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Fundamental and Computational Sciences Directorate

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Yiyun Cui

Joint Appointment
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
PO Box 999
Richland, WA 99352

PNNL Publications


  • Edwards M.R., Y. Cui, M. Bindl, N. Hultman, K. Mathur, H.C. McJeon, and G.C. Iyer, et al. 2022. "Quantifying the regional stranded asset risks from new coal plants under 1.5°C." Environmental Research Letters 17, no. 2:Art. No. 24029. PNNL-ACT-SA-10559. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/ac4ec2
  • Pressburger L.D., M. Evans, S. Yu, Y. Cui, A. Somani, and G.C. Iyer. 2022. A Comprehensive Economic Coal Transition in South Asia. PNNL-32383. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. A Comprehensive Economic Coal Transition in South Asia
  • Rose S.K., A. Popp, S. Fujimori, P. Havlik, J. Weyant, M.A. Wise, and D. Van Vuuren, et al. 2022. "Global biomass supply modeling for long-run management of the climate system." Climatic Change 172, no. 1-2:Art. No. 3. PNNL-SA-157209. doi:10.1007/s10584-022-03336-9


  • Binsted M.T., G.C. Iyer, Y. Cui, Z. Khan, K.R. Dorheim, and L.E. Clarke. 2020. "Evaluating long-term model-based scenarios of the energy system." Energy Strategy Reviews 32. PNNL-SA-150857. doi:10.1016/j.esr.2020.100551
  • Hasegawa T., R. Sands, R. Sands, T. Brunelle, Y. Cui, S. Frank, and S. Fujimori, et al. 2020. "Food security under high bioenergy demand toward long-term climate goals." Climatic Change 163, no. 3:1587-1601. PNNL-SA-134663. doi:10.1007/s10584-020-02838-8


  • Bond-Lamberty B., K.R. Dorheim, Y. Cui, R.L. Horowitz, A.C. Snyder, K.V. Calvin, and L. Feng, et al. 2019. "gcamdata: An R Package for Preparation, Synthesis, and Tracking of Input Data for the GCAM Integrated Human-Earth Systems Model." Journal of Open Research Software 7, no. 1:Article No. 6. PNNL-SA-135553. doi:10.5334/jors.232


  • Cui Y., K.V. Calvin, L.E. Clarke, M.I. Hejazi, S.H. Kim, P. Kyle, and P.L. Patel, et al. 2018. "Regional responses to future, demand-driven water scarcity." Environmental Research Letters 13, no. 9:Article No. 094006. PNNL-SA-132928. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/aad8f7


  • Edmonds J.A., R.P. Link, S.T. Waldhoff, and Y. Cui. 2017. "A Global Food Demand Model for the Assessment of Complex Human-Earth Systems." Climate Change Economics 8, no. 4:Article No. 1750012. PNNL-SA-121534. doi:10.1142/S2010007817500129

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