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Alexandre Tartakovsky

Advanced Computing, Mathematics and Data
Joint Appointment
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
PO Box 999
Richland, WA 99352


Dr. Alexandre Tartakovsky is a scientist in the Computational Science and Mathematics Division at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.

The main focus of Tartakovsky's research is the theoretical and computational aspects of the modeling of flow and reactive transport in porous and fractured media under both saturated and unsaturated conditions. In Tartakovsky's research in the subsurface flow and transport phenomena, he pursues a multi-disciplinary approach and relies on methods and techniques used in hydrology, mathematics, computational physics, and chemical engineering.

Research Interests

  • Coupled non-linear systems
  • Pore- and Dracy-scale modeling of complex biogeochemical processes, including multiphase flows, reactive transport, mineral precipitation, and biofilm growth
  • Uncertainty quantification and risk assessment
  • Stochastic partial differential equations
  • Multiscale methods
  • Lagrangian particle methods.

Education and Credentials

  • Ph.D., Hydrology, University of Arizona, 2002
  • Postgraduate, Sociology, Kazan Institute of Finance and Economy, 1998
  • M.Sc., Hydromechanics and Applied Mathematics, Kazan State University, 1994

Affiliations and Professional Service

  • Scientist, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, 2004-Present
  • Post Doctoral Researcher, Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory, 2002-2004
  • Graduate Research Assistant/Associate, Department of Hydrology and Water Resources, University of Arizona, 1998-2002
  • Lecturer, Kazan Institute of Finance and Economy, 1995-1998
  • Convener: Various sessions of the AGU and SIAM meetings
  • Referee: Various journals on hydrology, geophysics, and applied mathematics
  • Membership: American Geophysical Union (AGU), 1996-Present

Awards and Recognitions

  • Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers - 2009
  • Outstanding Performance Award, Computational and Information Science Directorate, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, 2005
  • John and Margaret Harshbarger Doctoral Fellow in Hydrology and Water Resources, University of Arizona, 2001-2002
  • Outstanding Student Paper Award at the 2000 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 2000
  • George E.P. Smith Graduate Fellowship for AY2000-2001, University of Arizona

PNNL Publications


  • Tartakovsky A.M., T. Ma, D.A. Barajas-Solano, and R. Tipireddy. 2022. "Physics-Informed Gaussian Process Regression for States Estimation and Forecasting in Power Grids." International Journal of Forecasting 39, no. 2:967-980. PNNL-SA-151765. doi:10.1016/j.ijforecast.2022.03.007
  • Tipireddy R., P. Perdikaris, P. Stinis, and A.M. Tartakovsky. 2022. "Multistep and continuous physics-informed neural network methods for learning governing equations and constitutive relations." Journal of Machine Learning for Modeling and Computing 3, no. 2:23-46. PNNL-SA-177559. doi:10.1615/JMachLearnModelComput.2022041787


  • Howard A.A., and A.M. Tartakovsky. 2021. "A conservative level set method for N-phase flows with a free-energy-based surface tension model." Journal of Computational Physics 426. PNNL-SA-149622. doi:10.1016/
  • Tartakovsky A.M., D.A. Barajas-Solano, and Q. He. 2021. "Physics-Informed Machine Learning with Conditional Karhunen-Loève Expansions." Journal of Computational Physics 426. PNNL-SA-149882. doi:10.1016/
  • Xu K., A.M. Tartakovsky, J.A. Burghardt, and E.F. Darve. 2021. "Learning Viscoelasticity Models from Indirect Data using Deep Neural Networks." Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 387. PNNL-SA-154901. doi:10.1016/j.cma.2021.114124


  • Arai E., A.M. Tartakovsky, G. Holt, S. Grace, and E.M. Ryan. 2020. "Comparison of Surface Tension Generation Methods in Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics for Dynamic Systems." Computers & Fluids 203. PNNL-SA-142522. doi:10.1016/j.compfluid.2020.104540
  • Gao P., X. Yang, and A.M. Tartakovsky. 2020. "Learning Coarse-Grained Potentials for Binary Fluids." Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 60, no. 8:3731-3745. PNNL-SA-143761. doi:10.1021/acs.jcim.0c00337
  • He Q., D.A. Barajas-Solano, G.D. Tartakovsky, and A.M. Tartakovsky. 2020. "Physics-informed neural networks for multiphysics data assimilation with application to subsurface transport." Advances in Water Resources 141. PNNL-SA-149626. doi:10.1016/j.advwatres.2020.103610
  • Howard A.A., and A.M. Tartakovsky. 2020. "Non-local model for surface tension in fluid-fluid simulations." Journal of Computational Physics 421. PNNL-SA-144669. doi:10.1016/
  • Li J., and A.M. Tartakovsky. 2020. "Gaussian Process Regression and Conditional Polynomial Chaos for Parameter Estimation." Journal of Computational Physics 416. PNNL-SA-143585. doi:10.1016/
  • Reyes B.C., I. Ortero-Muras, M.T. Shuen, A.M. Tartakovsky, and V.A. Petyuk. 2020. "CRNT4SBML: a Python package for the detection of bistability in biochemical reaction networks." Bioinformatics 36, no. 12:3922-3924. PNNL-SA-148872. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btaa241
  • Tartakovsky A.M., C.M. Ortiz Marrero, P. Perdikaris, G.D. Tartakovsky, and D.A. Barajas-Solano. 2020. "Physics-Informed Deep Neural Networks for Learning Parameters and Constitutive Relationships in Subsurface Flow Problems." Water Resources Research 56, no. 5:Article No. e2019WR026731. PNNL-SA-137164. doi:10.1029/2019WR026731


