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Marvin Warner

Research Line Manager
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
PO Box 999
MSIN: K7-74
Richland, WA 99352

PNNL Publications


  • Loer B.M., P. Harrington, B.C. Archambault, E.S. Fuller, B.D. Pierson, I.J. Arnquist, and K. Harouaka, et al. 2024. "Abatement of Ionizing Radiation for Superconducting Quantum Devices." Journal of Instrumentation 19, no. 9:Art. No. P09001. PNNL-SA-195572. doi:10.1088/1748-0221/19/09/P09001


  • Shi Y., T. Nguyen, S.A. Stein, T.J. Stavenger, M.G. Warner, M. Roetteler, and T. Hoefler, et al. 2023. "A Reference Implementation for a Quantum Message Passing Interface." In Proceedings of the SC '23 Workshops of The International Conference on High Performance Computing, Network, Storage, and Analysis (SC-W 2023), November 12-17, 2023, Denver, CO, 1420-1425. New York, New York:Association for Computing Machinery. PNNL-SA-189779. doi:10.1145/3624062.3624212


  • Rosenthal W.S., F.C. Grogan, Y. Li, E.I. Barker, J.F. Christ, T.R. Pope, and A. Battu, et al. 2020. ""Sintering" Models and In-Situ Experiments: Data Assimilation for Microstructure Prediction in SLS Additive Manufacturing of Nylon Components." MRS Advances 5, no. 29-30:1593-1601. PNNL-SA-150448. doi:10.1557/adv.2020.125


  • Hutchison J.R., S.M. Brooks, Z.C. Kennedy, T.R. Pope, B. Kaiser, K.D. Victry, and C.L. Warner, et al. 2019. "Polysaccharide-based liquid storage and transport media for non-refrigerated preservation of bacterial pathogens." PLoS One 14, no. 9:e0221831. PNNL-SA-142625. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0221831
  • Pope T.R., B.W. Arey, M.M. Zimmer, M. DeVore, II, M.G. Bronikowski, W. Kuhne, and A.T. Baldwin, et al. 2019. "Production of Particle Reference and Quality Control Materials." ESARDA Bulletin. PNNL-SA-143303.


  • Wunschel D.S., J.R. Hutchison, B. Kaiser, E.D. Merkley, B.M. Hess, A. Lin, and M.G. Warner. 2018. "Proteomic signatures differentiating Bacillus anthracis Sterne sporulation on soil relative to laboratory media." Analyst 143, no. 1:123-132. PNNL-SA-113414. doi:10.1039/c7an01412k


  • Kennedy Z.C., C.A. Barrett, and M.G. Warner. 2017. "Direct Functionalization of Acid-Terminated Nanodiamond with Azide: Enabling Access to 4-Substituted-1,2,3-Triazole Functionalized Particles." Langmuir 33, no. 11:2790-2798. PNNL-SA-122913. doi:10.1021/acs.langmuir.6b04477
  • Kennedy Z.C., D.E. Stephenson, J.F. Christ, T.R. Pope, B.W. Arey, C.A. Barrett, and M.G. Warner. 2017. "Enhanced anti-counterfeiting measures for additive manufacturing: coupling lanthanide nanomaterial chemical signatures with blockchain technology." Journal of Materials Chemistry C 5, no. 37:9570-9578. PNNL-SA-127746. doi:10.1039/C7TC03348F
  • Kennedy Z.C., J.F. Christ, K.A. Evans, B.W. Arey, L.E. Sweet, M.G. Warner, and R.L. Erikson, et al. 2017. "3D-Printed Poly(vinylidene fluoride) / Carbon Nanotube Composites as a Tunable, Low-Cost Chemical Vapour Sensing Platform." Nanoscale 9, no. 17:5458-5466. PNNL-SA-123459. doi:10.1039/C7NR00617A


