Constituent Selection (CON)
The Constituent Selection output can be found in the GID file. Each database must format its specification output to match the format of the GID file. One and only one CON database specification can exist per site within the GID file. There are two parts within the specification, one contains the database owners specific parameters and the other contains the specification parameters below.
For each site:
NumCon (INTEGER) - Number of Constituents
For each CON:
FSCASID (STRING) - The Chemical Abstracts Service Identification number
FSCNAME (STRING) - Constituent Name
FSFRACTION (FLOAT) - "fraction" - First dregration product fraction
FUIDataBase (STRING) - Microsoft Access database being used
NDS (INTEGER) - Number of straight chain decay products
SSCASID (STRING) - Second degration product CASID
SSCNAME (STRING) - Second degration product name
SSFRACTION (FLOAT) - "fraction" - Second dregration product fraction
CLKTYPE (INTEGER) - MEPAS constituent Type (0=Chemical, 1=Radionuclide)
CLETYPE (INTEGER) - MEPAS exposure type
For each FSCASID:
(Physical and Chemical properties belonging both to Chemical and Radionuclide)
CLABSKN (FLOAT) - "fraction" - The dermal absorption fraction from soil
CLANDF (FLOAT) - "m^3/L" - Inhalation Volatilization Factor for Indoors
CLAPF (FLOAT) - "kg/kg" - Bioconcentration in Wet Animal Forage from Air
CLAPLV (FLOAT) - "kg/kg" - Bioconcentration in Wet Leafy Vegetables from Air
CLBFF (FLOAT) - "L/kg" - Bioaccumulation in Wet Fish from Freshwater
CLBFI (FLOAT) - "L/kg" - Bioaccumulation in Wet Crustacea from Freshwater
CLBFM (FLOAT) - "L/kg" - Bioaccumulation in Wet Mollusk from Freshwater
CLBFP (FLOAT) - "L/kg" - Bioaccumulation in Wet Plants from Freshwater
CLBMF (FLOAT) - "L/kg" - Bioaccumulation in Wet Fish from Saltwater
CLBMI (FLOAT) - "L/kg" - Bioaccumulation in Wet Crustacea from Saltwater
CLBMM (FLOAT) - "L/kg" - Bioaccumulation in Wet Mollusk from Saltwater
CLBMP (FLOAT) - "L/kg" - Bioaccumulation in Wet Plants from Saltwater
CLBP (FLOAT) - "degC" - The boiling point temperature
CLBSAF (FLOAT) - "kg/kg" - Bioaccumulation in Wet Biota from Sediment
CLBVAF (FLOAT) - "kg/kg" - Bioconcentration in Wet Animal Forage from Soil
CLBVAG (FLOAT) - "kg/kg" - Bioconcentration in Wet Animal Grain from Soil
CLBVAH (FLOAT) - "kg/kg" - Bioconcentration in Wet Animal Hay from Soil
CLBVCL (FLOAT) - "kg/kg" - Bioconcentration in Wet Cereal from Soil
CLBVFR (FLOAT) - "kg/kg" - Bioconcentration in Wet Fruit from Soil
CLBVLV (FLOAT) - "kg/kg" - Bioconcentration in Wet Leafy Vegetables from Soil
CLBVOV (FLOAT) - "kg/kg" - Bioconcentration in Wet Other Vegetables from Soil
CLBVRV (FLOAT) - "kg/kg" - Bioconcentration in Wet Root Vegetables from Soil
CLCHEM (INTEGER) - RAAS constituent Type
CLCLASS (INTEGER) - The atmospheric deposition class
CLDCAIR (FLOAT) - "cm^2/sec" - The diffusion coefficient in air
CLDCAT (FLOAT) - "degC" - The reference temperature for air diffusion
CLDCGRT (FLOAT) - "cm^2/sec" - The diffusion coefficient in grout
