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Advanced Computing, Mathematics and Data
Staff Awards & Honors

July 2008

Terence Critchlow Helped Organize a Workshop to Explore Solutions for Massive Data Sets

Terence Critchlow, associate director of the Scientific Data Management group, helped organize a workshop to define a research agenda for developing next-generation mathematical techniques to meet the challenges posed by petascale data sets. The Mathematics for Analysis of Petascale Data workshop, held on June 3-5 in Washington, D.C., engaged about 60 mathematics and applications researchers from academia and the national labs. The workshop was sponsored by the DOE Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research Mathematics Program.

"The expectation is that the results from the workshop will be used by the office to enhance its research program in the coming years," Terence said. A final report that will include recommendations for developing a research agenda is expected to be completed in August.

Philip Kegelmeyer, Sandia National Laboratories, chaired the workshop. Other members of the organizing committee included Leland Jameson, National Science Foundation; Chandrika Kamath, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory; Juan Meza, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Nagiza Samatova, North Carolina State University; Alyson Wilson, Los Alamos National Laboratory; and Robert Calderbank, Princeton.

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