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Atmospher Sci & Global Chg
Staff Awards & Honors

September 2016

Will Shaw Appointed to the JRSE Editorial Advisory Board

When the editors of the Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy (JRSE) invited Dr. William Shaw to join the Editorial Advisory Board, they tagged him as a "well-respected scientist in the community." Because the JRSE uses an interdisciplinary approach, they attract scientific input from around the world and across a diverse range of active and expanding fields. Shaw's areas of specialty include the structure and energetics of the atmospheric boundary layer, turbulence, and atmospheric measurements. For most of the last decade, he has applied this expertise to the wind energy arena.

The JRSE is a web-based publication dedicated to significant advances in renewable and sustainable energy especially relevant in the physical science and engineering communities. It has a rapid response to the many new developments expected in these fields.

On the Editorial Advisory Board, Shaw will contribute to consultation sessions as part of the Journal's peer-review process, and contribute scientific input. He also will provide guidance to the journal through suggesting special issues, perspective articles, special topics, and other content that will be beneficial to the Journal. His three-year term ends December 2019.

Shaw earned a Ph.D. is from the University of Washington in Atmospheric Sciences and he joined Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) in 1990, where he currently serves as PNNL's Wind Energy Program lead. His recent work has included serving on the Executive Management Committee of DOE's Atmosphere to Electrons (A2e) Initiative and working with the Department of Energy to integrate atmospheric sciences contributions to wind energy across the national laboratory system and to coordinate U.S. research in wind energy with international efforts.

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