CLDCGT (FLOAT) - "degC" - The reference temperature for grout diffusion
CLDCWAT (FLOAT) - "cm^2/sec" - The diffusion coefficient in water
CLDCWT (FLOAT) - "degC" - The reference temperature for water diffusion
CLENTF (FLOAT) - "J/kg K" - The entropy of fusion
CLENTFT (FLOAT) - "degC" - The entropy of fusion temperature
CLFEG (FLOAT) - "day/kg" - Feed to Egg Transfer Factor
CLFLASH (FLOAT) - "degC" - The flash point temperature
CLFMK (FLOAT) - "day/L" - Feed to Milk Transfer Factor
CLFMT (FLOAT) - "day/kg" - Feed to Meat Transfer Factor
CLFONEI (FLOAT) - "fraction" - The GI absorption fraction, Insoluble
CLFONES (FLOAT) - "fraction" - The GI absorption fraction, Soluble
CLFPK (FLOAT) - "day/kg" - Feed to Pork Transfer Factor
CLFPL (FLOAT) - "day/kg" - Feed to Poultry Transfer Factor
CLFR (FLOAT) - "" - The fugacity ratio
CLHEATC (FLOAT) - "J/kg" - The heat of combustion
CLHEATF (FLOAT) - "J/kg" - The heat of fusion
CLHEATV (FLOAT) - "J/kg" - The heat of vaporization
CLHLC (FLOAT) - "atm m^3/mole" - Henry's law constant
CLHLCT (FLOAT) - "degC" - Henry's law constant temperature
CLHRRRC (FLOAT) - "cm^3/mole sec" - Hydroxyl radical reaction rate constant
CLKD (FLOAT) - "mL/g" - The dry soil-water partition coefficient
CLKOC (FLOAT) - "mL/g" - The dry organic-carbon partition coefficient
CLKOW (FLOAT) - "mL/mL" - The octanol water partition coefficient
CLKPERM (FLOAT) - "cm/hr" - The aqueous skin permeability constant
CLMCV (FLOAT) - "A^3" - The molecular volume
CLMP (FLOAT) - "degC" - The melting point temperature
CLMV (FLOAT) - "cm^3/mol" - The molar volume
CLMVT (FLOAT) - "degC" - The molar volume temperature
CLPCDEN (FLOAT) - "g/mL" - The pure contaminant density
CLPKA (FLOAT) - "pH" - The acid dissociation constant
CLRAAS (INTEGER) - RAAS Constituent Type
CLSOL (FLOAT) - "mg/L" - The water solubility
CLSOLT (FLOAT) - "degC" - The water solubility temperature
CLSURT (FLOAT) - "dyne/cm" - The surface tension
CLSURTT (FLOAT) - "degC" - The surface tension temperature
CLTSA (FLOAT) - "A^2" - The molecular surface area
CLVAP (FLOAT) - "mm Hg" - The vapor pressure
CLVD (FLOAT) - "m/sec" - The atmospheric deposition velocity
CLVISC (FLOAT) - "centipoise" - The dynamic viscosity
CLVISCT (FLOAT) - "degC" - The dynamic viscosity temperature
CLVP (FLOAT) - "degC" - The vapor pressure temperature
CLVPFA (FLOAT) - "fraction" - The vapor phase fraction in air versus particulates
CLWM (FLOAT) - "g/mole" - The molecular weight
CLWPF (FLOAT) - "fraction" - The water purification factor
CLBHALF (FLOAT) - "day" - Half Time in Biota
CLBIOA (FLOAT) - "day" - The biodegradation half-life in Air
CLBIOS (FLOAT) - "day" - The biodegradation half-life in Soil
CLBIOW (FLOAT) - "day" - The biodegradation half-life in Water
CLGHALF (FLOAT) - "day" - The decay half-life in Groundwater
CLGPHALF (FLOAT) - "day" - The physical loss half time in Groundwater
CLHYDA (FLOAT) - "day" - The hydrolysis half-life in Air
CLHYDW (FLOAT) - "day" - The hydrolysis half-life in Water
CLOXAIR (FLOAT) - "day" - The oxidation half-life in Air