  • Barajas-Solano D.A., and A.M. Tartakovsky. 2019. "Approximate Bayesian Model Inversion for PDEs with Heterogeneous and State-Dependent Coefficients." Journal of Computational Physics 395. PNNL-SA-141387. doi:10.1016/
  • Dylewsky D., X. Yang, A.M. Tartakovsky, and N. Kutz. 2019. "Engineering structural robustness in power grid networks susceptible to community desynchronization." Applied Network Science 4, no. 1:Article No. 24. PNNL-SA-145575. doi:10.1007/s41109-019-0137-0
  • Shigorina E., A.M. Tartakovsky, and J. Kordilla. 2019. "Investigation of gravity-driven infiltration instabilities in smooth and rough fractures using a pairwise-force smoothed particle hydrodynamics model." Vadose Zone Journal 18, no. 1:180159. PNNL-SA-137935. doi:10.2136/vzj2018.08.0159
  • Stinis P., T.J. Hagge, A.M. Tartakovsky, and E.H. Yeung. 2019. "Enforcing constraints for interpolation and extrapolation in Generative Adversarial Networks." Journal of Computational Physics 397. PNNL-SA-133233. doi:10.1016/
  • Tipireddy R., and A.M. Tartakovsky. 2019. "Physics-informed Machine Learning Method for Forecasting and Uncertainty Quantification of Partially Observed and Unobserved States in Power Grids." In Proceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICCS 2019), January 8-11, 2019, Honolulu, HI, 3438-3444. Honolulu, Hawaii:University of Hawaii. PNNL-SA-135858. doi:10125/59779
  • Yang L., S. Treichler, T. Kurth, K. Fischer, D.A. Barajas-Solano, J. Romero, and V. Churavy, et al. 2019. "Highly-scalable, physics-informed GANs for learning solutions of stochastic PDEs." In IEEE/ACM Third Workshop on Deep Learning on Supercomputers (DLS 2019), Held in Conjunction with The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC2019), November 17-22, 2019, Denver, CO. Los Alamitos, California:IEEE Computer Society. PNNL-SA-142756. doi:10.1109/DLS49591.2019.00006
  • Yang X., D.A. Barajas-Solano, G.D. Tartakovsky, and A.M. Tartakovsky. 2019. "Physics-Informed CoKriging: A Gaussian-Process-Regression-Based Multifidelity Method for Data-Model Convergence." Journal of Computational Physics 395. PNNL-SA-139726. doi:10.1016/


  • Barajas-Solano D.A., and A.M. Tartakovsky. 2018. "Probability and cumulative density function methods for the stochastic advection-reaction equation." SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification 6, no. 1:180-212. PNNL-SA-123069. doi:10.1137/16M1109163
  • Corley C.D., N.O. Hodas, E.H. Yeung, A.M. Tartakovsky, T.J. Hagge, S. Choudhury, and K. Agarwal, et al. 2018. "Deep Learning for Scientific Discovery." The Next Wave 22, no. 1:27-31. PNNL-SA-129480.
  • Ling B., M.L. Oostrom, A.M. Tartakovsky, and I. Battiato. 2018. "Hydrodynamic dispersion in thin channels with micro-structured porous walls." Physics of Fluids 30, no. 7:Article No. 076601. PNNL-SA-138384. doi:10.1063/1.5031776
  • Tartakovsky A.M. 2018. "Effective Stochastic Model For Reactive Transport." In Reactive Transport Modeling: Applications in Subsurface Energy and Environmental Problems, edited by Y Xiao, et al. 511-531. Hoboken, New Jersey:John Wiley & Sons Ltd. PNNL-SA-93069. doi:10.1002/9781119060031.ch11
  • Tipireddy R., P. Stinis, and A.M. Tartakovsky. 2018. "Stochastic basis adaptation and spatial domain decomposition for partial differential equations with random coefficients." SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification 6, no. 1:273-301. PNNL-SA-121137. doi:10.1137/16M1097134
  • Yang X., W. Li, and A.M. Tartakovsky. 2018. "Sliced-inverse-regression-aided rotated compressive sensing method for uncertainty quantification." SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification 6, no. 4:1532-1554. PNNL-SA-129338. doi:10.1137/17M1148955


