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Fundamental and Computational Sciences Directorate

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Francisco Ponce

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
PO Box 999
MSIN: J5-20
Richland, WA 99352

PNNL Publications


  • Albakry M.F., I. Alkhatib, D. Alonso, D.W. Amaral, T. Aralis, T. Aramaki, and I.J. Arnquist, et al. 2023. "First measurement of the nuclear-recoil ionization yield in silicon at 100 eV." Physical Review Letters 131, no. 9:Art. No. 091801. PNNL-SA-186011. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.131.091801
  • Albakry M.F., I. Alkhatib, D. Alonso, D.W. Amaral, T. Aralis, T. Aramaki, and I.J. Arnquist, et al. 2023. "Search for Low-mass Dark Matter via Bremsstrahlung Radiation and the Migdal Effect in SuperCDMS." Physical Review D 107, no. 11:112013. PNNL-SA-172121. doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.107.112013


  • Albakry M.F., I. Alkhatib, D.W. Amaral, T. Aralis, T. Aramaki, I.J. Arnquist, and I. Ataee Langroudy, et al. 2022. "Investigating the sources of low-energy events in a SuperCDMS-HVeV detector." Physical Review D 105, no. 11:Art. No. 112006. PNNL-SA-172447. doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.105.112006
  • Friedrich S., A. Marino, F. Ponce, M.H. Carpenter, G. Kim, O. Drury, and J. Drake, et al. 2022. "Characterization of Non-uniformities in Superconducting Tunnel Junction Radiation Detectors." Journal of Low temperature Physics 209, no. 5-6:1063-1069. PNNL-SA-179572. doi:10.1007/s10909-022-02825-6
  • Ponce F., P.L. Brink, B. Cabrera, M. Cherry, N.A. Kurinsky, W.A. Page, and R. Partridge, et al. 2022. "Observation of Long-Lived UV-Induced Fluorescence from Environmental Materials Using the HVeV detector as developed for SuperCDMS." Journal of Low temperature Physics 209, no. 5-6:1172-1179. PNNL-SA-167235. doi:10.1007/s10909-022-02802-z

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