdisciplinary approachengaging physicists, chemists, materials scientists, mechanical and electrical engineers, and computing expertsto build an experimental program aimed at the discovery of dark matter. Join us for this Science Career Panel to meet a few of these researchers and learn how they apply their expertise and skills to the search for dark matter. The panelists will not only address the issues and challenges of dark matter research, but also discuss how their individual career paths have led to the work being done today. 

Ray Bunker, Physicist, PNNL
Laura di Vacri, Chemist, PNNL
Cory Overman, Mechanical Engineer, PNNL
Jihee Yang, Physicist, PNNL

Moderator: Wendy Shaw, Chief Science and Technology Officer, Physical and Computational Sciences, PNNL

Watch the recording: Dark Matter Career Panel

Dark Matter Mini-Symposia 

What does it really mean for a Department of Energy national laboratory to perform research searching for dark matter? Join us for this two-part mini-symposia to learn details of dark matter research occurring at PNNL. Two pairs of researchers will provide an inside look at the work they do in their search for the elusive dark matter. They will explain the tools and expertise a national laboratory brings to bear on tackling these challenging research questions.

Part 1: Particle-Like Detection | November 3, 2021

Watch the recording: Dark Matter Mini-Symposia Part 1

Part 2: Wave-Like Detection | November 4, 2021

Watch the recording: Dark Matter Mini-Symposia Part 2

Part 1:
Francisco Ponce, Physicist, PNNL
Isaac Arnquist, Chemist, PNNL

Part 2:
Christian Boutan, Physicist, PNNL
Mark Jones, Electrical Engineer, PNNL

Dark Matter Day logo

Dark Matter Day is a globally recognized celebration of research and discovery. Every year on and around October 31, institutions and individuals around the planet hold events to explore the mysteries of dark matter and highlight the experiments that could bring us closer to solving them.

PNNL's Dark Matter Day 2021 events are supported by the Nuclear Physics, Particle Physics, Astrophysics, and Cosmology Initiative at PNNL.