Leadership in Signature Discovery and Threat Detection
Deborah Frincke
Cyber Security
Deborah Frincke joined the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in 2004 as Chief Scientist for Cyber Security, and currently leads PNNL's internal research investment in cyber security, the Information and Infrastructure Integrity Initiative. Prior to joining PNNL, Frincke was a (Full) Professor at the University of Idaho, and co-founder/co-director of the University of Idaho Center for Secure and Dependable Systems, one of the first such institutions to receive NSA's designation of a national Center of Excellence in Information Assurance Education. She is an enthusiastic charter member of the Department of Energy's cyber security grass roots community.
Frincke's research spans a broad cross section of computer security, both open and classified, with a particular emphasis on infrastructure integrity and computer security education. She co-founded TriGeo Network Systems, whose original products were based on her early research at U of Idaho. TriGeo was recently positioned by Gartner in the "Leaders Quadrant" for security information and event management. She has written over ninety published articles and technical reports.
Frincke is an active member of several editorial boards, including: Journal of Computer Security, the Elsevier International Journal of Computer Networks, and the International Journal of Information and Computer Security. She co-edits the Basic Training Column, IEEE Security and Privacy. She is a steering committee member for Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection (RAID), Systematic Advances in Digital Forensic Engineering (SADFE), and VizSEC. She is a member of numerous advisory boards, including the University of Washington's Governing Board for the I-School's Center for Cyber Security and Information Assurance.
Frincke received her Ph.D. from the University of California, Davis in 1992.
Publications, Conferences, Meetings, and Awards
- Ph.D., Computer Science, 1992, University of California, Davis.
- M.S., Computer Science, 1989, University of California, Davis.
- B.S., Computer Science and Mathematics, 1985, University of California, Davis.
Contributions to Engineering Literature
- 11 book chapters or edited book compilations
- 37 peer-reviewed or invited technical journal/magazine articles and columns
- 49 peer-reviewed conference and workshop articles
- Over 40 technical reports and other non-peer reviewed articles
- 6 special edition journals
- 4 Journal editorial boards
- 18 general chair, program chair or other senior leadership roles for program committees
- Significantly over 100 public presentations at conferences and workshops: keynotes, panel activities, paper presentations and invited talks.
- Memeber of Speakers Bureau for IEEE, August 2010
- Senior Member IEEE, April 2005
- Outstanding Academic Contributions Award, Colloquium for Information Systems Security Education, 2009
- CRW - W (Women in Computing Research), profile of the month, Spring, 2008. http://www.cra.org/Activities/craw/projects/industry_researchers/past_profiles.html
- Exceptional Contributions, OPA, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
- International Journal of Computer Networks, Co-winner of the Editor of the Year Award, 2003
- Elected Chair (1999), Vice Chair (1998), and college representative (1997-2000) for Faculty Council, U of Idaho.
- University Disability Student Assistance Faculty Award, U of Idaho, 2001
- University of Idaho Outreach Excellence Award, 1998-99
- College of Engineering Outstanding (Tenured) Faculty Award, U of Idaho, 1999-2000.
- College of Engineering Outstanding Young (Untenured) Faculty Award, U of Idaho, 1997-98.
- University Teaching Excellence Award, U of Idaho, 1996-97
- Department of Computer Science Outstanding Teacher Award, U of Idaho, 1995-96, 1996-97
- Twice selected as University of Idaho campus nominee for national Carnegie Undergraduate Faculty of the Year
Contributions to the Community
- Affiliate Full Professor, iSchool, University of Washington, ongoing
- Major professor for numerous students, MS and PhD, University of Idaho
- External program committee for Washington State University students, MS and PhD
- Co-founder of the Department of Energy Grass roots community, Transforming CyberSecurity through Science, which now includes over 200 members and affiliates.
- Journal Editorial Boards
- IEEE Security and Privacy Magazine, Education Board/Column, Co-Editor with Matt Bishop, January 2003-2008; Co-Editor, Designing Security In Board/Column, 2008-2009; Co-Editor, Basic Training, 2010-present
- Journal of Computer Security, Editorial Board Member, December 2000-present.
- Elsevier International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications Networking (COMNET), formerly Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, Editorial Board Member, October 2001-present
- International Journal of Information and Computer Security, Editorial board member, joined founding board June 2004-approx 2008.
- Advisory boards memberships, present and past, selected:
- GovInfoSecurity
- U of Washington
- Tacoma campus computer science school, 2009-present
- Certificate Program in Virtual Reality, 2008-present; Certificate in Information Assurance and CyberSecurity, 2004-present.
- Executive Steering Committee, Center for Information Assurance and CyberSecurity, University of Washington. Fall 2004-present
- Trustworthy Cyber Infrastructure for the Power Grid (TCIP), University of Illinois, Dartmouth College, Cornell University, Washington State University, a National Science Foundation Center, cofunded by DOE and DHS. 2007-present.
- State of Idaho's NASA/EPSCOR research boards (Technical Advisory Committee and Space Grant Consortium Advisory Board, including selection of research projects and student research awards and fellowships)
- Security Committee for Westinghouse, DOE's Savannah River Site, 2003-2004
- Computational Sciences Review at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Fall 2006
- Academic Advisor, Towson Security Information Assurance Program, NSF Center Grant, 2001-02.
- Member, Board of Directors, TriGeo Network Security www.trigeo.com, 2002-2004
- Executive Organizing Committee/founding Program Committee: International Workshop on Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection, 1998-current (Joined Executive Steering Committee when formed in 2001).
- Steering Committee Co-Chair/Co-Founder, International Workshop on Systematic Advances in Digital Forensic Engineering
- Steering Committee Co-Chair/Co-Founder, International Workshop on VizSEC.