  • Hagge T.J., P. Stinis, E.H. Yeung, and A.M. Tartakovsky. 2017. "Solving differential equations with unknown constitutive relations as recurrent neural networks." In Deep Learning for the Physical Sciences (NIPS Workshop), December 8, 2017, Long Beach, California. La Jolla, California:Neural Information Processing Systems Foundation, Inc. PNNL-SA-130320.
  • Ling B., J. Bao, M. Oostrom, I. Battiato, and A.M. Tartakovsky. 2017. "Modeling Variability in Porescale Multiphase Flow Experiments." Advances in Water Resources 1005. PNNL-SA-122395. doi:10.1016/j.advwatres.2017.04.005
  • Pan W., K. Kim, M. Perego, A.M. Tartakovsky, and M.L. Parks. 2017. "Modeling Electrokinetic Flows by Consistent Implicit Incompressible Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics." Journal of Computational Physics 334. PNNL-SA-117311. doi:10.1016/J.Jcp.2016.12.042
  • Rosenthal W.S., A.M. Tartakovsky, and Z. Huang. 2017. "Ensemble Kalman Filter for Dynamic State Estimation of Power Grids Stochastically Driven by Time-Correlated Mechanical Input Power." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 33, no. 4:3701-3710. PNNL-SA-123139. doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2017.2764492
  • Shigorina E., J. Kordilla, and A.M. Tartakovsky. 2017. "Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics study of the roughness effect on contact angle and droplet flow." Physical Review E 96, no. 3:033115. PNNL-SA-123800. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.96.033115
  • Tartakovsky A.M., M. Panzeri, G.D. Tartakovsky, and A. Guadagnini. 2017. "Uncertainty quantification in scale-dependent models of flow in porous media." Water Resources Research 53, no. 11:9392-9401. PNNL-SA-114624. doi:10.1002/2017WR020905
  • Tipireddy R., P. Stinis, and A.M. Tartakovsky. 2017. "Basis adaptation and domain decomposition for steady-state partial differential equations with random coefficients." Journal of Computational Physics 351. PNNL-SA-115134. doi:10.1016/
  • Xu Z., and A.M. Tartakovsky. 2017. "Method of model reduction and multifidelity models for solute transport in random layered porous media." Physical Review E 96, no. 3:Article No. 033314. PNNL-SA-119187. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.96.033314


  • Bandara U.C., B.J. Palmer, and A.M. Tartakovsky. 2016. "Effect of Wettability Alteration on Long-term Behavior of Fluids in Subsurface." Computational Particle Mechanics 3, no. 2:277-289. PNNL-SA-90182. doi:10.1007/s40571-015-0098-8
  • Barajas-Solano D.A., and A.M. Tartakovsky. 2016. "Hybrid Multiscale Finite Volume Method for Advection-Diffusion Equations Subject to Heterogeneous Reactive Boundary Conditions." Multiscale Modeling & Simulation 14, no. 4:1341-1376. PNNL-SA-110744. doi:10.1137/15M1022537
  • Barajas-Solano D.A., and A.M. Tartakovsky. 2016. "Probabilistic density function method for nonlinear dynamical systems driven by colored noise." Physical Review E 93, no. 5:Article No. 052121. PNNL-SA-114643. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.93.052121
  • Lei H., N.A. Baker, L. Wu, G.K. Schenter, C.J. Mundy, and A.M. Tartakovsky. 2016. "Smoothed Dissipative Particle Dynamics model for mesoscopic multiphase flows in the presence of thermal fluctuations." Physical Review E 94, no. 2:023304. PNNL-SA-114207. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.94.023304
  • Ling B., A.M. Tartakovsky, and I. Battiato. 2016. "Dispersion Controlled by Permeable Surfaces: Surface Properties and Scaling." Journal of Fluid Mechanics 801. PNNL-SA-114707. doi:10.1017/jfm.2016.431
  • Tan J., A.M. Tartakovsky, K.F. Ferris, and E.M. Ryan. 2016. "Investigating the Effects of Anisotropic Mass Transport on Dendrite Growth in High Energy Density Lithium Batteries." Journal of the Electrochemical Society 163, no. 2:A318-A327. PNNL-SA-112870. doi:10.1149/2.0951602jes
  • Yang X., Y. Mehmani, W.A. Perkins, A. Pasquali, M. Schoenherr, K. Kim, and M. Perego, et al. 2016. "Intercomparison of 3D Pore-scale Flow and Solute Transport Simulation Methods." Advances in Water Resources 95. PNNL-SA-109346. doi:10.1016/j.advwatres.2015.09.015


  • Jarman K.D., and A.M. Tartakovsky. 2015. "Erratum: A Comparison of Closures for Stochastic Advection-Diffusion Equations." SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification 3, no. 1:265-266. PNNL-SA-106214. doi:10.1137/140996483
  • Scheibe T.D., E.M. Murphy, X. Chen, A.K. Rice, K.C. Carroll, B.J. Palmer, and A.M. Tartakovsky, et al. 2015. "An Analysis Platform for Multiscale Hydrogeologic Modeling with Emphasis on Hybrid Multiscale Methods." Groundwater 53, no. 1:38-56. PNNL-SA-93006. doi:10.1111/gwat.12179
  • Scheibe T.D., K.L. Schuchardt, K. Agarwal, J.M. Chase, X. Yang, B.J. Palmer, and A.M. Tartakovsky, et al. 2015. "Hybrid multiscale simulation of a mixing-controlled reaction." Advances in Water Resources 83. PNNL-SA-105960. doi:10.1016/j.advwatres.2015.06.006
  • Tartakovsky A.M., and A. Panchenko. 2015. "Pairwise Force Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics model for multiphase flow: surface tension and contact line dynamics." Journal of Computational Physics 305. PNNL-SA-107016. doi:10.1016/
  • Wang P., D.A. Barajas-Solano, E. Constantinescu, S. Abhyankar, D.L. Ghosh, B. Smith, and Z. Huang, et al. 2015. "Probabilistic Density Function Method for Stochastic ODEs of Power Systems with Uncertain Power Input." SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification 3, no. 1:873-896. PNNL-SA-100191. doi:10.1137/130940050


