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Fundamental and Computational Sciences Directorate

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Tingkun Liu

Materials Scientist
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
PO Box 999
MSIN: J7-10
Richland, WA 99352

PNNL Publications


  • Jin Y., T. Wang, T. Liu, T. Yang, S. Dowden, A. Neogi, and N.B. Dahotre. 2024. "Gradient process parameter optimization in additive friction stir deposition of aluminum alloys." International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 195, no. A:Art. No. 104113. PNNL-SA-193832. doi:10.1016/j.ijmachtools.2023.104113
  • Wang T., Z. Lu, Q. Zhang, A. Saboo, X. Ma, T. Liu, and Z. Mahbooba, et al. 2024. "High-temperature lean Cu alloys with Cr-to-Nb atomic ratio of 2." Materials Today Communications 39, no. _:Art. No. 108884. PNNL-SA-190640. doi:10.1016/j.mtcomm.2024.108884
  • Wang X., D. Zhang, J.T. Darsell, K.A. Ross, X. Ma, J. Liu, and T. Liu, et al. 2024. "Manufacturing Oxide Dispersion Strengthened (ODS) steel plate via cold spray and friction stir processing." Journal of Nuclear Materials 596, no. _:Art. No. 155076. PNNL-SA-184484. doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2024.155076


  • Devaraj A., T. Liu, C. Park, and S. Sinogeikin. 2023. "A High-Speed Rotational Diamond Anvil Cell for In Situ Analysis of Hierarchical Microstructural Evolution of Metallic Alloys during Extreme Shear Deformation." Microscopy and Microanalysis 29, no. Supplement 1:Art. No. 1980. PNNL-SA-185857. doi:10.1093/micmic/ozad067.1025
  • Lim H., C. Venkata Subban, D. Nguyen, T.S. Nasoetion, T. Liu, K. Han, and B. Modachur Sivakumar, et al. 2023. Room Temperature Electrorefining of Rare Earth Metals from End-of-use Nd-Fe-B Magnets. PNNL-34948. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Room Temperature Electrorefining of Rare Earth Metals from End-of-use Nd-Fe-B Magnets
  • Liu T., C. Li, M.J. Olszta, J. Tao, and A. Devaraj. 2023. "Directly Monitoring the Shift in Corrosion Mechanisms of a Model FeCrNi Alloy Driven by Electric Potential." npj Materials Degradation 7. PNNL-SA-179549. doi:10.1038/s41529-023-00357-2


  • Devaraj A., D.J. Barton, C. Li, S.M. Lambeets, T. Liu, A. Battu, and V. Shutthanandan, et al. 2022. "Visualizing the Nanoscale Oxygen and Cation Transport Mechanisms During the Early Stages of Oxidation of Fe-Cr-Ni Alloy Using In Situ Atom Probe Tomography." Advanced Materials Interfaces 9, no. 20:Art. No. 2200134. PNNL-SA-169147. doi:10.1002/admi.202200134
  • Liu J., R. Kannan, D. Zhang, T. Liu, P. Nandwana, and A. Devaraj. 2022. "Multi-scale characterization of supersolidus liquid phase sintered H13 tool steel manufactured via binder jet additive manufacturing." Additive Manufacturing 56. PNNL-SA-170859. doi:10.1016/j.addma.2022.102834
  • Wang T., T. Liu, T.J. Roosendaal, and P. Upadhyay. 2022. "Reinforcing the exit hole from friction stir welding and processing." Materialia 26. PNNL-SA-175228. doi:10.1016/j.mtla.2022.101611


  • Liu T., M.J. Olszta, B. Gwalani, C. Park, S. Mathaudhu, and A. Devaraj. 2021. "Phase Transformations, Microstructural Refinement and Defect Evolution Mechanisms in Al-Si Alloys under Non-Hydrostatic Diamond Anvil Cell Compression." Materialia 15. PNNL-SA-158218. doi:10.1016/j.mtla.2021.101049

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