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Advanced Computing, Mathematics and Data
Research Highlights

June 2018

PNNL Thought Leaders Quoted in PC Magazine

Jonathan Cree, a scientist with the Engineered Embedded Systems group, and William Moeglein, an engineer with Systems Integration (both within the National Security Directorate), were interviewed for an article featured in PC Magazine (United Kingdom edition). PC Magazine’s editors contacted PNNL to request information about edge computing and the connection between deep neural networks, the cloud, and the edge.

(l to r): Jonathan Cree and William Moeglein.

Cree and Moeglein explained that edge computing reduces latency, the delay between instruction and output, in networked sensors’ communication. When responses to sensor data are needed in real time, such as in automated driving, the data “traffic jam” caused by the Internet of Things, or IoT, could result in fatalities.

“Not only do [micro-data centers] respond to the observed conditions, but they learn and adapt over time,” Cree said. “The key value in [edge] devices is their ability to transform raw sensor values into meaningful data.”

As an example of a neural network combining edge and cloud computing, Moeglein discussed Tesla’s autopilot: “The autopilot system must...detect and avoid hazards while controlling the car. While this data is used to make decisions in real time, it is also shared with the cloud and used to improve the autopilot.

“In cases where systems are expected to operate for years or decades on batteries [or where connectivity is poor], edge computing can be used to provide longer device lifetime by reducing the data being transmitted,” he added.

PC Magazine reaches millions of business leaders in 114 countries who seek to improve their Information Technology strategies.

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