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Atmospher Sci & Global Chg

March 2016

Susannah Burrows' Biogenic Research Featured in Earth Magazine

Dr. Susannah Burrows,  atmospheric scientist at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, authored a study published in the journal Science Advances, together with the University of Washington, and was featured in the November 2015 issue of Earth Magazine. The Earth article, "Marine Microorganisms Drive Summer Clouds Over Southern Ocean," highlights the finding that gases and particles originating from phytoplankton, microorganisms that live in the sea, are responsible for up to half of the droplets that produce clouds over the Southern Ocean during the summer months.

Burrows' research is focused on how tiny particles called aerosols interact with clouds to affect climate. Her expertise in atmospheric diagnostics and modeling is frequently called upon to study aerosols, especially those resulting from material produced by marine organisms.

Researchers are continually working to include adequate measurements to better inform the climate models. Studies such as Burrows' highlight how previously overlooked contributors may affect the climate. These measurements will be vital for informing climate models to improve that understanding.

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