CLPHTA (FLOAT) - "day" - The photolysis half-life in Air
CLPHTW (FLOAT) - "day" - The photolysis half-life in Water
CLSHALF (FLOAT) - "day" - The decay half-life in Soil
CLSHCF (FLOAT) - "day" - Half Time in Soil, no leaching
CLSPHALF (FLOAT) - "day" - The physical loss half time in Soil
CLTHALF (FLOAT) - "day" - The decay half-life in Air
CLTPHALF (FLOAT) - "day" - The physical loss half time in Air
CLWHALF (FLOAT) - "day" - The decay half-life in Surface Water
CLWPHALF (FLOAT) - "day" - The physical loss half time in Surface Water
CLLCLAS (STRING) - The lung solubility class
CLMFORM (STRING) - The molecular formula
(Properties belonging to Chemical Only)
CLCNUM (INTEGER) - Carbon Number
CLCPFG (FLOAT) - "(mg/kg/d)^-1" - Ingestion Cancer Potency Factor, Water
CLCPFGF (FLOAT) - "(mg/kg/d)^-1" - Ingestion Cancer Potency Factor, Food
CLCPFGS (FLOAT) - "(mg/kg/d)^-1" - Ingestion Cancer Potency Factor, Soil
CLCPFH (FLOAT) - "(mg/kg/d)^-1" - Inhalation Cancer Potency Factor
CLRFCH (FLOAT) - "mg/m^3" - Inhalation Reference Concentration
CLRFDG (FLOAT) - "mg/kg/day" - Ingestion Reference Dose, Water
CLRFDGF (FLOAT) - "mg/kg/day" - Ingestion Reference Dose, Food
CLRFDGS (FLOAT) - "mg/kg/day" - Ingestion Reference Dose, Soil
CLRFDH (FLOAT) - "mg/kg/day" - Inhalation Reference Dose
CLURISKG (FLOAT) - "risk/(ug/L)" - Ingestion Unit Risk Factor
CLURISKH (FLOAT) - "risk/(ug/m^3)" - Inhalation Unit Risk Factor
CLWOEHC (STRING) - "" - The weight of evidence for human carcinogenicity
(Properties belonging to Radionuclide Only)
CLDEX (FLOAT) - "rem/hr per pCi/m^3" - External Dose Factor, Air Immersion
CLDFAD (FLOAT) - "rem/pCi" - Inhalation Dose Factor, class Day
CLDFAW (FLOAT) - "rem/pCi" - Inhalation Dose Factor, class Week
CLDFAY (FLOAT) - "rem/pCi" - Inhalation Dose Factor, class Year
CLDIAM (FLOAT) - "um" - Inhalation Dose Factor Particle Diameter
CLDIMR (FLOAT) - "rem/hr per pCi/L" - External Dose Factor, Water Immersion
CLDSH (FLOAT) - "rem/hr per pCi/m^2" - External Dose Factor, Ground Surface
CLDSH1 (FLOAT) - "rem/hr per pCi/m^3" - External Dose Factor, Ground Contaminated to 1cm
CLDSH15 (FLOAT) - "rem/hr per pCi/m^3" - External Dose Factor, Ground Contaminated to 15cm
CLDSH5 (FLOAT) - "rem/hr per pCi/m^3" - External Dose Factor, Ground Contaminated to 5cm
CLRDFGI (FLOAT) - "rem/pCi" - Ingestion Dose Factor, insoluble
CLRDFGS (FLOAT) - "rem/pCi" - Ingestion Dose Factor, soluble
CLRDFS (FLOAT) - "rem/pCi" - Dermal Absorption Dose Factor
CLSFEX (FLOAT) - "risk/yr per pCi/m^2" - External Slope Factor
CLSFG (FLOAT) - "risk/pCi" - Ingestion Slope Factor, Water
CLSFGF (FLOAT) - "risk/pCi" - Ingestion Slope Factor, Food
CLSFGS (FLOAT) - "risk/pCi" - Ingestion Slope Factor, Soil
CLSFH (FLOAT) - "risk/pCi" - Inhalation Slope Factor
Next CON
Next site
The minimum specifications from the above list are: FSCASID, FSCNAME, FSFRACTION, FUIDataBase, NDS, NumCon, SSCASID, SSCNAME, and SSFRACTION.
For more information on the CON database see the Software Page.
This CON example was created using the case_01 test case.