  • Chouyyok W., C.L. Warner, K.E. Mackie, M.G. Warner, G.A. Gill, and R.S. Addleman. 2016. "Nanostructured Metal Oxide Sorbents for the Collection and Recovery of Uranium from Seawater." Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 55, no. 15:4195-4207. PNNL-SA-113189. doi:10.1021/acs.iecr.5b03650
  • Chouyyok W., J.W. Pittman, M.G. Warner, K.M. Nell, D.C. Clubb, G.A. Gill, and R.S. Addleman. 2016. "Surface Functionalized Nanostructured Ceramic Sorbents for the Effective Collection and Recovery of Uranium from Seawater." Dalton Transactions 45, no. 28:11312-11325. PNNL-SA-114269. doi:10.1039/c6dt01318j
  • Gill G.A., L. Kuo, C.J. Janke, J. Park, R.T. Jeters, G.T. Bonheyo, and H. Pan, et al. 2016. "The Uranium from Seawater Program at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory: Overview of Marine Testing, Adsorbent Characterization, Adsorbent Durability, Adsorbent Toxicity, and Deployment Studies." Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 55, no. 15:4264-4277. PNNL-SA-113457. doi:10.1021/acs.iecr.5b03649
  • Kennedy Z.C., A.J. Cardenas, J.F. Corbey, and M.G. Warner. 2016. "2,6-Diiminopiperidin-1-ol: an overlooked motif relevant to uranyl and transition metal binding on poly(amidoxime) adsorbents." Chemical Communications 52, no. 57:8802-8805. PNNL-SA-117149. doi:10.1039/c6cc02488b
  • Leggett C.J., B.F. Parker, S.J. Teat, Z. Zhang, P.D. Dau, W.W. Lukens, and S.M. Peterson, et al. 2016. "Structural and spectroscopic studies of a rare non-oxido V(v) complex crystallized from aqueous solution." Chemical Science 7, no. 4:2775-2786. PNNL-SA-112588. doi:10.1039/c5sc03958d
  • Nell K.M., S.A. Fontenot, T.G. Carter, M.G. Warner, C.L. Warner, R.S. Addleman, and D.W. Johnson. 2016. "Non-Covalent Functionalization of High-Surface Area Nanomaterials: A New Class of Sorbent Materials." Environmental Science: Nano 3, no. 1:138-145. PNNL-SA-113262. doi:10.1039/C5EN00170F
  • O'Hara M.J., J.C. Carter, C.L. Warner, M.G. Warner, and R.S. Addleman. 2016. "Magnetic iron oxide and manganese-doped iron oxide nanoparticles for the collection of alpha-emitting radionuclides from aqueous solutions." RSC Advances 6, no. 2016:105239-105251. PNNL-SA-119737. doi:10.1039/C6RA22262E


  • Grate J.W., K. Mo, Y. Shin, A. Vasdekis, M.G. Warner, R.T. Kelly, and G. Orr, et al. 2015. "Alexa Fluor-labeled Fluorescent Cellulose Nanocrystals for Bioimaging Solid Cellulose in Spatially Structured Microenvironments." Bioconjugate Chemistry 26, no. 3:593-601. PNNL-SA-88815. doi:10.1021/acs.bioconjchem.5b00048
  • Kaiser B., D.S. Wunschel, M.A. Sydor, M.G. Warner, K.L. Wahl, and J.R. Hutchison. 2015. "Improved Proteomic Analysis Following Trichloroacetic Acid Extraction of Bacillus anthracis Spore Proteins." Journal of Microbiological Methods 118. PNNL-SA-106873. doi:10.1016/j.mimet.2015.08.008


  • Ewing R.G., A. Heredia-Langner, and M.G. Warner. 2014. "Optimizing detection of RDX vapors using designed experiments for remote sensing." The Analyst 139, no. 10:2440-2448. PNNL-SA-100340. doi:10.1039/C4AN00125G


