August 15, 2023
Journal Article
mzapy: An Open-Source Python Library Enabling Efficient Extraction and Processing of Ion Mobility Spectrometry-Mass Spectrometry Data in the MZA File Format
We have recently reported MZA, a new and simple mass spectrometry data structure based on the broadly supported HDF5 format and created to facilitate software development. While this format is inherently supportive of application development, the availability of a core library with standard mass spectrometry utilities greatly facilitates fast software development. We present a Python library, mzapy, for efficient extraction and processing of mass spectrometry data in the MZA format. In addition to raw data extraction, mzapy contains supporting utilities enabling tasks including calibration, signal processing, peak finding, and generating plots. Being implemented in pure Python with minimal and largely standardized dependencies makes mzapy uniquely suited to application development in the multi-omics domain. The free and open-source mzapy is built with extensibility in mind, and future development will support cloud computing and artificial intelligence/machine learning applications. The software source code is freely available at August 15, 2023