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Fundamental and Computational Sciences Directorate

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Elias Nakouzi

Materials Scientist
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
PO Box 999
MSIN: J7-10
Richland, WA 99352

PNNL Publications


  • Bard A.B., G.R. Feslted, A.S. Ganas, A. Pant, C. Gupta, Y. Chen, and E. Nakouzi, et al. 2024. "Chemically Driven Multistep Crystallization in the Synthesis of Sodium Yttrium Fluoride Via a Porous, Electrochemically Active Intermediate." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 128, no. 31:13034-13044. PNNL-SA-167077. doi:10.1021/acs.jpcc.4c01281
  • Legg B.A., Y. Zhu, E. Nakouzi, T.C. Johnson, and K.M. Rosso. 2024. "Dynamics of electric polarization and relaxation of ions at humid calcite surfaces." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 128, no. 17:7275-7285. PNNL-SA-193381. doi:10.1021/acs.jpcc.4c00107
  • Liu T., N. Rampal, E. Nakouzi, B.A. Legg, J. Chun, L. Liu, and G.K. Schenter, et al. 2024. "Molecular Mechanisms of Sorbed Ion Effects During Boehmite Particle Aggregation." Langmuir 40, no. 17:8791-8805. PNNL-SA-192747. doi:10.1021/acs.langmuir.3c03532
  • Simonnin P., S.N. Kerisit, E. Nakouzi, T.C. Johnson, and K.M. Rosso. 2024. "Structure and dynamics of aqueous electrolytes at quartz (001) and (101) surfaces." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 128, no. 16:6927-6940. PNNL-SA-194870. doi:10.1021/acs.jpcc.4c00693


  • Alberstein R.G., J.L. Prelesnik, E. Nakouzi, S. Zhang, J.J. De Yoreo, W.J. Pfaendtner, and F.A. Tezcan, et al. 2023. "Discrete orientations of interfacial waters direct crystallization of mica-binding proteins." The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 14, no. 1:80-87. PNNL-SA-178070. doi:10.1021/acs.jpclett.2c02948
  • Liu L., B.A. Legg, W.T. Smith, L.M. Anovitz, L.M. Anovitz, X. Zhang, and R.J. Harper, et al. 2023. "Predicting outcomes of nanoparticle attachment by connecting atomistic, interfacial, particle, and aggregate scales." ACS Nano 17, no. 16:15556-15567. PNNL-SA-182308. doi:10.1021/acsnano.3c02145
  • Liu L., M. Sassi, X. Zhang, E. Nakouzi, L. Kovarik, S. Xue, and B. Jin, et al. 2023. "Understanding the mechanisms of anisotropic dissolution in metal oxides by applying radiolysis simulations to liquid-phase TEM." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) 120, no. 23:Art. No. e2101243120. PNNL-SA-180523. doi:10.1073/pnas.2101243120
  • Nakouzi E., S.N. Kerisit, B.A. Legg, S.B. Yadav, D. Li, A.G. Stack, and C.J. Mundy, et al. 2023. "Solution structure and hydration forces between mica and hydrophilic versus hydrophobic surfaces." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 127, no. 5:2741-2752. PNNL-SA-179604. doi:10.1021/acs.jpcc.2c09120
  • Sassi M., S.N. Kerisit, P. Simonnin, B.A. Legg, E. Nakouzi, Y. Zhu, and T.C. Johnson, et al. 2023. "Quantifying the impact of electric fields on the local structure and migration of potassium ions at the orthoclase (001) surface." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 127, no. 32:15757-15765. PNNL-SA-182868. doi:10.1021/acs.jpcc.3c01783


  • De Yoreo J.J., E. Nakouzi, B. Jin, J. Chun, and C.J. Mundy. 2022. "Spiers Memorial Lecture: Assembly-based pathways of crystallization." Faraday Discussions 235. PNNL-SA-172323. doi:10.1039/d2fd00061j
  • Wang Q., E. Nakouzi, E.A. Ryan, and C. Venkata Subban. 2022. "Flow-Assisted Selective Mineral Extraction from Seawater." Environmental Science & Technology Letters 9, no. 7:645-649. PNNL-SA-170825. doi:10.1021/acs.estlett.2c00229


  • Nakouzi E., A.G. Stack, S.N. Kerisit, B.A. Legg, C.J. Mundy, G.K. Schenter, and J. Chun, et al. 2021. "Moving beyond the Solvent-Tip Approximation to Determine Site-Specific Variations of Interfacial Water Structure through 3D Force Microscopy." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 125, no. 2:1282-1291. PNNL-SA-152623. doi:10.1021/acs.jpcc.0c07901


