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Fundamental and Computational Sciences Directorate

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Andrew Gettelman

Earth System Modeling
Earth Scientist

PNNL Publications


  • Duffy M., B. Medeiros, A. Gettelman, and T. Eidhammer. 2024. "Perturbing parameters to understand cloud contributions to climate change." Journal of Climate 37, no. 1:213-227. PNNL-SA-192050. doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-23-0250.1
  • Feingold G., V.P. Ghate, L. Russell, P.N. Blossey, W. Cantrell, M. Christensen, and M.S. Diamond, et al. 2024. "Physical science research needed to evaluate the viability and risks of marine cloud brightening." Science Advances 10, no. 12:Art. No. eadi8594. PNNL-SA-189954. doi:10.1126/sciadv.adi8594
  • Muelmenstaedt J.H., E. Gryspeerdt, S. Dipu, J. Quaas, A. Ackerman, A. Fridlind, and F. Tornow, et al. 2024. "General circulation models simulate negative liquid water path--droplet number correlations, but anthropogenic aerosols still increase simulated liquid water path." Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 24, no. 12:7331-7345. PNNL-SA-193973. doi:10.5194/acp-24-7331-2024
  • Raghuraman S.P., B. Medeiros, and A. Gettelman. 2024. "Observational Quantification of Tropical High Cloud Changes and Feedbacks." Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 129, no. 7:Art. No. e2023JD039364. PNNL-SA-201540. doi:10.1029/2023JD039364


  • Davis N.A., D. Visioni, R.R. Garcia, D.E. Kinnison, D.R. Marsh, M. Mills, and J. Richter, et al. 2023. "Climate, Variability, and Climate Sensitivity of "Middle Atmosphere" Chemistry Configurations of the Community Earth System Model Version 2, Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model Version 6 (CESM2(WACCM6))." Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 15, no. 9:Art. No. e2022MS003579. PNNL-SA-192611. doi:10.1029/2022MS003579
  • Gettelman A. 2023. "Rainbows and Climate Change: A tutorial on climate model diagnostics and parameterization." Geoscientific Model Development 16, no. 17:4937-4956. PNNL-SA-181861. doi:10.5194/egusphere-2023-227
  • Jakob C., A. Gettelman, and A.J. Pitman. 2023. "The need to operationalize climate modelling." Nature Climate Change 13, no. 11:1158-1160. PNNL-SA-190788. doi:10.1038/s41558-023-01849-4
  • Mcgraw Z., T. Storelvmo, L.M. Polvani, S. Hofer, J.K. Shaw, and A. Gettelman. 2023. "On the Links Between Ice Nucleation, Cloud Phase, and Climate Sensitivity in CESM2." Geophysical Research Letters 50, no. 17:Art. No. e2023GL105053. PNNL-SA-192592. doi:10.1029/2023GL105053
  • Neelin D., J.P. Krasting, A. Radhakrishnan, J. Liptak, T. Jackson, Y. Ming, and W. Dong, et al. 2023. "Process-Oriented Diagnostics Principles, Practice, Community Development, and Common Standards." Bulletin of American Meteorological Society 104, no. 8:E1452-E1468. PNNL-SA-192598. doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-21-0268.1
  • Sun J., J. Dennis, S. Mickelson, B.J. Vanderwende, A. Gettelman, and K. Thayer-Calder. 2023. "Acceleration of the Parameterization of Unified Microphysics Across Scales (PUMAS) on the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) With Directive-Based Methods." Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 15, no. 5:Art. No. e2022MS003515. PNNL-SA-192584. doi:10.1029/2022MS003515

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