  • Bao J., Y. Chu, Z. Xu, A.M. Tartakovsky, and Y. Fang. 2014. "Uncertainty quantification for the impact of injection rate fluctuation on the geomechanical response of geological carbon sequestration." International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 20. PNNL-SA-93937. doi:10.1016/j.ijggc.2013.10.023
  • de Anna P., M. Dentz, A.M. Tartakovsky, and T. Le Borgne. 2014. "The filamentary structure of mixing fronts and its control on reaction kinetics in porous media flows." Geophysical Research Letters 41, no. 13:4586-4593. PNNL-SA-88523. doi:10.1002/2014GL060068
  • Du Q., R.B. Lehoucq, and A.M. Tartakovsky. 2014. "Integral approximations to classical diffusion and smoothed particle hydrodynamics." Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 286. PNNL-SA-107015. doi:10.1016/j.cma.2014.12.019
  • Ibragimov R.N., and A.M. Tartakovsky. 2014. "Spectral analysis of the efficiency of vertical mixing in the deep ocean due to interaction of tidal currents with a ridge running down a continental slope." Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 9, no. 5:119-137. PNNL-SA-107018. doi:10.1051/mmnp/20149508
  • Kordilla J., W. Pan, and A.M. Tartakovsky. 2014. "Smoothed particle hydrodynamics model for Landau-Lifshitz Navier-Stokes and advection-diffusion equations." Journal of Chemical Physics 141, no. 22:224112. PNNL-SA-107019. doi:10.1063/1.4902238
  • Lin G., J. Bao, Z. Xu, A.M. Tartakovsky, and C.H. Henager. 2014. "A phase-field model coupled with lattice kinetics solver for modeling crystal growth in furnaces." Communications in Computational Physics 15, no. 1:76-92. PNNL-SA-89043. doi:10.4208/cicp.300612.210313a
  • Pan W., J. Bao, and A.M. Tartakovsky. 2014. "Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Continuous Boundary Force method for Navier-Stokes equations subject to Robin boundary condition." Journal of Computational Physics 259. PNNL-SA-97729. doi:10.1016/
  • Panchenko A., A.M. Tartakovsky, and K. Cooper. 2014. "Discrete models of fluids: spatial averaging, closure and model reduction." SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 74, no. 2:477-515. PNNL-SA-105744. doi:10.1137/12089346X
  • Panchenko A., A.M. Tartakovsky, and K. Cooper. 2014. "Discrete models of fluids: spatial averaging, closure and model reduction." SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 74, no. 2:477-515. PNNL-SA-85904. doi:10.1137/12089346X
  • Scheibe T.D., X. Yang, K.L. Schuchardt, K. Agarwal, J.M. Chase, B.J. Palmer, and A.M. Tartakovsky. 2014. "A Many-Task Parallel Approach for Multiscale Simulations of Subsurface Flow and Reactive Transport." In 7th Workshop on Many-Task Computing on Clouds, Grids, and Supercomputers (MTAGS 2014), November 16, 2014, New Orleans, Louisiana. New York, New York:ACM. PNNL-SA-105263.


  • Bandara D.C., A.M. Tartakovsky, M. Oostrom, B.J. Palmer, J.W. Grate, and C. Zhang. 2013. "Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics pore-scale simulations of unstable immiscible flow in porous media." Advances in Water Resources 62, no. Part C:356-369. PNNL-SA-97277. doi:10.1016/j.advwatres.2013.09.014
  • de Anna P., T. Le Borgne, M. Dentz, A.M. Tartakovsky, D. Bolster, and P. Davy. 2013. "Flow Intermittency, Dispersion, and Correlated Continuous Time Random Walks in Porous Media." Physical Review Letters 110, no. 18:Article No. 184502. PNNL-SA-97279. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.184502
  • Jarman K.D., and A.M. Tartakovsky. 2013. "A Comparison of Closures for Stochastic Advection-Dispersion." SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification 1, no. 1:319-347. PNNL-SA-90925. doi:10.1137/120897419
  • Kordilla J., A.M. Tartakovsky, and T. Geyer. 2013. "A smoothed particle hydrodynamics model for droplet and film flow on smooth and rough fracture surfaces." Advances in Water Resources 59. PNNL-SA-84863. doi:10.1016/j.advwatres.2013.04.009
  • Pan W., A.M. Tartakovsky, and J.J. Monaghan. 2013. "Smoothed particle hydrodynamics Non-Newtonian model for ice-sheet and ice-shelf dynamics." Journal of Computational Physics 242. PNNL-SA-83053. doi:10.1016/
  • Pan W., and A.M. Tartakovsky. 2013. "Dissipative particle dynamics model for colloid transport in porous media." Advances in Water Resources 58. PNNL-SA-83047. doi:10.1016/j.advwatres.2013.04.004
  • Pan W., D. Li, A.M. Tartakovsky, S. Ahzi, M. Khraisheh, and M.A. Khaleel. 2013. "A new smoothed particle hydrodynamics non-Newtonian model for friction stir welding: Process modeling and simulation of microstructure evolution in a magnesium alloy." International Journal of Plasticity 48. PNNL-SA-86793. doi:10.1016/j.ijplas.2013.02.013
  • Ryan E.M., K.F. Ferris, A.M. Tartakovsky, and M.A. Khaleel. 2013. "Computational Modeling of Transport Limitations in Li-Air Batteries." ECS Transactions 45, no. 29:123-136. PNNL-SA-91547. doi:10.1149/04529.0123ecst
  • Scheibe T.D., Z. Hou, B.J. Palmer, and A.M. Tartakovsky. 2013. "Pore-Scale Simulation of Intragranular Diffusion: Effects of Incomplete Mixing on Macroscopic Manifestations." Water Resources Research 49, no. 7:4277-4294. PNNL-SA-91962. doi:10.1002/wrcr.20333
  • Tartakovsky G.D., A.M. Tartakovsky, T.D. Scheibe, Y. Fang, R. Mahadevan, and D.R. Lovley. 2013. "Pore-scale simulation of microbial growth using a genome-scale metabolic model: Implications for Darcy-scale reactive transport." Advances in Water Resources 59. PNNL-SA-90155. doi:10.1016/j.advwatres.2013.05.007
  • Venturi D., D.M. Tartakovsky, A.M. Tartakovsky, G.E. Karniadakis, and G.E. Karniadakis. 2013. "Exact PDF equations and closure approximations for advective-reactive transport." Journal of Computational Physics 243. PNNL-SA-97278. doi:10.1016/
  • Wang P., A.M. Tartakovsky, and D.M. Tartakovsky. 2013. "Probability Density Function Method for Langevin Equations with Colored Noise." Physical Review Letters 110, no. 14:Article No. 140602. PNNL-SA-91682. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.140602
  • Wang P., D.M. Tartakovsky, and A.M. Tartakovsky. 2013. "Stochastic Forecasting of Algae Blooms in Lakes." In Modelling and Simulation in Fluid Dynamics in Porous Media. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, edited by JA Ferreira, et al. 99-108. New York, New York:Springer. PNNL-SA-92718.
  • Wang P., D.M. Tartakovsky, and A.M. Tartakovsky. 2013. "Stochastic Forecasting of Algae Blooms in Lakes." In Modelling and Simulation in Fluid Dynamics in Porous Media: Workshop on Fluid Dynamics in Porous Media, September 12-14, 2011, Coimbra, Portugal. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, edited by JA Ferreira, et al, 28, 99-108. New York:Springer. PNNL-SA-87675. doi:10.1007/978-1-4614-5055-9_6
  • Wang P., D.M. Tartakovsky, K.D. Jarman, and A.M. Tartakovsky. 2013. "CDF Solutions of Buckley-Leverett Equation with Uncertain Parameters." Multiscale Modeling & Simulation 11, no. 1:118-133. PNNL-SA-85908. doi:10.1137/120865574