- Program Committees, Leadership/Organizing Committee
- General Chair Emeritus, International Workshop on Visualization for Computer Security (VizSEC), to be held 2010.
- Incoming General Chair, IEEE Security and Privacy Conference, to be held 2011.
- Registration Chair, IEEE Security and Privacy Conference, to be held 2010.
- Speaker Chair, Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, to be held 2010.
- General Chair, International Workshop on Visualization for Computer Security (VizSEC), held with IEEE Viz, October 2009.
- Program Chair, 2nd International Workshop on Systematic Advances in Digital Forensic Engineering, Seattle, WA, April 2007
- Organizing Committee, Publicity Chair, Sponsor for International Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection, Seattle, Washington, Fall 2005.
- Chair, Organizer, Program and Site Chair. 1st Workshop Computer Forensics, sponsored by NSA, Fall 2002; held University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho
- Program Chair. 1st Workshop Intrusion Detection and Prevention, October 2000, Greece. (Held in conjunction with 7th ACM Conference on Computer Communications Security).
- Organizing Committee. 1st Meeting of University Leadership of the NSA Centers for Excellence in Information Assurance Education, summer 2000 (Sun Valley; hosted by President of the University of Idaho).
- Track Chair. 3rd National Colloquium for Information System Security Education. Student Paper Track. May 2000.
- Program Chair: 2nd International Workshop on Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection, Purdue/Indiana, 1999.
- Co-Chair/Track Organizer: 1999 Hawaii International Conference on Software Systems Minitrack, Techniques for Secure System Development.
- Co-Chair/Track Organizer: 1998 Hawaii International Conference on Software Systems Minitrack, Techniques for Secure System Development.
- Organizing Committee, GTE Distinguished Lectureship Series: Settling Cyberspace; The Ethical Frontier, 1994.
- Co-Chair/Track Organizer: 1992 Hawaii International Conference on Software Systems Minitrack, Hypertext and Multimedia.
- Program Committee member
- Invited Keynote, IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in CyberSecurity (CICS 2011) at the IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, to be held April 2011, Paris, France.
- IEEE Computer Society sponsored attendee and chief editor for breakout session, First World Wide Cyber Summit, to be held May 2010.
- New Security Paradigms Workshop (NSPW), Sept 8-11, University of Oxford, UK, 2009 and 2010.
- European Symposium on Research in Computer Security, Athens Greece, to be held Sept 20-22, 2010.
- Second Annual Conference on Education in Information Security (ACEIS09), held with ACM SIGSAC, Feb 18-20, 2009.
- Program Committee, Department of Homeland Security's Cybersecurity Applications and Technologies Conference for Homeland Security (CATCH), March 3-4, 2009.
- 24th IFIP International Information Security Conference (SEC 2009), meeting May18-20, Cyprus, 2009.
- 4th International Workshop on Systematic Advances in Digital Forensic Engineering, Oakland, May 2008.
- 5rd International Workshop on Visualization for Computer Security (Oct 2008, in conjunction with RAID 2008)
- 4rd International Workshop on Visualization for Computer Security (in conjunction with IEEE VAST 2007)
- Workshop on Education in Computer Security Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey California (January 2006)
- 1st Annual Conference on Education in Information Security (ACEIS), May 2006.
- 3rd International Workshop on Visualization for Computer Security (Nov 2006, in conjunction with ACM CCS 2006)
- Program Committee for 1st and 2nd International Conference on Information Systems Security (ICISS 2005-2008).
- Workshop on Education in Computer Security Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey California, USA, January 2006.
- Program Committee for International Conference on Intelligence Analysis, McLean VA, April 2005.
- IFIPS Fourth World Conference on Information Security Education (WISE), held in Russia, Spring 2005.
- Third World Conference on Information Security Education and Workshop on Education in Computer Security Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey California, USA, June 26-28, 2003 (WISE+WECS).
- Workshop on Education in Computer Security Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey California, USA, July 26-28, 2004. [WECS program was combined with WISE, the international meeting, in 2005 and is noted in the international committee section]
- Workshop on Data Mining in Security, ACM Conference on Computer Security, 2001.
- 2nd and 3rd Workshop on Education in Computer Security, 1998 and 1999, Monterey, California.
DOE Grass roots community, Co Founder and Co Leader since inception
- Co-organizer, SF Meeting, DOE CyberSecurity Round Table on Analytics, Complexity, and Scientific Evaluation. 2010.
- Organizer/host, Talaris DOE CyberSecurity Round Table on Trust, Complexity, and Scientific Evaluation. August 2009.
- Organizer/facilitator, Discussions on Forensic Analytics, PNNL, Sept 2009.
- Co organizer, DOE CyberSecurity Grass Roots Writing Meeting, Washington DC, October 2008.
- Co organizer and meeting facilitator, Classified Commentary on DOE CyberSecurity Grass Roots Agenda, Sandia New Mexico, Sept 2008.
- Co organizer, Sponsor, and meeting facilitator, Classified Commentary on DOE CyberSecurity Grass Roots Agenda, Washington DC, August 2008.
- Invited Speaker, DOE Advanced Scientific Computing Advisory Committee (ASCAC), Cyber Security Grass Roots Community Planning for CyberSecurity Research, Washington DC, February 26-27, 2008.
- Co organizer and meeting facilitator, DOE CyberSecurity Grass Roots Town Hall 2, Oakridge National Laboratory, June/July 2008.
- Co organizer and meeting facilitator, DOE CyberSecurity Grass Roots Town Hall 1, Argonne National Laboratory, January 2008.
- Session Moderator: Securing Open Science Laboratories. DOE Cybersecurity R&D Challenges for Open Science: Developing a Roadmap and Vision. Washington DC, Jan 24-26, 2007.