Staff information
Ryan Friese
HPC Team C
Computer Scientist
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
PO Box 999
MSIN: J4-30
Richland, WA 99352
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PNNL Publications
- Kamatar A.V., R.D. Friese, and R. Gioiosa. 2023. "A Task Based Approach for Co-Scheduling Ensemble Workloads on Heterogeneous Nodes." In IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops (IPDPSW 2023), May 15-19, 2023, St. Petersburg, FL, 6-15. Piscataway, New Jersey:IEEE. PNNL-SA-182931. doi:10.1109/IPDPSW59300.2023.00015
- Friese R.D., B. Mutlu, N.R. Tallent, J.D. Suetterlein, and J.F. Strube. 2020. "Effectively Using Remote I/O For Work Composition in Distributed Workflows." In IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data 2020), December 10-13, 2020, Atlanta, GA, 426-433. Piscataway, New Jersey:IEEE. PNNL-SA-155757. doi:10.1109/BigData50022.2020.9378352
- Kilic O.O., N.R. Tallent, and R.D. Friese. 2020. "Rapid Memory Footprint Access Diagnostics." In 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software (ISPASS 2020), August 23-25, 2020, Boston, MA, 273-284. Piscataway, New Jersey:IEEE. PNNL-SA-151215. doi:10.1109/ISPASS48437.2020.00047
- Friese R.D., A. Tumeo, R. Gioiosa, M.V. Raugas, and T.E. Warfel. 2019. "ADVERT: An Asynchronous Runtime for Fine-Grained Network Systems." In IEEE/ACM Third Annual Workshop on Emerging Parallel and Distributed Runtime Systems and Middleware (IPDRM 2019), November 22, 2019, Denver, CO, 9-17. Piscataway, New Jersey:IEEE. PNNL-SA-139086. doi:10.1109/IPDRM49579.2019.00006
- Kilic O.O., N.R. Tallent, and R.D. Friese. 2019. "Rapidly Measuring Loop Footprints." In IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER 2019), September 23-26, 2019, Albuquerque, NM. Piscataway, New Jersey:IEEE. PNNL-SA-146801. doi:10.1109/CLUSTER.2019.8891025
- Schram M., N.R. Tallent, R.D. Friese, A. Singh, and I. Altintas. 2019. "Application of Deep Learning on Integrating Prediction, Provenance, and Optimization." In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP 2018), EPJ Web of Conferences, 214, Article No. 06007. PNNL-SA-147454. doi:10.1051/epjconf/201921406007
- Suetterlein J.D., R.D. Friese, N.R. Tallent, and M. Schram. 2019. "TAZeR: Hiding the Cost of Remote I/O in Distributed Scientific Workflows." In IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data 2019), December 9-12, 2019, Los Angeles, CA, 383-394. Piscataway, New Jersey:IEEE. PNNL-SA-148879. doi:10.1109/BigData47090.2019.9006418
- Bhuiyan T.H., M. Halappanavar, R.D. Friese, H. Medal, L. De La Torre, A. Visweswara Sathanur, and N.R. Tallent. 2018. "Stochastic Programming Approach for Resource Selection under Demand Uncertainty." In 22nd International Workshop on Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing (JSSPP 2018), May 25, 2018, Vancouver, BC, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, edited by D Klusacek, W Cirne, and N Desai, 11332, 107 - 126. Cham:Springer. PNNL-SA-130071. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-10632-4_6
- Friese R.D., N.R. Tallent, A. Vishnu, D.J. Kerbyson, and A. Hoisie. 2017. "Generating Performance Models for Irregular Applications." In IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2017), May 29-June 2, 2017, Orlando, Florida, 317-326. Piscataway, New Jersey:IEEE. PNNL-SA-123945. doi:10.1109/IPDPS.2017.61
- Schram M., V. Bansal, R.D. Friese, N.R. Tallent, J. Yin, K.J. Barker, and E.G. Stephan, et al. 2017. "Integrating prediction, provenance, and optimization into high energy workflows." Journal of Physics: Conference Series 898, no. 6:Article No. 062052. PNNL-SA-129007. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/898/6/062052
- Dauwe D., E. Jonardi, R.D. Friese, S. Pasricha, A.A. Maciejewski, D.A. Bader, and D.A. Bader, et al. 2016. "HPC Node Performance and Energy Modeling with the Co-Location of Applications." Journal of Supercomputing 72, no. 12:4771-4809. PNNL-SA-118182. doi:10.1007/s11227-016-1783-y