  • Huang X., Q. Zhao, R.P. Young, X. Zhang, E.D. Walter, Y. Chen, and E. Nakouzi, et al. 2020. "Photo-production of Reactive Oxygen Species and Degradation of Dissolved Organic Matter by Hematite Nanoplates Functionalized by Adsorbed Oxalate." Environmental Science: Nano 7, no. 8:2278-2292. PNNL-SA-148918. doi:10.1039/D0EN00365D
  • Ilton E.S., L. Kovarik, E. Nakouzi, S.T. Mergelsberg, M.E. McBriarty, and E.J. Bylaska. 2020. "Using Atom Dynamics to Map the Defect Structure Around an Impurity in Nano-Hematite." The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 11, no. 24:10396-10400. PNNL-SA-153756. doi:10.1021/acs.jpclett.0c02798
  • Krzysko A., E. Nakouzi, X. Zhang, T.R. Graham, K.M. Rosso, G.K. Schenter, and J. Ilavsky, et al. 2020. "Correlating inter-particle forces and particle shape to shear-induced aggregation/fragmentation and rheology for dilute anisotropic particle suspensions: a complementary study via capillary rheometry and in situ small and ultra-small angle X-ray scattering." Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 576. PNNL-SA-148317. doi:10.1016/j.jcis.2020.04.016
  • Liu L., E. Nakouzi, M.L. Sushko, G.K. Schenter, C.J. Mundy, J. Chun, and J.J. De Yoreo. 2020. "Connecting energetics to dynamics in particle growth by oriented attachment using real-time observations." Nature Communications 11, no. 1:1045. PNNL-SA-148131. doi:10.1038/s41467-020-14719-w
  • Qafoku O., L. Kovarik, M.E. Bowden, E. Nakouzi, A. Sheng, J. Liu, and C.I. Pearce, et al. 2020. "Nanoscale Observations of Fe(II)-Induced Ferrihydrite Transformation." Environmental Science Nano 7, no. 10:2953-2967. PNNL-SA-155340. doi:10.1039/D0EN00730G
  • Song M., G. Zhou, N. Lu, J. Lee, E. Nakouzi, H. Wang, and D. Li. 2020. "Oriented Attachment Induces Fivefold Twins by Forming and Decomposing High-Energy Grain Boundaries." Science 367, no. 6473:40-45. PNNL-SA-149217. doi:10.1126/science.aax6511


  • Kessenich B.L., N. Pokhrel, E. Nakouzi, C.J. Newcomb, M. Flury, L. Maibaum, and J.J. De Yoreo. 2019. "Connecting wettability, topography, and chemistry in a simple lipid-montmorillonite system." Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 555. PNNL-SA-150096. doi:10.1016/j.jcis.2019.07.075
  • Lee J., E. Nakouzi, D. Xiao, Z. Wu, M. Song, C. Ophus, and J. Chun, et al. 2019. "Interplay between Short and Long-Ranged Forces Leading to the Formation of Ag Nanoparticle Superlattice." Small 15, no. 33:Article Number 1901966. PNNL-SA-142641. doi:10.1002/smll.201901966
  • Liu L., M.L. Sushko, E.C. Buck, X. Zhang, L. Kovarik, Z. Shen, and J. Tao, et al. 2019. "Revisiting the Growth Mechanism of Hierarchical Semiconductor Nanostructures: The Role of Secondary Nucleation in Branch Formation." The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 10, no. 21:6827-6834. PNNL-SA-147896. doi:10.1021/acs.jpclett.9b02110
  • Soltis J.A., M.E. McBriarty, O. Qafoku, S.N. Kerisit, E. Nakouzi, J.J. De Yoreo, and E.S. Ilton. 2019. "Can Mineral Growth by Oriented Attachment Lead to Incorporation of Uranium(VI) into the Structure of Goethite?." Environmental Science Nano 6, no. 10:3000-3009. PNNL-SA-145133. doi:10.1039/c9en00779b


  • Anovitz L.M., X. Zhang, J.A. Soltis, E. Nakouzi, A. Krzysko, J. Chun, and G.K. Schenter, et al. 2018. "Effects of Ionic Strength, Salt, and pH on Aggregation of Boehmite Nanocrystals: Tumbler Small-Angle Neutron and X-ray Scattering and Imaging Analysis." Langmuir 34, no. 51:15839-15853. PNNL-SA-132707. doi:10.1021/acs.langmuir.8b00865
  • Cheng Y., J. Tao, G. Zhu, J.A. Soltis, B.A. Legg, E. Nakouzi, and J.J. De Yoreo, et al. 2018. "Near Surface Nucleation and Particle Mediated Growth of Colloidal Au Nanocrystals." Nanoscale 10, no. 25:11907 - 11912. PNNL-SA-135333. doi:10.1039/c8nr03408g
  • Lee J., E. Nakouzi, M. Song, B. Wang, J. Chun, and D. Li. 2018. "Mechanistic understanding of the growth kinetics and dynamics of nanoparticle superlattices by coupling interparticle forces from real-time measurements." ACS Nano 12, no. 12:12778-12787. PNNL-SA-136036. doi:10.1021/acsnano.8b07880
  • Nakouzi E., H. Fares, J.B. Schlenoff, and O. Steinbock. 2018. "Polyelectrolyte Complex Films Influence the Formation of Polycrystalline Micro-Structures." Soft Matter 14, no. 16:3164-3170. PNNL-SA-132766. doi:10.1039/C7SM02466E
  • Nakouzi E., J.A. Soltis, B.A. Legg, G.K. Schenter, X. Zhang, T. Graham, and K.M. Rosso, et al. 2018. "Impact of Solution Chemistry and Particle Anisotropy on the Collective Dynamics of Oriented Aggregation." ACS Nano 12, no. 10:10114-10122. PNNL-SA-138292. doi:10.1021/acsnano.8b04909
  • Nakouzi E., J.A. Soltis, B.A. Legg, G.K. Schenter, X. Zhang, T.R. Graham, and K.M. Rosso, et al. 2018. "Impact of Solution Chemistry and Particle Anistropy on the Collective Dynamics of Oriented Aggregation." ACS Nano 12, no. 10:10114-10122. PNNL-SA-132757. doi:10.1021/acsnano.8b04909

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