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Biological Sciences Division
Research Highlights

November 2008

Proteomics Research Makes Journal Top 20 List of Most Cited

Two proteomics advances by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory scientists appear as the Top 20 Most Cited Articles of All Time published by the Journal of Proteome Research. The journal is published by the American Society of Chemistry and features systems-oriented, global protein analysis and function research, emphasizing a multidisciplinary approach to understanding biological processes. Most-cited articles are updated monthly.

  • In an article that appeared in February 2005, PNNL scientists described a probability-based evaluation of false-positive rates associated with peptide identifications from the human proteome. They proposed new selection criteria that yielded significantly higher confidence levels for peptide and protein identifications. This is currently sixth on the Top 20 list. Portions of the research were supported by the National Institutes of Health.
  • A sample preparation method that makes proteomic analysis of membrane proteins easier is described in an article published in August 2002 that is number 8 on the list. The U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Biological and Environmental Research sponsored the work.

In addition, these articles were highly cited in the last 3 years. The articles are ranked seventh and 12th, respectively, for number of citations and are joined by a third article by Jacobs et al. on using blood plasma proteomics measurements for the discovery of new candidate biomarkers for various diseases. This article is ranked 14th on the Top 20 citations list for the last 3 years. Portions of this research were supported by the NIH.

The research described in all three articles was performed in the Environmental Molecular Science Laboratory, a national scientific user facility located at PNNL and supported by DOE-BER.


Qian WJ, T Liu, ME Monroe, EF Strittmatter, JM Jacobs, LJ Kangas, K Petritis, DG Camp II, and RD Smith. 2005. "Probability-based evaluation of peptide and protein identifications from tandem mass spectrometry and SEQUEST analysis: The human proteome." Journal of Proteome Research 4(1):53-62.

Blonder J, MB Goshe, RJ Moore, L Paša-Tolic, CD Masselon, MS Lipton, and RD Smith. 2002. "Enrichment of integral membrane proteins for proteomic analysis using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry." Journal of Proteome Research 1(4):351-360.

Jacobs JM, JN Adkins, WJ Qian, T Liu, Y Shen, DG Camp II, and RD Smith. 2005. "Utilizing human blood plasma for proteomic biomarker discovery." Journal of Proteome Research 4(4):1073-1085.

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