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Advanced Computing, Mathematics and Data

September 2017

HPC Meeting Sparks Local Interest in Future Supercomputers

While advancing science is a core goal at PNNL, the tools that impact how that science is performed, namely, high-performance computers, also pose their own distinct research challenges. To address some current and future computing questions, especially the potential of future system architectures, nearly 30 computer scientists met for the inaugural Data Vortex User Group meeting, organized by PNNL’s High Performance Computing group and held in Richland, Wash.


The two-day meeting afforded a forum for researchers to delve into the mechanics of future supercomputers and how to continually improve these systems to benefit vast areas of scientific research.

Local news stations KAPP/KVEW-TV covered the event, quoting John R. Johnson, Deputy Director of the Advanced Computing, Mathematics, and Data Division, who described how a computer now is a “very specialized scientific instrument for advancing our understanding of science for challenges in energy and the environment and national security.”

Read more in “Scientists travel to Richland to discuss the next generation of super computers.”


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