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Atmospheric Science & Global Change

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Laura Fierce

Aerosols and Aerosol-Cloud Int
Earth Scientist

PNNL Publications


  • McGraw R., F. Yang, and L.M. Fierce. 2024. "Preserving Tracer Correlations in Moment-Based Atmospheric Transport Models." Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 16, no. 5:Art. No. e2023MS003621. PNNL-SA-180970. doi:10.1029/2023MS003621


  • Anderson J.C., P. Beeler, M. Ovchinnikov, W. Cantrell, S.K. Krueger, R.A. Shaw, and F. Yang, et al. 2023. "Enhancements in cloud condensation nuclei activity from turbulent fluctuations in supersaturation." Geophysical Research Letters 50, no. 17:Art. No. e2022GL102635. PNNL-SA-177901. doi:10.1029/2022GL102635
  • Hodzic A., N.M. Mahowald, M.L. Dawson, J.A. Johnson, L. Bernardet, P.A. Bosler, and J.D. Fast, et al. 2023. "GeneralIzed Aerosol/chemistry iNTerface (GIANT): A community effort to advance collaborative science across weather and climate models." Bulletin of American Meteorological Society 104, no. 11:E2065-E2080. PNNL-SA-190787. doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-23-0013.1

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