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Fundamental and Computational Sciences Directorate

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Craig Aalseth

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
PO Box 999
MSIN: J4-65
Richland, WA 99352

PNNL Publications


  • Hagen A.R., K.D. Jarman, J.D. Ward, G.C. Eiden, C.J. Barinaga, E.K. Mace, and C.E. Aalseth, et al. 2022. "Reduction of detection limit and quantification uncertainty due to interferent by neural classification with abstention." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 1040. PNNL-SA-171868. doi:10.1016/j.nima.2022.167174


  • Seltzer A.M., D.V. Bekaert, P.H. Barry, K.E. Durkin, E.K. Mace, C.E. Aalseth, and J.C. Zappala, et al. 2021. "Groundwater Residence Time Estimates Obscured by Anthropogenic Carbonate." Science Advances Vol. 7, no. No. 17:eabf3503. PNNL-SA-154074. doi:10.1126/sciadv.abf3503


  • Aalseth C.E., S. Abdelhakim, F. Acerbi, P. Agnes, R. Ajaj, I. Albuquerque, and T.R. Alexander, et al. 2020. "Design and construction of a new detector to measure ultra-low radioactive-isotope contamination of argon." Journal of Instrumentation 15, no. 2:Article No. P02024. PNNL-SA-157079. doi:10.1088/1748-0221/15/02/P02024
  • Hayes J.C., C.E. Aalseth, T.R. Alexander, H.O. Back, E.D. Church, M.P. Foxe, and T.W. Hossbach, et al. 2020. "High Throughput Argon-37 Field System." Pure and Applied Geophysics. PNNL-SA-149601. doi:10.1007/s00024-020-02584-z


  • Johnson C.M., C.E. Aalseth, T.R. Alexander, T.W. Bowyer, V. Chipman, A.R. Day, and S. Drellack, et al. 2019. "Migration of noble gas tracers at the site of an underground nuclear explosion at the Nevada National Security Site." Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 208-209. PNNL-SA-143881. doi:10.1016/j.jenvrad.2019.106047


  • Aalseth C.E., F. Acerbi, P. Agnes, I. Albuquerque, T.R. Alexander, A. Alici, and A. Alton, et al. 2018. "DarkSide-20k: A 20 tonne two-phase LAr TPC for direct dark matter detection at LNGS." European Physical Journal Plus 133, no. 3:Article No. 131. PNNL-SA-134133. doi:10.1140/epjp/i2018-11973-4
  • Aalseth C.E., N. Abgrall, E. Aguayo, S.I. Alvis, M. Amman, I.J. Arnquist, and F.T. Avignone, et al. 2018. "Search for Neutrinoless Double-ß Decay in 76Ge with the Majorana Demonstrator." Physical Review Letters 120, no. 13:Article No. 132502. PNNL-SA-130088. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.120.132502
  • Fritz B.G., C.E. Aalseth, H.O. Back, J.C. Hayes, P.H. Humble, P. Ivanusa, and E.K. Mace. 2018. "Prediction of sub-surface 37Ar concentrations at locations in the Northwestern United States." Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 181. PNNL-SA-124417. doi:10.1016/j.jenvrad.2017.10.005
  • Mace E.K., C.E. Aalseth, A.R. Day, E.W. Hoppe, J.I. McIntyre, A. Seifert, and R.M. Williams. 2018. "Direct Low-Energy Measurement of 37Ar and 127Xe in a Radiotracer Gas using Low-Background Proportional Counters." Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 318, no. 1:125-129. PNNL-SA-133392. doi:10.1007/s10967-018-6074-z
  • Mace E.K., J.D. Ward, and C.E. Aalseth. 2018. "Use of Neural Networks to Analyze Pulse Shape Data in Low-Background Detectors." Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 318, no. 1:117-124. PNNL-SA-133676. doi:10.1007/s10967-018-5983-1


