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Atmospher Sci & Global Chg
Research Highlights

May 2010

Rahul CARES Features Insider Look at Aerosol-Climate Field Study

More than 60 scientists from a dozen institutions have converged on the Sacramento urban area to study how air pollution affects the climate. Flying airplanes and sending weather balloons outfitted with instruments up in the air, the team will be sampling tiny pollution-forming particles called aerosols during the month-long CARES—Carbonaceous Aerosols and Radiative Effects Study.

A new blog from the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Rahul CARES, has debuted to cover the CARES field study from the perspective of Rahul Zaveri, the study's Chief Scientist.

Visit Zaveri's web page and get an inside look at his experiences leading the CARES field campaign.  See the action on the ground and in the air.  Take a look at some of the specialized instruments being used to measure the evolution of black carbon and secondary aerosols in the urban air plume.  And, be introduced to the members of the CARES team through pictures and video. 

Come along with Rahul as he and the CARES team help create a better understanding of the effects of urban and natural atmospheric particles on climate.  The information they are developing will help improve atmospheric models that are used to simulate the impact of aerosols on climate change.

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