Page 16 - Lab_Agenda_2018_FINAL
P. 16

On the Cover

The Mass Spectrometry of Nano-Gold
Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory (EMSL) material scientists are collaborating with
physical chemistry scientists utilizing a single-particle mass spectrometer (SPLAT II) to push
the frontiers of quantitative imaging of nanoparticles used in energy applications as well as
those found in environment, like atmospheric aerosols. This work is in developing newer and
more powerful characterization techniques that can image and quantify the dimension, density,
and shape of nanoparticles, which exist in nature and can be artificially synthesized for a vari-
ety of applications. The image shows the scanning electron microscope image of an array of
gold nanorods used as standards to calibrate the SPLAT II system in EMSL.

PNNL-SA-131451 | 2018

For more information, contact:
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
P.O. Box 999
Richland, WA 99352
(509) 375-2522
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