  • Erchinger J., J.L. Orrell, C.E. Aalseth, B.E. Bernacki, M. Douglas, E.S. Fuller, and M.E. Keillor, et al. 2017. "Background Characterization of an Ultra-Low Background Liquid Scintillation Counter." Applied Radiation and Isotopes 126. PNNL-SA-120443. doi:10.1016/j.apradiso.2017.01.032
  • Keillor M.E., C.E. Aalseth, I.J. Arnquist, T.A. Eggemeyer, E.S. Fuller, B.D. Glasgow, and E.W. Hoppe, et al. 2017. "Recent Bremsstrahlung-based Assays of 210Pb in Lead and Comments on Current Availability of Low-Background Lead in North America." Applied Radiation and Isotopes 126. PNNL-SA-120723. doi:10.1016/j.apradiso.2017.03.001
  • Mace E.K., C.E. Aalseth, J.M. Brandenberger, A.R. Day, E.W. Hoppe, P.H. Humble, and M.E. Keillor, et al. 2017. "Methods for Using Argon-39 to Age-Date Groundwater using Ultra-Low-Background Proportional Counting." Applied Radiation and Isotopes 126. PNNL-SA-121026. doi:10.1016/j.apradiso.2016.12.037
  • Mace E.K., C.E. Aalseth, T.R. Alexander, H.O. Back, A.R. Day, E.W. Hoppe, and M.E. Keillor, et al. 2017. "Simultaneous Measurement of Tritium and Radiocarbon by Ultra-Low-Background Proportional Counting." Applied Radiation and Isotopes 126. PNNL-SA-120393. doi:10.1016/j.apradiso.2016.12.033
  • McIntyre J.I., C.E. Aalseth, T.R. Alexander, H.O. Back, B.J. Bellgraph, T.W. Bowyer, and V.D. Chipman, et al. 2017. "Measurements of Argon-39 at theU20az Underground Nuclear Explosion Site." Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 178-179. PNNL-26326. doi:10.1016/j.jenvrad.2017.07.013
  • Moran J.J., T.R. Alexander, C.E. Aalseth, H.O. Back, E.K. Mace, C.T. Overman, and A. Seifert, et al. 2017. "Improvements to sample processing and measurement to enable more widespread environmental application of tritium." Applied Radiation and Isotopes 126. PNNL-SA-120318. doi:10.1016/j.apradiso.2017.01.033
  • Williams R.M., C.E. Aalseth, J.M. Brandenberger, A.R. Day, E.C. Finn, E.S. Fuller, and E.W. Hoppe, et al. 2017. "Development of a Low-Level 39Ar Calibration Standard - Analysis by Absolute Gas Counting Measurements Augmented with Simulation." Applied Radiation and Isotopes 126. PNNL-SA-120659. doi:10.1016/j.apradiso.2017.02.018


  • Aalseth C.E., J. Colaresi, J.I. Collar, J.E. Fast, T.W. Hossbach, J.L. Orrell, and C.T. Overman, et al. 2016. "A Low-Noise Germanium Ionization Spectrometer for Low-Background Science." IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 63, no. 6:2782-2792. PNNL-SA-116069. doi:10.1109/TNS.2016.2614431
  • Aalseth C.E., P.H. Humble, E.K. Mace, J.L. Orrell, A. Seifert, and R.M. Williams. 2016. "Shielding concepts for low-background proportional counter arrays in surface laboratories." Applied Radiation and Isotopes 108. PNNL-SA-106350. doi:10.1016/j.apradiso.2015.12.033
  • Bonicalzi R., C.E. Aalseth, A.R. Day, E.W. Hoppe, E.K. Mace, J.J. Moran, and C.T. Overman, et al. 2016. "Optimization of Simultaneous Tritium-Radiocarbon Internal Gas Proportional Counting." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 813. PNNL-SA-111865. doi:10.1016/j.nima.2015.12.062
  • Hall J.C., C.E. Aalseth, R. Bonicalzi, J.M. Brandenberger, A.R. Day, P.H. Humble, and E.K. Mace, et al. 2016. "39Ar/Ar measurements using ultra-low background proportional counters." Applied Radiation and Isotopes 107. PNNL-SA-98510. doi:10.1016/j.apradiso.2015.10.006
  • Keillor M.E., C.E. Aalseth, L.M. Arrigo, J.M. Brandenberger, J.M. Cloutier, G.C. Eiden, and J.E. Fast, et al. 2016. "Measurement Background and the Sediment Age-Dating Reach of 32Si." Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 307, no. 3:2313-2319. PNNL-SA-100544. doi:10.1007/s10967-015-4592-5
  • Mace E.K., C.E. Aalseth, A.R. Day, E.W. Hoppe, M.E. Keillor, J.J. Moran, and M.E. Panisko, et al. 2016. "First results of a simultaneous measurement of tritium and 14C in an ultra-low-background proportional counter for environmental sources of methane." Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 155-156. PNNL-SA-111748. doi:10.1016/j.jenvrad.2016.02.001
  • Olsen K.B., R.R. Kirkham, V.T. Woods, D.A. Haas, J.C. Hayes, T.W. Bowyer, and D.P. Mendoza, et al. 2016. "Noble Gas Migration Experiment to Support the Detection of Underground Nuclear Explosions." Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 307, no. 3:2603-2610. PNNL-SA-109064. doi:10.1007/s10967-015-4639-7
  • Orrell J.L., C.E. Aalseth, I.J. Arnquist, T.A. Eggemeyer, B.D. Glasgow, E.W. Hoppe, and M.E. Keillor, et al. 2016. "Assay Methods for 238U, 232Th, and 210Pb in Lead and Calibration of 210Bi Bremsstrahlung Emission from Lead." Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 309, no. 3:1271-1281. PNNL-SA-115123. doi:10.1007/s10967-016-4732-6
  • Robinson J.W., C.E. Aalseth, M.P. Dion, C.T. Overman, A. Seifert, and B.A. VanDevender. 2016. "Simulations of Electron Avalanches in an Ultra-Low-Background Proportional Counter." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 810. PNNL-SA-114448. doi:10.1016/j.nima.2015.11.123
  • Williams R.M., C.E. Aalseth, T.W. Bowyer, A.R. Day, E.S. Fuller, D.A. Haas, and J.C. Hayes, et al. 2016. "Development of a Low-Level Ar-37 Calibration Standard." Applied Radiation and Isotopes 109. PNNL-SA-109332. doi:10.1016/j.apradiso.2015.12.027


