January 11, 2025
Journal Article

Decarbonizing the US Residential Building Stock: A Comparative Analysis of Households and Construction Professionals


In this study, we present a comparative analysis between survey instruments distributed to home occupants and construction professionals in the U.S., focused on energy upgrades and/or electrification retrofits that support decarbonization of residential buildings. We explore occupant and contractor decision-making, sentiments, perceptions, experiences, and practices by analyzing data from three distinct surveys distributed to households and construction professionals. These surveys aim to assess technologies, attitudes, awareness, motivations, barriers, and opportunities related to energy upgrades and/or electrification. Through this comparative analysis of survey results, this work provides valuable insight into the similarities and differences between the perceptions and behaviors of households and construction professionals. The study reveals notable disparities between the building industry and households regarding their views and motivations for energy retrofits for decarbonization, highlighting significant barriers to progress in achieving climate goals. For instance, households note climate change and sustainability as a motivation to pursue energy retrofit projects, compared to contractors who did not perceive these themes as being motivators for their clients (89% households vs 44% industry). Similarly, households are highly motivated to make changes to their home to increase building resilience against extreme weather events (93% households), compared to only 7% industry professionals identifying this as an interest for their clients. This presents an important opportunity for the construction industry to re-adjust their messaging towards themes that households perceive as important as a strategy for advancing residential decarbonization. These findings shed light on the challenges faced by both groups, identify key factors influencing adoption of energy-efficient practices, and reveal inconsistencies between occupant and contractor perceptions. This comparative analysis contributes to the development of targeted strategies and policies to accelerate the decarbonization of the residential building stock in the U.S.

Published: January 11, 2025


Casquero-Modrego N., C.A. Antonopoulos, T.L. Fuentes, K.H. McCord, and I. Walker. 2025. Decarbonizing the US Residential Building Stock: A Comparative Analysis of Households and Construction Professionals. Energy Research and Social Science 120. PNNL-SA-197991. doi:10.1016/j.erss.2024.103908