Body Burden File (.BBF)
The BBF contains a time series of chemical body burden or radiological dose (i.e., dose/body burden versus time). The concentrations are in pCi/kg or mg/kg, depending on whether the constituent is a radionuclide or a chemical. These concentration values are the instantaneous values at that point in time, not an average. There are NO limits on the number of organisms, constituents, or concentrations. Currently the BBF has one qualifier type: "Eco Body Burdens SUF".
The following outline is a description of the basic information provided in the BBF. This file may be modified through an API. See the Software Development Kit (SDK) for more information. An example BBF is included after the outline. Comparing the line-by-line description in the outline to the example should clarify and help locate data contained in the BBF. Lines beginning with ';' are descriptive comments only and will not appear in the actual BBF.
For each 'Module' producing a BBF section
A line with:
Module Name - [STRING]
Number of Lines in section - [INTEGER]
End Line
A line with:
Number of Header Lines - [INTEGER]
End Line
For each 'Header Line'
A line with:
Header information - [STRING]
End Line
Next 'Header Line'
A line with:
Number of Data Sets - [INTEGER]
End Line
For each 'Data Set'
A line with:
File Extension - [STRING]
;If 'Data Set' is user defined then
; 'File Extension' is ""
;Else 'File Extension' is a valid PDCF Extension (i.e. "SCF"/ "WCF" / ...)
; The consumed PDCF's extension used to generate this data set
;If more than one input file was used to generate this data set then
; Separate each with a semicolon (e.g. "SCF:WCF")
File Qualifier - [STRING]
;If 'Data Set' is user defined then
; 'File Qualifier' is the media that exposed this data set
;Else 'File Qualifier' is a valid PDCF Qualifier for 'File Extension' (i.e. "Sediment" / "Surface Water" / ...)
; The consumed PDCF's qualifier used to generate this data set
;If more than one input file was used to generate this data set then
; Separate each with a semicolon (e.g. "Sediment:Surface Water")
Number of Organisms - [INTEGER]
Number of Variability Levels - [INTEGER]
;if discrete set to 1
;else 1 or more are required for crosstab
Number of Uncertainty Levels - [INTEGER]
;if discrete set to 1
;else 2 or more are required for crosstab
End Line
A line with:
For each 'Variability Level'
Variability Level label - [STRING] - (Discreet, 10%, 90%...)
Next 'Variability Level'
For each 'Uncertainty Level'
Uncertainty Level label - [STRING] - (Discreet, 5%, 50%, 95%...)
Next 'Uncertainty Level'
End Line
For each 'Organism'
A line with:
Organism Name - [STRING]
Number of Constituents - [INTEGER]
End Line
For each 'Constituent'
A line with:
Constituent Name - [STRING]
Constituent ID - [STRING]
Time units - [Const STRING] - "yr"
Concentration units - [Const STRING] - "mg/kg"
Number of Time Concentrations pairs - [INTEGER]
Number of Progeny - [INTEGER] - 0
; must be set to zero for 1.6+ specifications
End Line
For each 'Time Concentration Pair'
A line with:
Time - [FLOAT]
For each 'Variability level'
For each 'Uncertainty Level'
Concentration value - [FLOAT]
Next 'Uncertainty Level'
Next 'Variability level'
End Line
Next 'Time Concentration Pair'
Next 'Constituent'
Next 'Organism'
Next 'Data Set'
Next 'Module'
This BBF example was created using the base01 test case.