  • Aalseth C.E., P. Agnes, A. Alton, K. Arisaka, D.M. Asner, H.O. Back, and B. Baldin, et al. 2015. "The DarkSide Multiton Detector for the Direct Dark Matter Search." Advances in High Energy Physics Volume 2015. PNNL-SA-102086. doi:10.1155/2015/541362
  • Erchinger J.L., C.E. Aalseth, B.E. Bernacki, M. Douglas, E.S. Fuller, M.E. Keillor, and S.M. Morley, et al. 2015. "Development of a low background liquid scintillation counter for a shallow underground laboratory." Applied Radiation and Isotopes 105. PNNL-SA-108085. doi:10.1016/j.apradiso.2015.08.027
  • Erchinger J.L., J.L. Orrell, C.E. Aalseth, B.E. Bernacki, M. Douglas, E.C. Finn, and E.S. Fuller, et al. 2015. "Development of an Ultra-Low Background Liquid Scintillation Counter for Trace Level Analysis." In Institute of Nuclear Materials Management 56th Annual Meeting, July 12-16, 2015, Indian Wells, California. Deerfield, Illinois:INMM. PNNL-SA-110951.
  • Keillor M.E., C.E. Aalseth, L.M. Arrigo, J.M. Brandenberger, J.M. Cloutier, G.C. Eiden, and J.E. Fast, et al. 2015. "Measurement Background and the Sediment Age-Dating Reach of 32Si." In MARC-X: 10th International Conference on Methods and Applications of Radioanalytical Chemistry, April 12-17, 2015, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii. La Grange Park, Illinois:American Nuclear Society. PNNL-SA-109510.


  • Hoppe E.W., C.E. Aalseth, O.T. Farmer, T.W. Hossbach, M. Liezers, H.S. Miley, and N.R. Overman, et al. 2014. "Reduction of Radioactive Backgrounds in Electroformed Copper for Ultra-Sensitive Radiation Detectors." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 764. PNNL-SA-100820. doi:10.1016/j.nima.2014.06.082
  • Leviner L., C.E. Aalseth, M.W. Ahmed, F.T. Avignone, H.O. Back, A.S. Barabash, and M. Boswell, et al. 2014. "A Segmented, Enriched N-type Germanium Detector for Neutrinoless Double Beta-Decay Experiments." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 735. PNNL-SA-94715. doi:10.1016/j.nima.2013.08.081