  • Blair M., R.E. Muenchausen, B.L. Bennett, N.A. Smith, and M.G. Warner. 2013. "Correlated Spin Systems in Undoped CdSe Quantum Dots." Journal of Nanoparticle Research 15, no. 11:Article No. 1953. PNNL-SA-97685. doi:10.1007/s11051-013-1953-2
  • Grate J.W., C. Zhang, M.J. Wilkins, M.G. Warner, N.C. Anheier, J.D. Suter, and R.T. Kelly, et al. 2013. "Chemical sensing and imaging in microfluidic pore network structures relevant to natural carbon cycling and industrial carbon sequestration." In Micro- and Nanotechnology Sensors, Systems, and Applications V, April 29, 2013, Baltimore, Maryland. Proceedings of the SPIE, edited by T George, M Salif Islam and AK Dutta, 8725, Paper No. 87522. Bellingham, Washington:SPIE. PNNL-SA-94789. doi:10.1117/12.2018520
  • Grate J.W., M.G. Warner, J.W. Pittman, K.J. Dehoff, T.W. Wietsma, C. Zhang, and M. Oostrom. 2013. "Silane Modification of Glass and Silica Surfaces to Obtain Equally Oil-Wet Surfaces in Glass-Covered Silicon Micromodel Applications." Water Resources Research 49, no. 8:4724-4729. PNNL-SA-90520. doi:10.1002/wrcr.20367
  • Lumetta G.J., A.V. Gelis, J.C. Braley, J.C. Carter, J.W. Pittman, M.G. Warner, and G.F. Vandegrift. 2013. "The TRUSPEAK Concept: Combining CMPO and HDEHP for Separating Trivalent Lanthanides from the Transuranic Elements." Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange 31, no. 3:223-236. PNNL-SA-81137. doi:10.1080/07366299.2012.670595


  • Grate J.W., K.J. Dehoff, M.G. Warner, J.W. Pittman, T.W. Wietsma, C. Zhang, and M. Oostrom. 2012. "Correlation of Oil-Water and Air-Water Contact Angles of Diverse Silanized Surfaces and Relationship to Fluid Interfacial Tensions." Langmuir 28, no. 18:7182-7188. PNNL-SA-83545. doi:10.1021/la204322k
  • Sinkov S.I., G.J. Lumetta, M.G. Warner, and J.W. Pittman. 2012. "Binding of stereognostically designed ligands to trivalent, pentavalent, and hexavalent f-block elements." Radiochimica Acta 100, no. 6:349-357. PNNL-SA-77181. doi:10.1524/ract.2012.1931
  • Warner C.L., W. Chouyyok, K.E. Mackie, D. Neiner, L. Saraf, T.C. Droubay, and M.G. Warner, et al. 2012. "Manganese Doping of Magnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles: Tailoring Surface Reactivity for a Regenerable Heavy Metal Sorbent." Langmuir 28, no. 8:3931-3937. PNNL-SA-81002. doi:10.1021/la2042235


  • Lee B., D. Lopez-Ferrer, B. Kim, H. Na, Y.I. Park, K.K. Weitz, and M.G. Warner, et al. 2011. "Rapid and Efficient Protein Digestion using Trypsin Coated Magnetic Nanoparticles under Pressure Cycles." Proteomics 11, no. 2:309-318. PNNL-SA-72833. doi:10.1002/pmic.201000378
  • O'Hara M.J., J.C. Carter, J.A. Maclellan, C.L. Warner, M.G. Warner, and R.S. Addleman. 2011. "Investigation of magnetic nanoparticles for the rapid extraction and assay of alpha-emitting radionuclides from urine: Demonstration of a novel radiobioassay method." Health Physics 101, no. 2:196-208. PNNL-SA-76192.
  • Zhang C., M. Oostrom, J.W. Grate, T.W. Wietsma, and M.G. Warner. 2011. "Liquid CO2 Displacement of Water in a Dual-Permeability Pore Network Micromodel." Environmental Science & Technology 45, no. 17:7581-7588. PNNL-SA-81215. doi:10.1021/es201858r
  • Zhang C., M. Oostrom, T.W. Wietsma, J.W. Grate, and M.G. Warner. 2011. "Influence of Viscous and Capillary Forces on Immiscible Fluid Displacement: Pore-Scale Experimental Study in a Water-Wet Micromodel Demonstrating Viscous and Capillary Fingering." Energy and Fuels 25, no. 8:3493-3505. PNNL-SA-79115. doi:10.1021/ef101732k


