Physcial Sciences Division
November 2013
Cho, Cort, and Fraga Quoted in C&E News
Herman Cho
John Cort
Carlos Fraga
The chemical forensics work of Herman Cho, John Cort, and Carlos Fraga at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory was called out in Chemical & Engineering News. Reporter Carmen Drahl had readers vote on what she would cover each day at the American Chemical Society's fall meeting in Indianapolis. A symposium on analytical methods in chemical forensics, organized by Cho, Cort and Fraga, received the most votes and was highlighted in her article. The PNNL scientists are supported by federal agencies to research methods for tracking illicit substances and materials used to produce chemical weapons. The session included talks about recent advances, including Cort's discussion of recent nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy advances. Cho and Cort are in PNNL's Fundamental & Computational Sciences Directorate; Fraga, National Security.