  • Aalseth C.E., A.R. Day, E.S. Fuller, E.W. Hoppe, M.E. Keillor, B.D. LaFerriere, and E.K. Mace, et al. 2013. "A New Shallow Underground Gas-Proportional Counting Lab - First Results and Ar-37 Sensitivity." Applied Radiation and Isotopes 81. PNNL-SA-89606. doi:10.1016/j.apradiso.2013.03.050
  • Aalseth C.E., A.R. Day, E.S. Fuller, E.W. Hoppe, M.E. Keillor, E.K. Mace, and A.W. Myers, et al. 2013. "Digital Pulse-Shape Discrimination Applied to an Ultra-Low-Background Gas-Proportional Counting System: First Results." Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 296, no. 2:823-827. PNNL-SA-86923. doi:10.1007/s10967-012-2052-z
  • Aalseth C.E., P.S. Barbeau, J. Colaresi, J. Colaresi, J.I. Collar, J. Diaz Leon, and J.E. Fast, et al. 2013. "CoGeNT: A Search for Low-Mass Dark Matter using p-type Point Contact Germanium Detectors." Physical Review D 88, no. 1:Article No. 012002. PNNL-SA-90298. doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.88.012002
  • Aalseth C.E., R. Bonicalzi, J.E. Fast, T.W. Hossbach, J.L. Orrell, C.T. Overman, and B.A. VanDevender. 2013. "Cryostat for Ultra-low-energy Threshold Germanium Spectrometers." IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 60, no. 2:1168 -1174. PNNL-SA-88541. doi:10.1109/TNS.2012.2224669
  • Erikson L.E., M.E. Keillor, C.E. Aalseth, T.W. Hossbach, L.K. Mizouni, T.J. Stavenger, and B.S. McDonald, et al. 2013. "Determining HPGe Total Detection Efficiency Using ?-? Coincidence." Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 296, no. 2:705-710. PNNL-SA-87582. doi:10.1007/s10967-012-2186-z
  • Fast J.E., C.E. Aalseth, D.M. Asner, C.A. Bonebrake, A.R. Day, K.E. Dorow, and E.S. Fuller, et al. 2013. "The Multi-sensor Airborne Radiation Survey (MARS) Instrument." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 698. PNNL-SA-88669. doi:10.1016/j.nima.2012.09.029
  • Keillor M.E., L.E. Erikson, C.E. Aalseth, A.R. Day, E.S. Fuller, B.D. Glasgow, and E.W. Hoppe, et al. 2013. "Empirical Correction of Crosstalk in a Low-Background Germanium ?-? Analysis System." Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 296, no. 2:683-687. PNNL-SA-89440. doi:10.1007/s10967-012-2143-x
  • Mace E.K., C.E. Aalseth, R. Bonicalzi, A.R. Day, E.S. Fuller, J.C. Hayes, and E.W. Hoppe, et al. 2013. "Initial Characterization of Unequal-Length, Low-Background Proportional Counters for Absolute Gas-Counting Applications." In LOW RADIOACTIVITY TECHNIQUES 2013 (LRT 2013): Proceedings of the IV International Workshop in Low Radioactivity Techniques, April 10-12, 2013, Assergi, Italy. AIP Conference Proceedings, edited by L Miramonti and L Pandola, 1549, 30. Melville, New York:AIP Publishing. PNNL-SA-96368. doi:10.1063/1.4818069
  • Mace E.K., C.E. Aalseth, R. Bonicalzi, A.R. Day, E.W. Hoppe, M.E. Keillor, and A.W. Myers, et al. 2013. "Controlling Low-Rate Signal Path Microdischarge for an Ultra-Low-Background Proportional Counter." Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 296, no. 2:753-758. PNNL-SA-86931.
  • Seifert A., C.E. Aalseth, A.R. Day, E.S. Fuller, E.W. Hoppe, M.E. Keillor, and E.K. Mace, et al. 2013. "The Design, Construction, and Initial Characterization of an Ultra-Low-Background Gas-Proportional Counting System." Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 296, no. 2:915-921. PNNL-SA-86743. doi:10.1007/s10967-012-2059-5
  • Seifert A., C.E. Aalseth, R. Bonicalzi, T.W. Bowyer, A.R. Day, E.S. Fuller, and D.A. Haas, et al. 2013. "Calibration of an Ultra-Low-Background Proportional Counter for Measuring 37Ar." In Low Radioactivity Techniques 2013 (LRT 2013): Proceedings of the IV International Workshop in Low Radioactivity Techniques, April 10-12, 2013, Assergi, Italy. AIP Conference Proceedings, edited by L Miramonti and LPandola, 1549, 26-29. Melville, New York:AIP Publishing. PNNL-SA-96364. doi:10.1063/1.4818068
  • Williams R.M., C.E. Aalseth, J.H. Ely, A.R. Day, J.C. Hayes, E.W. Hoppe, and B.D. LaFerriere, et al. 2013. "Development of an Absolute Gas-Counting Capability for Low to Medium Activities." Applied Radiation and Isotopes 81. PNNL-SA-89541. doi:10.1016/j.apradiso.2013.03.064


  • Aalseth C.E., R. Bonicalzi, M.G. Cantaloub, A.R. Day, L.E. Erikson, J.E. Fast, and J.B. Forrester, et al. 2012. "A Shallow Underground Laboratory for Low-Background Radiation Measurements and Materials Development." Review of Scientific Instruments 83, no. 11:Article No. 113503. PNNL-SA-89084. doi:10.1063/1.4761923
  • Keillor M.E., C.E. Aalseth, A.R. Day, L.E. Erikson, B.D. Glasgow, E.W. Hoppe, and T.W. Hossbach, et al. 2012. "A Germanium Array for Sample Measurements: Recent Results and New Analysis Methods." In 2012 Monitoring Research Review: Ground-Based Nuclear Explosion Monitoring Technologies, September 18-20, 2012, Albuquerque, NM, II, 635-642. Washington D.C.:National Nuclear Security Administration. PNNL-SA-89692.