  • Kordilla J., T. Geyer, and A.M. Tartakovsky. 2012. "Simulation of film and droplet flow on wide aperture fractures using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics." In Proceedings of the 7th International SPHERIC Workshop, May 29-31, 2012, Prato, Italy, 31-37. Victoria:Monash University. PNNL-SA-91509.
  • Pan W., A.M. Tartakovsky, and J.J. Monaghan. 2012. "A Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Model for Ice Sheet and Ice Shelf Dynamics." Journal of Glaciology 58, no. 207:216-222. PNNL-SA-80307.
  • Tartakovsky A.M., P. de Anna, T. Le Borgne, A.I. Balter, and D. Bolster. 2012. "Effect of Spatial Concentration Fluctuations on Effective Kinetics in Diffusion-Reaction Systems." Water Resources Research 48, no. 2:Article No. W02526. PNNL-SA-79780. doi:10.1029/2011WR010720
  • Tartakovsky A.M., W. Pan, and J.J. Monaghan. 2012. "SPH non-Newtonian Model for Ice Sheet and Ice Shelf Dynamics." In Proceedings of the 7th International SPHERIC Workshop, May 29-31, 2012, Prato, Italy, 23-30. Victoria:Monash University. PNNL-SA-87702.
  • Xu Z., A.M. Tartakovsky, and W. Pan. 2012. "Discrete-element model for the interaction between ocean waves and sea ice." Physical Review E 85, no. 1:Article No. 016703. PNNL-SA-81118. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.85.016703


