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Physcial Sciences Division
Staff Awards & Honors

May 2009

Liem Dang Serves as a Guest Editor of Special Issue of Physical Chemistry Journal

Congratulations to Dr. Liem Dang at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory on serving as a guest editor on a special issue of The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. This issue was dedicated to the Max Wolfsberg, a leader in theoretical chemistry. Wolfsberg's early work led to the Wolfsberg-Helmholtz approximation, widely used in calculations of molecular electronic energy levels. His descriptions of isotope effects on chemical reactions are widely used by experimental chemists.

As a guest editor, Dang solicited, reviewed, and edited many of the 40 scientific articles that grace this March 2009 issue.  Dang is a respected researcher and author on molecular dynamics simulation techniques to study ionic solvation, ion-ligand complexation, and properties of liquid interfaces. This special issue was made possible because of his close work with Wolfsberg during Dang's doctoral research at University of California, Irvine.

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