Device and Method for Enhanced Collection and Assay of Chemicals with High Surface Area Ceramic

Patent ID: 8214 | Patent Number 9,259,708 | Status: Granted


An advanced SPME structure has been developed that surpasses the current standard in the capture of trace level vapor phase analytes. The novel SPME device uses a unique binding process to secure a nanoporous thin film of high surface area sorbent materials to a rigid wire support. Further, novel selective and highly affinitive surface chemistries can be installed onto the nanoporous silica for enhanced selectivity and capture of target analytes. This functionalization allowed for increased collection of the signal, specifically demonstrated for DNT 8x better then commercial SPME fibers for DNT. This device has value by lowering the detection limits of trace analytes while providing a far more robust field sampling unit than currently commercially available. By design, the improved SPME device fits into existing sampling and analytical testing equipment thereby reducing additional equipment costs. This invention has advantages over existing SPME samplers including: • Robust, use of metal wire solves the fragile issues associated with fused silica supports • Superior material, NPTF increase surface area and sorbent capacity o 10-5000x (Thickness and formulation dependent) • Can tailor chemistry to target analyte, amendable to full range of silane chemistries for functionalization • Stabilizes otherwise unstable materials used for capture

Application Number



Cinson,Anthony D
Addleman,Raymond S
Li,Xiaohong Shari

Market Sector

Chemistry and Catalysts
Biological Sciences and Omics