  • Adami S., X.Y. Hu, N.A. Adams, E.M. Ryan, and A.M. Tartakovsky. 2011. "A fully coupled 3D transport model in SPH for multi-species reaction-diffusion systems." In Proceedings of the 6th international SPHERIC Workshop, June 8-10, 2011, Hamburg, Germany, edited by T Rung and C Ulrich, 187-193. Hamburg:Schriftenreihe Schiffbau. PNNL-SA-80146.
  • Balter A.I., and A.M. Tartakovsky. 2011. "Multinomial diffusion equation." Physical Review E 83, no. 6:061143. PNNL-SA-81463. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.83.061143
  • Balter A.I., and A.M. Tartakovsky. 2011. "Multinomial Diffusion Equation." Physical Review E 83, no. 6:Article No. 061143. PNNL-SA-75407. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.83.061143
  • Bandara U.C., A.M. Tartakovsky, and B.J. Palmer. 2011. "Pore-scale study of capillary trapping mechanism during CO2 injection in geological formations." International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 5, no. 6:1566-1577. PNNL-SA-79776. doi:10.1016/j.ijggc.2011.08.014
  • Battiato I., D.M. Tartakovsky, A.M. Tartakovsky, and T.D. Scheibe. 2011. "Hybrid Models of Reactive Transport in Porous and Fractured Media." Advances in Water Resources 37, no. 9:1140-1150. PNNL-SA-74317. doi:10.1016/j.advwatres.2011.01.012
  • Jarman K.D., and A.M. Tartakovsky. 2011. "Divergence of Solutions to Perturbation-Based Advection-Dispersion Moment Equations." Advances in Water Resources 34, no. 5:659-670. PNNL-SA-77853. doi:10.1016/j.advwatres.2011.03.002
  • Kordilla J., T. Geyer, and A.M. Tartakovsky. 2011. "Simulation of gravity driven free-surface flow in fractured geological media." In Proceedings of the 6th international SPHERIC workshop, June 8-10, 2011, Hamburg, Germany, edited by T Rung and C Ulrich, 153-158. Hamburg:Schriftenreihe Schiffbau. PNNL-SA-80224.
  • Le Borgne T., D. Bolster, M. Dentz, P. de Anna, and A.M. Tartakovsky. 2011. "Effective Pore-Scale Dispersion Upscaling with the Correlated Continuous Time Random Walk Approach." Water Resources Research 47, no. 12:Article No. W12538. PNNL-SA-78847. doi:10.1029/2011WR010457
  • Ryan E.M., A.M. Tartakovsky, K.P. Recknagle, M.A. Khaleel, and C. Amon. 2011. "Pore Scale Modeling of the Reactive Transport of Chromium in the Cathode of a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell." Journal of Power Sources 196, no. 1:287-300. PNNL-SA-71355. doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2010.06.030
  • Ryan E.M., and A.M. Tartakovsky. 2011. "A Hybrid Micro-Scale Model for Transport in Connected Macro-Pores in Porous Media." Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 126, no. 1-2:61-71. PNNL-SA-77744. doi:10.1016/j.jconhyd.2011.06.005
  • Scheibe T.D., A.M. Tartakovsky, U.C. Bandara, B.J. Palmer, M. Oostrom, C. Zhang, and A. Bonneville. 2011. "Physical and Numerical Models of Pore-Scale Trapping of CO2." In Les Rencontres Scientifiques d’IFP Energies Nouvelles: International Conference on Flows and Mechanics in Natural Porous Media from Pore to Field Scale - Pore2Field, November 16-18, 2011, Rueil-Malmaison, France. Paris:IFP Energies Nouvelles. PNNL-SA-83932.
  • Tartakovsky A.M., A. Panchenko, and K.F. Ferris. 2011. "Dimension reduction method for ODE fluid models." Journal of Computational Physics 230, no. 23:8554-8572. PNNL-SA-75448. doi:10.1016/
  • Tartakovsky A.M., and T.D. Scheibe. 2011. "Dimension reduction method for SPH equations." In Proceedings of the 6th international SPHERIC Workshop, June 8-10, 2011, Hamburg, Germany, edited by T Rund and C Ulrich, 22-29. Hamburg:Schriftenreihe Schiffbau. PNNL-SA-80227.
  • Tartakovsky A.M., and T.D. Scheibe. 2011. "DIMENSION REDUCTION NUMERICAL CLOSURE METHOD FOR ADVECTION-DIFFUSION-REACTION SYSTEMS." Advances in Water Resources 34, no. 12:1616-1626. PNNL-SA-79493. doi:10.1016/j.advwatres.2011.07.011
  • Xu Z., P. Meakin, A.M. Tartakovsky, and T.D. Scheibe. 2011. "Dissipative-particle-dynamics model of biofilm growth." Physical Review E 83, no. 6:Article No. 066702. PNNL-SA-75521. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.83.066702


  • Gurumoorthi V., A.M. Tartakovsky, T.D. Scheibe, and B.J. Palmer. 2010. "A Component-Based Framework for Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Simulations of Reactive Fluid Flow in Porous Media." International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications 24, no. 2:228-239. PNNL-SA-65869. doi:10.1177/1094342009358415
  • Lin G., A.M. Tartakovsky, and D.M. Tartakovsky. 2010. "Uncertainty Quantification via Random Domain Decomposition and Probabilistic Collocation on Sparse Grids." Journal of Computational Physics 229, no. 19-20:6995-7012. PNNL-SA-67919. doi:10.1016/
  • Lin G., and A.M. Tartakovsky. 2010. "Numerical studies of three-dimensional stochastic Darcy's equation and stochastic advection-diffusion-dispersion equation." Journal of Scientific Computing 43, no. 1:92-117. PNNL-SA-62001. doi:10.1007/s10915-010-9346-5
  • Ryan E.M., A.M. Tartakovsky, and C. Amon. 2010. "A Novel Method for Modeling Neumann and Robin Boundary Conditions in Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics." SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 181, no. 12:2008-2023. PNNL-SA-67242. doi:10.1016/j.cpc.2010.08.022
  • Ryan E.M., A.M. Tartakovsky, and C. Amon. 2010. "Pore Scale Modeling of Competitive Adsorption of a Plume in a Porous Medium." Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 120-121. PNNL-SA-69573. doi:10.1016/j.jconhyd.2010.06.008
  • Scheibe T.D., B.J. Palmer, K.L. Schuchardt, Y. Fang, and A.M. Tartakovsky. 2010. "Simulations of Subsurface Flow and Transport at the Pore and Continuum Scales." In SciDAC 2010 Scientific Discovery Through Advanced Computing, July 11-15, 2010, Chattanooga, Tennessee. Washington Dc:US Department of Energy, Office of Science. PNNL-SA-74118.
  • Tartakovsky A.M. 2010. "Lagrangian simulations of unstable gravity-driven flow of fluids with variable density in randomly heterogeneous porous media." Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 24, no. 7:993-1002. PNNL-SA-67428. doi:10.1007/s00477-010-0402-3
  • Tartakovsky A.M. 2010. "Langevin Model for Reactive Transport in Porous Media." Physical Review. E, Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics 82, no. 2 PT 2:Art. No. 026302. PNNL-SA-67811.