  • Fontenot S.A., T.G. Carter, D.W. Johnson, R.S. Addleman, M.G. Warner, W. Yantasee, and C.L. Warner, et al. 2010. "Nanostructured materials for selective collection of trace-level metals from aqueous systems." In Trace Analysis with Nanomaterials, edited by D.T. Pierce and J.X. Zhao. 191-221. PNNL-SA-65531. doi:10.1002/9783527632015.ch8
  • Grate J.W., C. Zhang, T.W. Wietsma, M.G. Warner, N.C. Anheier, B.E. Bernacki, and G. Orr, et al. 2010. "A note on the visualization of wetting film structures and a nonwetting immiscible fluid in a pore network micromodel using a solvatochromic dye." Water Resources Research 46. PNNL-SA-71572. doi:10.1029/2010WR009419
  • Grate J.W., R.M. Ozanich, M.G. Warner, C.J. Bruckner-Lea, and J.D. Marks. 2010. "Advances in Assays and Analytical Approaches for Botulinum Toxin Detection." Trends in Analytical Chemistry. TrAC 29, no. 10:1137-1156. PNNL-SA-72191. doi:10.1016/j.trac.2010.07.005
  • Rutledge R.D., C.L. Warner, J.W. Pittman, R.S. Addleman, M.H. Engelhard, W. Chouyyok, and M.G. Warner. 2010. "Thiol-Ene Induced Diphosphonic Acid Functionalization of Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles." Langmuir 26, no. 14:12285-12292. PNNL-SA-71652.
  • Warner C.L., S. Addleman, A.D. Cinson, T.C. Droubay, M.H. Engelhard, M.A. Nash, and W. Yantasee, et al. 2010. "High-Performance, Superparamagnetic, Nanoparticle-Based Heavy Metal Sorbents for Removal of Contaminants from Natural Waters." ChemSusChem 3, no. 6:749-757. PNNL-SA-70116. doi:10.1002/cssc.201000027
  • Yantasee W., R.D. Rutledge, W. Chouyyok, V. Sukwarotwat, G. Orr, C.L. Warner, and M.G. Warner, et al. 2010. "Functionalized Nanoporous Silica for Removal of Heavy Metals from Biological Systems; Adsorption and Application." ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2, no. 10:2749-2758. PNNL-SA-73483. doi:10.1021/am100616b


  • Fernandez C.A., J. Roberts, E.M. Hoppes, G.E. Fryxell, C.M. Wang, J.T. Bays, and M.G. Warner, et al. 2009. "Effect of the Ligand Shell Composition on the Dispersibility and Transport of Gold Nanocrystals in Near Critical Solvents." Langmuir 25, no. 9:4900-4906. PNWD-SA-8342. doi:10.1021/la804058x
  • Fernandez C.A., J. Roberts, E.M. Hoppes, R.J. Wiacek, G.E. Fryxell, J.T. Bays, and M.G. Warner, et al. 2009. "Advancements Toward the Greener Processing of Engineered Nanomaterials -- Effect of Core Size on the Dispersibility and Transport of Gold Nanocrystals in Near-Critical Solvents." Small 5, no. 8:961-969. PNWD-SA-8223. doi:10.1002/smll.200801207
  • Grate J.W., M.G. Warner, R.M. Ozanich, K.D. Miller, H.A. Colburn, B.P. Dockendorff, and K.C. Antolick, et al. 2009. "Renewable Surface Fluorescence Sandwich Immunoassay Biosensor for Rapid Sensitive Botulinum Toxin Detection in an Automated Fluidic Format." Analyst 134, no. 5:987 - 996. PNNL-SA-63257. doi:10.1039/B900794F
  • Ozanich R.M., C.J. Bruckner-Lea, M.G. Warner, K.D. Miller, K.C. Antolick, J.D. Marks, and J. Lou, et al. 2009. "Rapid Multiplexed Flow Cytometric Assay for Botulinum Neurotoxin Detection Using an Automated Fluidic Microbead-Trapping Flow Cell for Enhanced Sensitivity." Analytical Chemistry 81, no. 14:5783-5793. PNNL-SA-64163.
  • Warner M.G., C.L. Warner, R.S. Addleman, and W. Yantasee. 2009. "Magnetic Nanomaterials for Environmental Sensing." In Nanomaterials for the Life Sciences: Magnetic Nanomaterials, edited by CSSR Kumar. 311-344. Weinheim:Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA. PNNL-SA-63088.
  • Warner M.G., C.L. Warner, R.S. Addleman, T.C. Droubay, M.H. Engelhard, J.D. Davidson, and A.D. Cinson, et al. 2009. "Synthesis of Functionalized Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles from a Common Precursor and their Application as Heavy Metal and Actinide Sorbents." In Abstracts of Papers of the 237th ACS National Meeting, March 22-26, 2009, Salt Lake City, Utah, COLL-465. Washington Dc:American Chemical Society. PNNL-SA-65452.
  • Warner M.G., J.W. Grate, A.J. Tyler, R.M. Ozanich, K.D. Miller, J. Lou, and J.D. Marks, et al. 2009. "Quantum dot immunoassays in renewable surface column and 96-well plate formats for the fluorescence detection of Botulinum neurotoxin using high-affinity antibodies." Biosensors and Bioelectronics 25, no. 1:179-184. PNNL-SA-64430.


