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Atmospher Sci & Global Chg

October 2017

Kravitz Interviewed by Carbon Brief at International Geoengineering Conference

Research by Dr. Ben Kravitz, atmospheric scientist at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, was recently covered by Carbon Brief, a U.K.-based climate and energy journalism website.

Carbon Brief reported on Kravitz's presentation about solar radiation management during a geoengineering conference in Berlin, Germany. The four-day Climate Engineering Conference 2017, organized and hosted by the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies, drew attendees from around the world.

Solar radiation management encompasses techniques intended to cool the Earth's surface by reflecting incoming sunlight. Visit this link to watch an interview with Kravitz and to read more about his presentation.

Kravitz, who joined PNNL in October 2012, is an International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics Early Career Scientist Award recipient. His expertise in climate modeling and geoengineering has been featured in publications such as the e-zine Slate and The New York Times Op Talk blog.

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