  • Battiato I., D.M. Tartakovsky, A.M. Tartakovsky, and T.D. Scheibe. 2009. "On breakdown of macroscopic models of mixing-controlled heterogeneous reactions in porous media." Advances in Water Resources 32, no. 11:1664-1673. PNNL-SA-64544.
  • Gouet-Kaplan M., A.M. Tartakovsky, and B. Berkowitz. 2009. "Simulation of the interplay between resident and infiltrating water in partially saturated porous media." Water Resources Research 45. PNNL-SA-62090.
  • Lin G., and A.M. Tartakovsky. 2009. "An efficient, high-order probabilistic collocation method on sparse grids for three-dimensional flow and solute transport in randomly heterogeneous porous media." Advances in Water Resources 32, no. 5 SP ISS:712-722. PNNL-SA-58642.
  • Meakin P., and A.M. Tartakovsky. 2009. "Modeling and simulation of pore-scale multiphase fluid flow and reactive transport in fractured and porous media." Reviews of Geophysics 47, no. 3:Article No. RG3002. PNNL-SA-57291. doi:10.1029/2008RG000263
  • Ryan E.M., A.M. Tartakovsky, and C. Amon. 2009. "A Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Model of Competitive Adsorption in Porous Media." In 33rd International Association of Hydraulic Engineering & Research (IAHR) Congress: Water Engineering for a Sustainable Environment, August 9-14, 2009, Vancouver, Canada, 1, 179-186. Madrid:International Association of Hydraulic Engineering & Research. PNNL-SA-65856.
  • Sun X., A.M. Tartakovsky, and M.A. Khaleel. 2009. "Probabilistic Based Design Methodology for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Stacks." Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology 6, no. 2:Art. No. 021004. PNNL-SA-55461.
  • Tartakovsky A.M., G.D. Tartakovsky, and T.D. Scheibe. 2009. "EFFECTS OF INCOMPLETE MIXING ON MULTICOMPONENT REACTIVE TRANSPORT." Advances in Water Resources 32, no. 11:1674-1679. PNNL-SA-65914.
  • Tartakovsky A.M., K.F. Ferris, and P. Meakin. 2009. "Lagrangian particle model for multiphase flows." Computer Physics Communications 180, no. 10:1874-1881. PNNL-SA-67810. doi:10.1016/j.cpc.2009.06.002
  • Tartakovsky A.M., P. Meakin, and A.L. Ward. 2009. "Smoothed particle hydrodynamics model of non-aqueous phase liquid flow and dissolution." Transport in Porous Media 76, no. 1:11-34. PNNL-SA-51466.
  • Tartakovsky A.M., T.D. Scheibe, and P. Meakin. 2009. "PORE-SCALE MODEL FOR REACTIVE TRANSPORT AND BIOMASS GROWTH." Journal of Porous Media 12, no. 5:417-434. PNNL-SA-57286.
  • Xu Z., P. Meakin, and A.M. Tartakovsky. 2009. "Diffuse-interface model for smoothed particle hydrodynamics." Physical Review. E, Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics 79, no. 3:Art. No. 036702. PNNL-SA-64528.


  • Jarman K.D., and A.M. Tartakovsky. 2008. "Divergence of Solutions to Solute Transport Moment Equations." Geophysical Research Letters 35, no. 15:30-34, Art. no.: L15401. PNNL-SA-59036. doi:10.1029/2008GL034495
  • Scheibe T.D., A.M. Tartakovsky, D.M. Tartakovsky, G.D. Redden, P. Meakin, B.J. Palmer, and K.L. Schuchardt. 2008. "Hybrid numerical methods for multiscale simulations of subsurface biogeochemical processes." Journal of Physics: Conference Series 125, no. 1:Article No. 012054. PNNL-SA-60981. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/125/1/012054
  • Tartakovsky A.M., and S.P. Neuman. 2008. "Effects of Peclet Number on Pore-Scale Mixing and Channeling of a Tracer and on Directional Advective Porosity." Geophysical Research Letters 35, no. 21:L21401. PNNL-SA-62091. doi:10.1029/2008GL035895
  • Tartakovsky A.M., D. Bolster, and D.M. Tartakovsky. 2008. "Hydrogeophysical Approach for Identification of Layered Structures of the Vadose Zone from Electrical Resistivity Data." Vadose Zone Journal 7, no. 4:1253-1260. PNNL-SA-58680. doi:10.2136/vzj2008.0009
  • Tartakovsky A.M., D.M. Tartakovsky, and P. Meakin. 2008. "Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Stochastic Model for Flow and Transport in Porous Media." In ERCOFTAC SIG SPHERIC III International Workshop Proceedings, June 4-6, 2008, Lausanne, Switzerland, edited by P Maruzewski, 1-5. Lausanne:EPFL. PNNL-SA-62173.
  • Tartakovsky A.M., D.M. Tartakovsky, and P. Meakin. 2008. "Stochastic Langevin Model for Flow and Transport in Porous Media." Physical Review Letters 101. PNNL-SA-58438. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.101.044502
  • Tartakovsky A.M., D.M. Tartakovsky, T.D. Scheibe, and P. Meakin. 2008. "Hybrid Simulations of Reaction-Diffusion Systems in Porous Media." SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 30, no. 6:2799-2816. PNNL-SA-55164. doi:10.1137/070691097
  • Tartakovsky A.M., G.D. Redden, P.C. Lichtner, T.D. Scheibe, and P. Meakin. 2008. "Mixing-Induced Precipitation: Experimental Study and Multi-Scale Numerical Analysis." Water Resources Research 44, no. 6:Art. No. W06S04. PNNL-SA-52847. doi:10.1029/2006WR005725