  • Aalseth C.E., A.R. Day, D.A. Haas, E.W. Hoppe, B.J. Hyronimus, M.E. Keillor, and E.K. Mace, et al. 2011. "Measurement of 37Ar to support technology for On-site Inspection under the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 652, no. 1:58-61. PNNL-SA-73256. doi:10.1016/j.nima.2010.09.135
  • Aalseth C.E., E. Aguayo Navarrete, M. Amman, F.T. Avignone, H.O. Back, X. Bai, and A.S. Barabash, et al. 2011. "The Majorana Experiment." Nuclear Physics. B, Proceedings Supplement 217, no. 1:44-46. PNNL-SA-87226. doi:10.1016/j.nuclphysbps.2011.04.063
  • Aalseth C.E., M. Amman, F.T. Avignone, H.O. Back, A.S. Barabash, P.S. Barbeau, and M. Bergevin, et al. 2011. "Astroparticle physics with a customized low-background broad energy Germanium detector." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 652, no. 1:692-695. PNNL-SA-87163. doi:10.1016/j.nima.2010.08.100
  • Aalseth C.E., P. Barbeau, J. Colaresi, J.I. Collar, J. Diaz Leon, J.E. Fast, and N. Fields, et al. 2011. "Search for an Annual Modulation in a p-Type Point Contact Germanium Dark Matter Detector." Physical Review Letters 107, no. 14:Article No. 141301. PNNL-SA-81169. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.107.141301
  • Aalseth C.E., P. Barbeau, N.S. Bowden, B. Cabrera-Palmer, J. Colaresi, J.I. Collar, and S. Dazeley, et al. 2011. "Results from a Search for Light-Mass Dark Matter with a P-type Point Contact Germanium Detector." Physical Review Letters 106, no. 13:Article No. 131301. PNNL-SA-71421. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.106.131301
  • Cooper M.W., C.E. Aalseth, D.A. Haas, and J.C. Hayes. 2011. "Initial Beta-Gamma Nuclear Detector Background Study." In Monitoring Research Review: Ground-Based Nuclear Explosion Monitoring Technologies, September 13 - 15, 2011, Tucson, Arizona, 4, 652-658. Washington Dc:NNSA. PNNL-SA-81313.
  • Keillor M.E., C.E. Aalseth, A.R. Day, L.E. Erikson, B.D. Glasgow, E.W. Hoppe, and T.W. Hossbach, et al. 2011. "A New Gamma-Gamma Coincidence Analysis System." In 2011 Monitoring Research Review, September 13-15, 2011, Tucson, AZ, 708-714. Washington:National Nuclear Security Administration. PNNL-SA-81425.
  • Keillor M.E., C.E. Aalseth, A.R. Day, L.E. Erikson, J.E. Fast, B.D. Glasgow, and E.W. Hoppe, et al. 2011. "CASCADES: An Ultra-Low-Background Germanium Crystal Array at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory." In AIP Conference Proceedings: Applications of Nuclear Techniques: Eleventh International Conference, June12-18, 2011, Crete, Greece., 1412, 208-215. Melville, New York:American Institute of Physics. PNNL-SA-81237. doi:10.1063/1.3665316
  • Mizouni L.K., C.E. Aalseth, F.T. Avignone, L.E. Erikson, T.W. Hossbach, M.E. Keillor, and J.L. Orrell. 2011. "Search for 2vßß decay of 130Te to the first excited state of 130Xe with an ultra-low-background germanium crystal array." In 11th International Conference on Applications of Nuclear Techniques, June 12-18, 2011, Crete, Greece. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1412, 232-239. College Park, Maryland:American Institute of Physics. PNNL-SA-80967. doi:10.1063/1.3665319


  • Aalseth C.E., M. Amman, J.F. Amsbaugh, F.T. Avignone, H.O. Back, A. Barabash, and P.S. Barbeau, et al. 2010. "The MAJORANA Project." Journal of Physics: Conference Series 203, no. 1:Article No. 012057. PNNL-SA-102766. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/203/1/012057
  • Cooper M.W., C.E. Aalseth, J.H. Ely, D.A. Haas, J.C. Hayes, J.I. McIntyre, and B.T. Schrom. 2010. "Digital Data Acquisition Graphical User Interface." In 2010 Monitoring Research Review: Ground based Nuclear Explosion Monitoring Technologies, LA-UR-10-05578, 577-584. Los Alamos, New Mexico:Los Alamos National Laboratory. PNNL-SA-73948.
  • Keillor M.E., C.E. Aalseth, A.R. Day, L.E. Erikson, J.E. Fast, B.D. Glasgow, and E.W. Hoppe, et al. 2010. "INITIAL RESULTS: AN ULTRA-LOW-BACKGROUND GERMANIUM CRYSTAL ARRAY." In Proceedings of the 2010 Monitoring Research Review - Ground-Based Nuclear Explosion Monitoring Technologies, September 21-23, 2010, Orlando, FL, II, 610-618. Washington Dc:National Nuclear Security Administration. PNNL-SA-74767.


