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Fundamental and Computational Sciences Directorate

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David Ginger

Physcial Sciences Division
Joint Appointment
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
PO Box 999
Richland, WA 99352

PNNL Publications


  • Westbrook R., M. Taddei, R. Giridharagopal, M. Jiang, S. Gallagher, K.N. Guye, and A. Warga, et al. 2024. "Local Background Hole Density Drives Nonradiative Recombination in Tin Halide Perovskites." ACS Energy Letters 9, no. 2:732-739. PNNL-SA-190689. doi:10.1021/acsenergylett.3c02701


  • Akrami F., F. Jiang, R. Giridharagopal, and D.S. Ginger. 2023. "Kinetic Suppression of Photoinduced Halide Migration in Wide Bandgap Perovskites via Surface Passivation." The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 14, no. 41:9310-9315. PNNL-SA-190351. doi:10.1021/acs.jpclett.3c02570


  • Guye K.N., H. Shen, M.Y. Yaman, G.Y. Liao, D. Baker, and D.S. Ginger. 2021. "INBOUND APPOINTEE PUBLICATION Importance of Substrate-Particle Repulsion for Protein-Templated Assembly of Metal Nanoparticles." Langmuir 37, no. 30:9111-9119. PNNL-SA-162270. doi:10.1021/acs.langmuir.1c01194


  • Bischak C.G., L.Q. Flagg, and D.S. Ginger. 2020. "Ion Exchange Gels Allow Organic Electrochemical Transistor Operation with Hydrophobic Polymers in Aqueous Solution." Advanced Materials 32, no. 32:Article 2002610. PNNL-SA-155796. doi:10.1002/adma.202002610
  • Bischak C.G., L.Q. Flagg, K. Yan, T. Rehman, D.W. Davies, R.J. Quezada, and J.W. Onorato, et al. 2020. "A Reversible Structural Phase Transition by Electrochemically-Driven Ion Injection into a Conjugated Polymer." Journal of the American Chemical Society 142, no. 16:7434-7442. PNNL-SA-155795. doi:10.1021/jacs.9b12769
  • Flagg L.Q., C.G. Bischak, R.J. Quezada, J.W. Onorato, C.K. Luscombe, and D.S. Ginger. 2020. "P-Type Electrochemical Doping Can Occur by Cation Expulsion in a High Performing Polymer for Organic Electrochemical Transistors." ACS Materials Letters 2, no. 3:254-260. PNNL-SA-155798. doi:10.1021/acsmaterialslett.9b00501

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