July 19, 2023

FIC Threat Profile: Provided by Shamrock Cyber


The FIC team has engaged with PNNL’s Shamrock Cyber Team to produce this Threat Profile. The Threat Profile provides the foundation for a thorough understanding of threats for development teams and stakeholders, and users of the system. The Threat Profile can be used as is, or as content to inform other reports tailored to a specific audience. It is intended to enable decision makers at all levels to improve the security posture of the system.

Published: July 19, 2023


Bigler J.H., A.E. Chastain, P.D. Francik, C.L. Himes, D.E. Nodine, E.E. Lancaster, and P.J. O'Connell, et al. 2022. FIC Threat Profile: Provided by Shamrock Cyber Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.

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