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Atmospher Sci & Global Chg
Staff Awards & Honors

November 2006

Steve Ghan Appointed to Journal of Geophysical Research Editorial Board

Congratulations to Steve Ghan, recently appointed to a 4-year term as editor for the Atmospheres section of the Journal of Geophysical Research, published by the American Geophysical Union (AGU). In his role as editor, Ghan has the authority to accept or reject papers, as well as the responsibility for attracting new and interesting research to the journal. Along with fellow editors, Ghan will play a critical role in assuring the journal continues to be the most important in its field, and serve the needs of both authors and readers.

In his congratulatory letter, AGU President Tim Killeen stated that the search committee spoke highly of Ghan's commitment to improve the journal, notably by promoting additional special sections devoted to specific research areas. They also noted that Ghan's broad research interests and ties to the international research community made him especially qualified to enhance the interdisciplinary aspects of the journal.

The AGU is a worldwide scientific community that, through cooperative research, advances the understanding of earth and space for the benefit of humanity. It publishes more than a dozen peer-reviewed journals ranging from earth and oceans to atmosphere, space, and planets.

For more information about the AGU, see their website.

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