  • Aalseth C.E., A.R. Day, E.W. Hoppe, T.W. Hossbach, B.J. Hyronimus, M.E. Keillor, and K.E. Litke, et al. 2009. "Design and construction of a low-background, internal-source proportional counter." Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 282, no. 1:233-237. PNNL-SA-69799. doi:10.1007/s10967-009-0258-5
  • Aalseth C.E., M. Amman, J.F. Amsbaugh, F.T. Avignone, H.O. Back, A. Barabash, and P. Barbeau, et al. 2009. "The MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR: An R&D project towards a tonne-scale germanium neutrinoless double-beta decay search." In 10th Conference on the Intersections of Particle and Nuclear Physics: AIP Conference Proceedings, edited by ML Marshak, 1182, 88-91. Melville, New York:American Institute of Physics. PNNL-SA-67240. doi:10.1063/1.3293951
  • Elliott S., C.E. Aalseth, M. Akashi-Ronquest, M. Amman, J.F. Amsbaugh, F.T. Avignone, and H.O. Back, et al. 2009. "The MAJORANA Project." Journal of Physics: Conference Series 173, no. 1:Article No. 012007. PNNL-SA-102132. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/173/1/012007
  • Fast J.E., C.E. Aalseth, J.A. Caggiano, A.R. Day, E.S. Fuller, T.W. Hossbach, and B.J. Hyronimus, et al. 2009. "A High-Efficiency Fieldable Germanium Detector Array." IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 56, no. 3, Part 2:1224-8. PNNL-17662.
  • Guiseppe V., C.E. Aalseth, M. Akashi-Ronquest, M. Ammann, J.F. Amsbaugh, F.T. Avignone, and H.O. Back, et al. 2009. "The MAJORANA Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay Experiment." In IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record (NSS '08), October 19-25, 2008, Dresden, Germany, 1793-1798. Piscataway, New Jersey:IEEE. PNNL-SA-63781. doi:10.1109/NSSMIC.2008.4774740
  • Hoppe E.W., E.E. Mintzer, C.E. Aalseth, D.J. Edwards, O.T. Farmer, J.E. Fast, and D.C. Gerlach, et al. 2009. "Microscopic Evaluation of Contaminants in Ultra-High Purity Copper." Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 282, no. 1:315-320. PNNL-SA-65639. doi:10.1007/s10967-009-0241-1
  • Keillor M.E., C.E. Aalseth, A.R. Day, J.E. Fast, E.W. Hoppe, B.J. Hyronimus, and T.W. Hossbach, et al. 2009. "ASSEMBLY AND INITIAL RESULTS: AN ULTRA-LOW-BACKGROUND GERMANIUM CRYSTAL ARRAY FOR HIGH EFFICIENCY AND COINCIDENCE MEASUREMENTS." In Proceedings of the 31st Monitoring Research Review: Ground-Based Nuclear Explosion Monitoring Technologies, September 21-23, Tucson, AZ, 667-676. Washington, Dc:National Nuclear Security Administration. PNNL-SA-68038.
  • Keillor M.E., C.E. Aalseth, A.R. Day, J.E. Fast, E.W. Hoppe, B.J. Hyronimus, and T.W. Hossbach, et al. 2009. "Design and Construction of an Ultra-Low-Background 14 Crystal Germanium Array for High Efficiency and Coincidence Measurements." Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 282, no. 3:703-708. PNNL-SA-67535.
  • Kephart J.D., C.E. Aalseth, and H.S. Miley. 2009. "Measurment and energy correction due to charge carrier lifetimes in large HPGe spectrometers." Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 282, no. 3:897-900. PNNL-SA-65747. doi:10.1007/s10967-009-0216-2
  • Miley H.S., C.E. Aalseth, T.W. Bowyer, J.E. Fast, J.C. Hayes, E.W. Hoppe, and T.W. Hossbach, et al. 2009. "Alternative treaty monitoring approaches using ultra-low background measurement technology." Applied Radiation and Isotopes 67, no. 5:746-749. PNNL-SA-66634.


  • Aalseth C.E., P. Barbeau, D.G. Cerdeno, J. Colaresi, J.I. Collar, P. de Lurgio, and G. Drake, et al. 2008. "Experimental Constraints on a Dark Matter Origin for the DAMA Annual Modulation Effect." Physical Review Letters 101, no. 25:Article number: 251301. PNNL-SA-64328. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.101.251301
  • Bachelor P.P., J.I. Friese, C.E. Aalseth, J.I. McIntyre, H.S. Miley, R.W. Perkins, and G.A. Warren. 2008. "Prompt determination of evacuee radiation dose from a nuclear event." Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 276, no. 2:363-367. PNNL-SA-49315.
  • Douglas M., J.I. Friese, G.A. Warren, P.P. Bachelor, O.T. Farmer, A.D. Choiniere, and S.M. Schulte, et al. 2008. "Modeling of Gamma-ray Spectra to Direct Efficient Chemical Separations." Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 276, no. 3:583-588. PNNL-SA-49318. doi:10.1007/s10967-008-0603-0
  • Hoppe E.W., A. Seifert, C.E. Aalseth, A.R. Day, O.T. Farmer, T.W. Hossbach, and J.I. McIntyre, et al. 2008. "A method for Removing Surface Contamination on Ultra-pure Copper Spectrometer Components." Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 276, no. 3:645-650. PNNL-SA-49352. doi:10.1007/s10967-008-0612-z
  • Hoppe E.W., C.E. Aalseth, R.L. Brodzinski, A.R. Day, O.T. Farmer, T.W. Hossbach, and J.I. McIntyre, et al. 2008. "Use of Electrodeposition for Sample Preparation and Rejection Rate Prediction for Assay of Electroformed Ultra High Purity Copper for 232Th and 238U Prior to Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP/MS)." Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 277, no. 1:103-110. PNNL-SA-61499. doi:10.1007/s10967-008-0716-5
  • Suarez R., J.L. Orrell, C.E. Aalseth, T.W. Hossbach, and H.S. Miley. 2008. "Real-Time Digital Signal-Processor Implementation of Self-Calibrating Pulse-Shape Discriminator for High-Purity Germanium." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 586, no. 2:276-285. PNNL-SA-55360. doi:10.1016/j.nima.2007.11.075


