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Fundamental and Computational Sciences Directorate

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Nabajit Lahiri

Geochemistry Team A
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
PO Box 999
MSIN: K8-96
Richland, WA 99352

PNNL Publications


  • Bartels M.F., Q. Miller, R. Cao, N. Lahiri, J.E. Holliman, C.H. Stanfield, and H.T. Schaef. 2024. "Parts-Per-Million Carbonate Mineral Quantification with Thermogravimetric Analysis-Mass Spectrometry." Analytical Chemistry 96, no. 11:4385-4393. PNNL-SA-189663. doi:10.1021/acs.analchem.3c03936
  • Huang X., D. Song, Q. Zhao, R.P. Young, Y. Chen, E.D. Walter, and N. Lahiri, et al. 2024. "Photolysis of Dissolved Organic Matter over Hematite Nanoplatelets." Environmental Science & Technology 58, no. 6:2798 - 2807. PNNL-SA-189581. doi:10.1021/acs.est.3c08752
  • Zhou J., D. Song, S.T. Mergelsberg, Y. Wang, N.M. Adhikari, N. Lahiri, and Y. Zhao, et al. 2024. "Facet-Dependent Dispersion and Aggregation of Aqueous Hematite Nanoparticles." Science Advances 10, no. 7:Art. No. eadi7494. PNNL-SA-192336. doi:10.1126/sciadv.adi7494


  • Lahiri N., D. Song, X. Zhang, X. Huang, K.A. Stoerzinger, O.Q. Carvalho, and P.P. Adiga, et al. 2023. "Interplay between Facets and Defects during the Dissociative and Molecular Adsorption of Water on Metal Oxide Surfaces." Journal of the American Chemical Society 145, no. 5:2930-2940. PNNL-SA-178848. doi:10.1021/jacs.2c11291
  • Lahiri N., Q. Miller, R. Cao, C. Depp, and H.T. Schaef. 2023. "Facile Metal Release from Pore-lining Phases Enables Unique Carbonate Zonation in a Basalt Carbon Mineralization Demonstration." Environmental Science & Technology 57, no. 32:11843-11851. PNNL-SA-182643. doi:10.1021/acs.est.3c02075
  • Saslow S.A., E. Cordova, N.M. Escobedo Avalos, O. Qafoku, M.E. Bowden, C.T. Resch, and N. Lahiri, et al. 2023. "Accumulation mechanisms for contaminants on weak-base hybrid ion exchange resins." Journal of Hazardous Materials 459. PNNL-SA-167020. doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2023.132165
  • Yao J., S. Tripathi, B.K. McNamara, N. Lahiri, S.L. Riechers, S.D. Chatterjee, and D.D. Reilly, et al. 2023. "Advancing Radioactive Material Research Method: the Development of a Novel in situ Particle-attached Microfluidic Electrochemical Cell." Frontiers in Nuclear Engineering 2, no. 2023:Art. No. 1206110. PNNL-SA-183892. doi:10.3389/fnuen.2023.1206110


  • Samarakoon W.S., J. Hu, M. Song, M.E. Bowden, N. Lahiri, J. Liu, and L. Wang, et al. 2022. "Direct Imaging of the Structural and Morphological Evolution of Epitaxial LiCoO2 Films during Charge and Overcharge." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 126, no. 37:15882-15890. PNNL-SA-171524. doi:10.1021/acs.jpcc.2c01940
  • Yao J., N. Lahiri, S. Tripathi, S.L. Riechers, E.S. Ilton, S. Chatterjee, and E.C. Buck. 2022. "A microfluidic electrochemical cell for studying the corrosion of uranium dioxide (UO2)." RSC Advances 12, no. 30:19350 - 19358. PNNL-SA-167082. doi:10.1039/d2ra02501a
  • Yao J., S. Tripathi, E.S. Ilton, B.K. McNamara, N. Lahiri, M.J. O'Hara, and S.L. Riechers, et al. 2022. Corrosion of U233-Doped Uranium Oxide using Microfluidics Methods. PNNL-33210. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Corrosion of U233-Doped Uranium Oxide using Microfluidics Methods


  • Bagus P.S., C.J. Nelin, C.R. Brundle, B.V. Crist, N. Lahiri, and K.M. Rosso. 2021. "Combined Multiplet Theory and Experiment for the Fe 2p and 3p XPS of FeO and Fe2O3." The Journal of Chemical Physics 154, no. 9:094709. PNNL-SA-160461. doi:10.1063/5.0039765


  • Bagus P.S., C.J. Nelin, C.R. Brundle, B.V. Crist, N. Lahiri, and K.M. Rosso. 2020. "Covalency in Fe2O3 and FeO: Consequences for XPS Satellite Intensity." Journal of Chemical Physics 153, no. 19:194702. PNNL-SA-158041. doi:10.1063/5.0030350
  • Bagus P.S., C.J. Nelin, C.R. Brundle, N. Lahiri, E.S. Ilton, and K.M. Rosso. 2020. "Analysis of the Fe 2p XPS for Hematite alpha Fe2O3: Consequences of Covalent Bonding and Orbital Splittings on Multiplet Splittings." Journal of Chemical Physics 152, no. 1:014704. PNNL-SA-151329. doi:10.1063/1.5135595
  • Chatterjee S., M.S. Fujimoto, Y. Du, G.B. Hall, N. Lahiri, E.D. Walter, and L. Kovarik. 2020. "Redox-Based Electrochemical Affinity Sensor for Detection of Aqueous Pertechnetate Anion." ACS Sensors 5, no. 3:674-685. PNNL-SA-143890. doi:10.1021/acssensors.9b01531

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