Staff information
Damao Zhang
Atmospheric Rsch & Measurments
Earth Scientist
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
PO Box 999
MSIN: K9-24
Richland, WA 99352
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PNNL Publications
- Gautam T., G.W. Vandergrift, N. Lata, Z. Cheng, A. Rahman, A. Minke Eknim, and Z. Lai, et al. 2024. "Chemical insights into the molecular composition of organic aerosols in the urban region of Houston, Texas." ACS ES&T Air 1, no. 10:1304-1316. PNNL-SA-193682. doi:10.1021/acsestair.4c00141
- Mei F., H. Wang, Z. Zhu, D. Zhang, Q. Zhang, J.D. Fast, and W.I. Gustafson, et al. 2024. "Bridging new observational capabilities and process-level simulation: Insights into aerosol roles in the Earth system." Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 105, no. 3:E709-E724. PNNL-SA-189607. doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-23-0110.1
- Mei F., J.M. Comstock, M.S. Pekour, J.D. Fast, K.L. Gaustad, B. Schmid, and S. Tang, et al. 2024. "Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) airborne field campaign data products between 2013 and 2018." Earth System Science Data 16, no. 11:5429-5448. PNNL-SA-196338. doi:10.5194/essd-16-5429-2024
- Vandergrift G.W., D. Dexheimer, D. Zhang, Z. Cheng, N. Lata, M.M. Rogers, and M.B. Shrivastava, et al. 2024. "Tethered Balloon System and High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry Reveal Increased Organonitrates Aloft compared to Ground Level." Environmental Science & Technology 58, no. 23:10060-10071. PNNL-SA-192523. doi:10.1021/acs.est.4c02090
- Hu Y., B. Geerts, M. Deng, C. Grasmick, Y. Wang, C. Lackner, and Y. Hu, et al. 2023. "Vertical structure and ice production processes of shallow convective postfrontal clouds over the Southern Ocean in MARCUS, Part I: Observational study." Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 80, no. 5:1285-1306. PNNL-SA-182285. doi:10.1175/JAS-D-21-0243.1
- Lata N., Z. Cheng, D. Dexheimer, D. Zhang, F. Mei, and S. China. 2023. "Vertical Gradient of Size-Resolved Aerosol Compositions over the Arctic Reveals Cloud Processed Aerosol in-cloud and above Cloud." Environmental Science & Technology 57, no. 14:Pages 5501-6022. PNNL-SA-176508. doi:10.1021/acs.est.2c09498
- Lin Y., Y. Takano, Y. Gu, Y. Wang, S. Zhou, T. Zhang, and K. Zhu, et al. 2023. "Characterization of the aerosol vertical distributions and their impacts on warm clouds based on multi-year ARM observations." Science of the Total Environment 904. PNNL-SA-186184. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.166582
- Van Weverberg K., S. Giangrande, D. Zhang, C.J. Morcrette, and P. Field. 2023. "On the Role of Macrophysics and Microphysics in Km-Scale Simulations of Mixed-Phase Clouds during Cold Air Outbreaks." Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 128, no. 11:Art. No. e2022JD037854. PNNL-SA-177856. doi:10.1029/2022JD037854
- Zhang D., A. Vogelmann, F. Yang, E. Luke, P. Kollias, Z. Wang, and P. Wu, et al. 2023. "Evaluation of Four Ground-based Retrievals of Cloud Droplet Number Concentration in Marine Stratocumulus with Aircraft In Situ Measurements." Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 16, no. 23:5827-5846. PNNL-SA-186894. doi:10.5194/amt-16-5827-2023
- Zhang M., S. Xie, X. Liu, D. Zhang, W. Lin, K. Zhang, and J. Golaz, et al. 2023. "Evaluating EAMv2 Simulated High Latitude Clouds Using ARM Measurements in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres." Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 128, no. 15:Art. No. e2022JD038364. PNNL-SA-180358. doi:10.1029/2022JD038364
- von Lerber A., M. Mech, A. Rinke, D. Zhang, M. Lauer, A. Radovan, and I. Gorodetskaya, et al. 2022. "Evaluating seasonal and regional distribution of snowfall in regional climate model simulations in the Arctic." Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 22, no. 11:7287-7317. PNNL-SA-169667. doi:10.5194/acp-22-7287-2022
- Xie H., Z. Wang, T. Luo, K. Yang, D. Zhang, T. Zhou, and X. Yang, et al. 2022. "Seasonal Variation of Dust Aerosol Vertical Distribution in Arctic Based on Polarized Micropulse lidar Measurement." Remote Sensing 14, no. 21:Art. No. 5581. PNNL-SA-178904. doi:10.3390/rs14215581
- Yang J., Y. Zhang, Z. Wang, and D. Zhang. 2022. "Cloud Type and Life Stage Dependency of Liquid-Ice Mass Partitioning in Mixed-Phase Clouds." Remote Sensing 14, no. 6:Art. No. 1431. PNNL-SA-171141. doi:10.3390/rs14061431
- Zhang D., J.M. Comstock, and V.R. Morris. 2022. "Comparison of Planetary Boundary Layer Height from Ceilometer with ARM Radiosonde Data." Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 15, no. 16:4735-4749. PNNL-SA-168399. doi:10.5194/amt-15-4735-2022
- Zhang D., J.M. Comstock, H. Xie, and Z. Wang. 2022. "Polar Aerosol Vertical Structures and Characteristics Observed with a High Spectral Resolution Lidar at the ARM NSA Observatory." Remote Sensing 14, no. 18:Art. No. 4638. PNNL-SA-177340. doi:10.3390/rs14184638
- Xie H., Z. Wang, T. Zhou, K. Yang, X. Liu, Q. Fu, and D. Zhang, et al. 2021. "Afterpulse correction for micro-pulse lidar to improve middle and upper tropospheric aerosol measurements." Optics Express 29, no. 26:43502-43515. PNNL-SA-168545. doi:10.1364/oe.443191