  • Meakin P., A.M. Tartakovsky, T.D. Scheibe, D.M. Tartakovsky, G. Redden, P.E. Long, and S.C. Brooks, et al. 2007. "Particle methods for simulation of subsurface multiphase fluid flow and biogeological processes." Journal of Physics: Conference Series 78, no. 1:Article No. 012047. PNNL-SA-55963. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/78/1/012047
  • Scheibe T.D., A.M. Tartakovsky, D.M. Tartakovsky, G.D. Redden, and P. Meakin. 2007. "Hybrid Numerical Methods for Multiscale Simulations of Subsurface Biogeochemical Processes." Journal of Physics: Conference Series 78, no. 1:Article No. 012063. PNNL-SA-55880. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/78/1/012063
  • Tartakovsky A.M., A.L. Ward, and P. Meakin. 2007. "Pore-scale simulations of drainage of heterogeneous and anisotropic porous media." Physics of Fluids 19, no. 10:Art. No. 103301. PNNL-SA-52083. doi:10.1063/1.2772529
  • Tartakovsky A.M., P. Meakin, and A.L. Ward. 2007. "Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics model for multiphase flow in porous media." In Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics European Research Interest Community (SPHERIC), May 23-25, 2007, Madrid, Spain, edited by AJC Crespo, 135. San Ciprián De Viñas:Aica. PNNL-SA-55223.
  • Tartakovsky A.M., P. Meakin, and T.D. Scheibe. 2007. "Reactive transport and biomass growth in porous media." In Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics European Research Interest Community (SPHERIC), May 23-25, 2007, Madrid, Spain, edited by AJC Crespo, et al, 139. San Ciprián De Viñas:Aica. PNNL-SA-55222.
  • Tartakovsky A.M., P. Meakin, T.D. Scheibe, and B.D. Wood. 2007. "A smoothed particle hydrodynamics model for reactive transport and mineral precipitation in porous and fractured porous media." Water Resources Research 43, no. 5:Art. No. W05437. PNNL-SA-47642. doi:10.1029/2005WR004770
  • Tartakovsky A.M., P. Meakin, T.D. Scheibe, and R.M. Eichler West. 2007. "Simulations of reactive transport and precipitation with smoothed particle hydrodynamics." Journal of Computational Physics 222, no. 2:654-672. PNNL-SA-46816.


  • Tartakovsky A.M. 2006. "Langangian Particle Model of Friction Stir Welding." In 6th International Symposium on Friction Stir Welding, October 10-13, 2006, Saint Sauveur, Canada, 1. Cambridge:TWI Ltd. PNNL-SA-52321.
  • Tartakovsky A.M., and P. Meakin. 2006. "Pore-scale modeling of immiscible and miscible fluid flows using smoothed particle hydrodynamics." Advances in Water Resources 29(10). PNNL-SA-44208.
  • Tartakovsky A.M., G.J. Grant, X. Sun, and M.A. Khaleel. 2006. "MODELING OF FRICTION STIR WELDING (FSW) PROCESS USING SMOOTH PARTICLE HYDRODYNAMICS (SPH)." In SAE World Congress & Exhibition, April 3-6, 2006, Detroit, Michigan, Paper No. 2006-01-1394. Warrendale, Pennsylvania:SAE International. PNNL-SA-49534. doi:10.4271/2006-01-1394
  • Tartakovsky A.M., T.D. Scheibe, G. Redden, P. Meakin, and Y. Fang. 2006. "Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Model for Reactive Transport and Mineral Precipitation." In CMWR XVI - International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources. Copenhagen, Denmark, June 18-22, 2006, 8 pages. Copenhagen:Technical University of Denmark (DTU). PNNL-SA-51850. Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Model for Reactive Transport and Mineral Precipitation


  • Tartakovsky A.M., and P. Meakin. 2005. "A smoothed particle hydrodynamics model for miscible flow in three-dimensional fractures and the two-dimensional Rayleigh-Taylor instability." Journal of Computational Physics 207, no. 2:610-624. PNNL-SA-44137.
  • Tartakovsky A.M., and P. Meakin. 2005. "Modeling of surface tension and contact angles with smoothed particle hydrodynamics." Physical Review. E, Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics 72, no. 2:026301-1 - 026301-9. PNNL-SA-44797.
  • Tartakovsky A.M., and P. Meakin. 2005. "Simulation of unsaturated flow in complex fractures using smoothed particle hydrodynamics." Vadose Zone Journal 4, no. 3:848-855. PNNL-SA-44311.


  • Tartakovsky A.M., P. Meakin, and H. Huang. 2004. "Stochastic analysis of immiscible displacement of the fluids with arbitrary viscosities and its dependence on support scale of hydrological data." Advances in Water Resources 27, no. 12:1151-1166. PNNL-SA-44141.

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