Research Scientist
Research Scientist


Garrett Staines is a research scientist in the Coastal Sciences Division at the Marine and Coastal Research Laboratory. He received his bachelor’s degree in biology from Oglethorpe University and his master’s degree in fisheries from West Virginia University. Garrett’s work at MCRL is aimed at improving environmental monitoring for marine energy such as tidal turbines and wave energy converter devices.

More specifically he works on informing collision risk for animals and current energy converters such as turbines and much of his research focuses on fish. Garrett’s previous research focused on fish interactions around a tidal turbine application in Cobscook Bay, Maine which prepared him well for transitioning to PNNL and his role with the Triton Initiative.

Research Interest

  • Marine energy environmental monitoring
  • Technology development for informing collision risk of fish and other animals
  • Active acoustics technology for fish behavior research
  • Ecosystem-based management decision making for fisheries


B.S. Biology, Oglethorpe University

M.S. Fisheries & Wildlife Management, West Virginia University 


Staines, G.J., Zydlewski, G.B., Viehman, H.A., Kocik, R. 2020. Applying two active acoustic technologies to document presence of large marine animal targets at a marine renewable energy site. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 8(9): 704.

Staines, G.J., Zydlewski, G.B., Viehman, H.A. 2019. Changes in relative fish density around a deployed tidal turbine during on-water activities. Sustainability 11 (22): 6262.

Staines, G., Deng, Z., Martinez, J., Kohn, N., Harker-Klimeŝ. 2019. Using acoustic telemetry for high-resolution sablefish movement informing potential interactions with a tidal turbine. Oceans 2019 MTS/IEEE Seattle, Seattle, WA, USA.

O’Neil, R.S., Staines, G.J., Freeman, M.C. 2019. Marine Hydrokinetics Regulatory Processes Literature Review. PNNL-28608. Richland, WA: Report by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. pp. 102.

Matzner, S., Trostle, C., Staines, G., Hull, R., Avila, A., Harker-Klimeŝ, G. 2017. Triton: Igiugig Fish Video Analysis. PNNL-26576. Richland, WA: Report by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. pp. 60.

Copping, A., Sather, N., Hanna, L., Whiting, J., Zydlewski, G., Staines, G., Gill, A., Hutchison, I., O’Hagan, A., Simas, T., Bald, J., Sparling C., Wood, J., and Masden, E. 2016. Annex IV 2016 State of the Science Report: Environmental Effects of Marine Renewable Energy Development Around the World.

Shen, H., Zydlewski, G.B., Viehman, H.A., Staines, G.J. 2015. Estimating the probability of fish encountering a marine hydrokinetic device. Renewable Energy. 97: 746-756.

Staines, G.J., Zydlewski, G.B., Viehman, H.A., Shen, H., McCleave, J.D. 2015. Changes in vertical fish distributions near a hydrokinetic device in Cobscook Bay, Maine, USA. Proceedings of the 11th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, 6-11 September, Nantes, France.

Shen, H., Zydlewski, G.B., Viehman, H.A., Staines, G.J. 2015. Estimating the probability of fish encountering a marine hydrokinetic device. Proceedings of the 3rd Marine Energy Technology Symposium. 27-29 April, Washington, DC.

Viehman, H.A., Zydlewski, G.B., McCleave, J.D., Staines, G.J. 2015. Using hydroacoustics to understand fish presence and vertical distribution in a tidally dynamic region targeted for energy extraction. Estuaries and Coasts. 38: 215-226.

Zydlewski, G.B., Viehman, H.A., Staines, G.J., Shen, H., McCleave, J.D. 2014. Fish interactions with marine renewable devices: Lessons learned from ecological design to improving cost effectiveness. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Environmental Interactions of Marine Renewables Conference, 28 April – 2 May, Stornoway, Isle of Lewis, Outer Hebrides, Scotland