  • Miley H.S., and C.E. Aalseth. 2007. "Automated Laboratory and Field Radionuclide Analysis Systems." In Radioanalytical Chemistry. 318-337. New York:Springer. PNNL-SA-45767.
  • Miley H.S., C.E. Aalseth, A.R. Day, O.T. Farmer, J.E. Fast, E.W. Hoppe, and T.W. Hossbach, et al. 2007. "The Chemistry of Ultra-Radiopure Materials." In Environmental Radiochemical Analysis III, edited by Peter Warwick, 154-161. Cambridge:The Royal Society of Chemistry. PNNL-SA-51636.
  • Orrell J.L., C.E. Aalseth, J.F. Amsbaugh, P.J. Doe, and T.W. Hossbach. 2007. "Operation of a high purity germanium crystal in liquid argon as a Compton-suppressed radiation spectrometer." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 579, no. 1:91-93. PNNL-SA-52358. doi:10.1016/j.nima.2007.04.024


  • Hull E.L., R.H. Pehl, J.R. Lathrop, G.N. Martin, G.N. Martin, R.B. Mashburn, and H.S. Miley, et al. 2006. "Segmentation of the Outer Contact on P-Type Coaxial Germanium Detectors." In 28th Seismic Research Review: Ground-Based Nuclear Explosion Monitoring Technologies, Orlando, FL, September 19-21, 2006, 811-821. Washington, District Of Columbia:National Nuclear Security Administration. PNNL-SA-52058.
  • McIntyre J.I., B.T. Schrom, C.E. Aalseth, M.W. Cooper, J.C. Hayes, T.R. Heimbigner, and T.W. Hossbach, et al. 2006. "Beta-Gamma Coincidence Counting Using an Yttrium Aluminum Perovskit and Bismuth Germanate Phoswich Scintillator." In Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 2005 IEEE, Vol 3, 1301-1304. Piscataway, New Jersey:IEEE. PNNL-SA-47464. doi:10.1109/NSSMIC.2005.1596559
  • Orrell J.L., C.E. Aalseth, A.R. Day, J. Fast, T.W. Hossbach, L.S. Lidey, and M.D. Ripplinger, et al. 2006. "A Beta-Particle Hodoscope Constructed Using Scintillating Optical Fibers and Position Sensitive Photomultiplier Tubes." In 28th Seismic Research Review - Ground Based Nuclear Explosion Monitoring Technologies, Orlando, FL, Sept. 19-21, 2006, 832-840. Washington, District Of Columbia:National Nuclear Security Administration. PNNL-SA-50921.
  • Warren G.A., L.E. Smith, C.E. Aalseth, J.E. Ellis, A.B. Valsan, and W. Mengesha. 2006. "Generalized Multicoincidence Analysis Methods." IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 53, no. 1 PT 2:351-355. PNNL-SA-43563.
  • Warren G.A., L.E. Smith, C.E. Aalseth, J.E. Ellis, T.W. Hossbach, and A.B. Valsan. 2006. "Determining Activities of Radionuclides from Coincidence Signatures." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 560, no. 2:360-365. PNNL-SA-46339. doi:10.1016/j.nima.2005.12.236


  • Aalseth C.E., D.N. Anderson, R.J. Arthur, F.T. Avignone, C. Baktash, T. Ball, and A.S. Barabash, et al. 2005. "The Proposed Majorana 76Ge Double-Beta Decay Experiment." Nuclear Physics. B, Proceedings Supplement 138. PNNL-SA-43743.
  • Aalseth C.E., R.L. Brodzinski, O.T. Farmer, E.W. Hoppe, T.W. Hossbach, H.S. Miley, and J.H. Reeves. 2005. "Ultra-Low-Background Copper Production and Clean Fabrication." In Topical Workshop on Low Radioactivity Techniques: LRT 2004 Sudbury, Ontario (Canada), 12-14 December 2004., edited by Bruce Cleveland, Richard Ford, and Mark Chen, 785, 170-176. Melville, New York:American Institute of Physics. PNNL-SA-45365. doi:10.1063/1.2060468
  • Ely J.H., C.E. Aalseth, and J.I. McIntyre. 2005. "Novel beta-gamma coincidence measurements using phoswich detectors." Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 263, no. 1:245-250. PNNL-SA-44049.
  • McIntyre J.I., A.J. Carman, C.E. Aalseth, J.C. Hayes, T.R. Heimbigner, T.W. Hossbach, and C.W. Hubbard, et al. 2005. "Enhanced Beta-Gamma Coincidence Counting Gas Cell." In 2004 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Confernce Record, 2, 884-888. New York, New York:IEEE. PNNL-SA-43143.
  • Warren G.A., L.E. Smith, C.E. Aalseth, J.E. Ellis, A.B. Valsan, and W. Mengesha. 2005. "Generalized Multicoincidence Analysis Methods." In 2004 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 1, 345-349. Piscataway, New Jersey:IEEE. PNNL-SA-42995. doi:10.1109/NSSMIC.2004.1462210


