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Fundamental and Computational Sciences Directorate

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Sten Lambeets

Materials Scientist
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
PO Box 999
MSIN: J7-10
Richland, WA 99352

PNNL Publications


  • Taylor S.D., A. Kohnert, S.M. Lambeets, K.H. Yano, E.K. Still, P.G. Simonnin, and P. Hosemann, et al. 2024. "Directly resolving surface vs. lattice self-diffusion in iron at the nanoscale using in situ atom probe capabilities." Materialia 34, no. _:Art. No. 102078. PNNL-SA-195013. doi:10.1016/j.mtla.2024.102078


  • Romedenne M., S.M. Lambeets, M. Song, C. Roach, A. Devaraj, and R. Pillai. 2023. "Revealing the elusive role of water vapor in the oxidation behavior of a Mn-Si containing NiCr alloy at 950 °C." Corrosion Science 221. PNNL-SA-189462. doi:10.1016/j.corsci.2023.111348
  • Yu Z., E.J. Kautz, H. Zhang, A. Schneider, T. Kim, Y. Zhang, and S.M. Lambeets, et al. 2023. "Irradiation Damage Reduces Alloy Corrosion Rate via Oxide Space Charge Compensation Effects." Acta Materialia 253. PNNL-SA-189570. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2023.118956


  • Devaraj A., D.J. Barton, C. Li, S.M. Lambeets, T. Liu, A. Battu, and V. Shutthanandan, et al. 2022. "Visualizing the Nanoscale Oxygen and Cation Transport Mechanisms During the Early Stages of Oxidation of Fe-Cr-Ni Alloy Using In Situ Atom Probe Tomography." Advanced Materials Interfaces 9, no. 20:Art. No. 2200134. PNNL-SA-169147. doi:10.1002/admi.202200134
  • Gwalani B., J. Liu, S.M. Lambeets, M.J. Olszta, J. Poplawsky, A. Shyam, and A. Devaraj. 2022. "Rapid assessment of interfacial stabilization mechanisms of metastable precipitates to accelerate high-temperature Al-alloy development." Materials Research Letters 10, no. 12:771-779. PNNL-SA-172603. doi:10.1080/21663831.2022.2102947


  • Kautz E.J., S.M. Lambeets, D.E. Perea, A.Y. Gerard, J. Han, J.R. Scully, and J.E. Saal, et al. 2021. "Element redistributions during early stages of oxidation in a Ni38Cr22Fe20Mn10Co10 multi-principal element alloy." Scripta Materialia 194. PNNL-SA-154392. doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2020.10.051


  • Kautz E.J., B. Gwalani, S.M. Lambeets, L. Kovarik, D.K. Schreiber, D.E. Perea, and D.J. Senor, et al. 2020. "Rapid assessment of structural and compositional changes during early stages of zirconium alloy oxidation." npj Materials Degradation 4, no. 1:Article No. 29. PNNL-SA-150333. doi:10.1038/s41529-020-00133-6
  • Lambeets S.M., M.G. Wirth, G.J. Orren, N.H. Kruse, and D.E. Perea. 2020. "In-situ and In-operando Cobalt Oxidation studied by Atom Probe Tomography." Microscopy and Microanalysis 26, no. S2:1872-1873. PNNL-SA-156000. doi:10.1017/S1431927620019650
  • Lambeets S.M., T. Visart De Bocarmé, D.E. Perea, and N. Kruse. 2020. "Directional Gateway to Metal Oxidation: 3D Chemical Mapping Unfolds Oxygen Diffusional Pathways in Rhodium Nanoparticles." The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 11, no. 8:3144-3151. PNNL-SA-153156. doi:10.1021/acs.jpclett.0c00321
  • Owczarek S., S.M. Lambeets, R. Bryl, C. Barroo, O. Croquet, L. Markowski, and T. Visart De Bocarmé. 2020. "Oxygen Adsorption, Subsurface Oxygen Layer Formation and Reaction with Hydrogen on Surfaces of a Pt-Rh Alloy Nanocrystal." Topics in Catalysis 63. PNNL-SA-153157. doi:10.1007/s11244-020-01394-w

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