  • Fernandez C.A., E.M. Hoppes, J.G. Bekhazi, C.M. Wang, R.J. Wiacek, M.G. Warner, and G.E. Fryxell, et al. 2008. "Tuning and Quantifying the Dispersibility of Gold Nanocrystals in Liquid and Supercritical Solvents." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 112, no. 36:13947-13957. PNWD-SA-8129. doi:10.1021/jp8038237
  • Fernandez C.A., R.J. Wiacek, P. Nachimuthu, G.E. Fryxell, A.M. Pierson, C.L. Warner, and M.G. Warner, et al. 2008. "A Simple Method for the Prevention of Non-Specific Adsorption by Nanocrystals onto Surfaces." Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 8, no. 11:5781-5786. PNWD-SA-7926. doi:10.1166/jnn.2008.320
  • Yantasee W., K. Hongsirikarn, C.L. Warner, D. Choi, T. Sangvanich, M.B. Toloczko, and M.G. Warner, et al. 2008. "Direct detection of Pb in urine and Cd, Pb, Cu, and Ag in natural waters using electrochemical sensors immobilized with DMSA functionalized magnetic nanoparticles." The Analyst 133, no. 3:348-355. PNNL-SA-57442. doi:10.1039/b711199a


  • Ozanich R.M., K.C. Antolick, C.J. Bruckner-Lea, B.P. Dockendorff, A.N. Easterday, H.C. Edberg, and J.W. Grate, et al. 2007. "Use of a Novel Fluidics Microbead Trap/Flow-cell Enhances Speed and Sensitivity of Bead-Based Bioassays." JALA. Journal of the Association for Laboratory Automation 12, no. 5:303-310. PNNL-SA-54715. doi:10.1016/j.jala.2007.05.002
  • Yantasee W., C.L. Warner, T. Sangvanich, R.S. Addleman, T.G. Carter, R.J. Wiacek, and G.E. Fryxell, et al. 2007. "Removal of Heavy Metals from Aqueous Systems with Thiol Functionalized Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles." Environmental Science & Technology 41, no. 14:p.5114-5119. PNNL-SA-53961. doi:10.1021/es0705238


  • Varnum S.M., M.G. Warner, B.P. Dockendorff, N.C. Anheier, J. Lou, J.D. Marks, and L.A. Smith, et al. 2006. "Enzyme-amplified protein micorarray and a fluidic renewable surface fluorescence immunoassay for botulinum neurotoxin detection using high-affinity recombinant antibodies." Analytica Chimica Acta 570, no. 2:137-143. PNNL-SA-47972.


  • Warner M.G., B.P. Dockendorff, M.J. Feldhaus, N.C. Anheier, J.D. Marks, J.W. Grate, and C.J. Bruckner-Lea. 2004. "Rapid, Sensitive Detection of Botulinum Toxin on a Flexible Microfluidics Platform." In Chemical Sensors VI: Chemical and Biological Sensors and Analytical Methods, edited by C. Bruckner-Lea, P. Vanysek, G. Hunter, et al., 2004-08, 376-380. Pennington, New Jersey:Electrochemical Society. PNNL-SA-41899.
  • Woehrle G.H., M.G. Warner, and J.E. Hutchison. 2004. "Molecular-Level Control of Feature Separation in One-Dimensional Nanostructure Assemblies Formed by Biomolecular Nanolithography." Langmuir 20, no. 14:5982-5988. PNNL-SA-43202.

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