  • Aalseth C.E., F.T. Avignone, R.L. Brodzinski, S. Cebrian, E. Garcia, D. Gonzales, and W.K. Hensley, et al. 2004. "The IGEX experiment reexamined: a response to the critique of Klapdor-Kleingrothaus, Dietz, and Krivosheina." Physical Review. D, Particles and Fields 70, no. 7:Art. No. 078302. PNNL-SA-41516.
  • Kazkaz K., C.E. Aalseth, T.W. Hossbach, V.M. Gehman, J. Kephart, and H.S. Miley. 2004. "MEGA: A Low-Background Radiation Detector." IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 51, no. 3:1029-1033. PNNL-SA-42642.
  • McIntyre J.I., C.E. Aalseth, T.W. Bowyer, J.C. Hayes, T.R. Heimbigner, S.J. Morris, and P.L. Reeder. 2004. "Triple Coincidence Radioxenon Detector." In Trends in Nuclear Explosion Monitoring, 26th Seismic Research Review: September 21-23, Orlando, Florida, LA-UR-04-5801, 581-587. Washington, District Of Columbia:U.S. Dept. of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration. PNNL-SA-48661. Triple Coincidence Radioxenon Detector
  • Mengesha W., C.E. Aalseth, D.S. Barnett, M. Bliss, and C.J. Schaefer. 2004. "Pulse shape analysis for electron mobility study in cadmium zinc telluride gamma-ray detectors." IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 51, no. 3, Part 3:1166-1171. PNNL-SA-40615. doi:10.1109/TNS.2004.829650


  • Ely J.H., C.E. Aalseth, J.C. Hayes, T.R. Heimbigner, J.I. McIntyre, H.S. Miley, and M.E. Panisko, et al. 2003. "Novel Beta-Gamma Coincidence Measurements Using Phoswich Detectors." In Proceedings of the 25th Seismic Research Review - Nuclear Explosion Monitoring: Building the Knowledge Base, LA-UR-03-6029, edited by CL Edwards, SR Taylor. Los Alamos, New Mexico:Los Alamos National Lab. PNNL-SA-38443.
  • Smith L.E., C.E. Aalseth, T.W. Hossbach, H.S. Miley, R.W. Perkins, and J.E. Ellis. 2003. "Development of Portable Multicoincidence Radionuclide Analysis Systems." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 505, no. 1-2:320-323. PNNL-SA-36345.
  • Smith L.E., J.E. Ellis, A.B. Valsan, C.E. Aalseth, and H.S. Miley. 2003. "A Coincidence Signature Library for Multicoincidence Radionuclide Analysis Systems." In 2003 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Record, 2, 742-746. Piscataway, New Jersey:Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). PNNL-SA-43070.


  • Aalseth C.E., and H.S. Miley. 2002. "The Majorana Project: Ge-76 0 Nu Beta Beta Decay Neutrino Mass Measurement." Nuclear Physics. B, Proceedings Supplement 110. PNNL-SA-35708.
  • Aalseth C.E., E. Arik, D. Autiero, F.T. Avignone, K. Barth, S.M. Bowyer, and H. Brauninger, et al. 2002. "The CERN Axion Solar Telescope (CAST)." Nuclear Physics. B, Proceedings Supplement 110. PNNL-SA-38422.
  • Aalseth C.E., F.T. Avignone, A. Barabash, F. Boehm, R.L. Brodzinski, J.I. Collar, and P.J. Doe, et al. 2002. "Comment on "Evidence for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay"." Modern Physics Letters A 17, no. 22:1475-1478. PNNL-SA-36062.
  • Aalseth C.E., S.M. Bowyer, and P.L. Reeder. 2002. "Radiation Discrimination in LiBaF3 Scintillator Using Digital Signal Processing Techniques." In IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 1, 501-505. New York, New York:IEEE. PNNL-SA-35545.
  • Irastorza I.G., A. Morales, C.E. Aalseth, F.T. Avignone, R.L. Brodzinski, S. Cebrian, and E. Garcia, et al. 2002. "Present Status of IGEX Dark Matter Search of Canfranc Underground Laboratory." Nuclear Physics. B, Proceedings Supplement 110. PNNL-SA-38421.
  • Morales A., C.E. Aalseth, F.T. Avignone, R.L. Brodzinski, S. Cebrian, E.M. Garcia, and I.G. Irastorza, et al. 2002. "Improved Constraints on Wimps From the International Germanium Experiment IGEX." Physics Letters, B 532, no. 1-2:8-14. PNNL-SA-36680.

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