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Atmospher Sci & Global Chg

February 2016

Bond-Lamberty Provides Carbon Storage Insight for The Washington Post

Reporting on a recent study about terrestrial carbon storage, The Washington Post quoted Dr. Ben Bond-Lamberty about the change in tropical nighttime temperatures that may play a big role in the global carbon cycle balance under the pressures of climate change.

"Daytime temperatures, we're going to expect, will affect both sides of the carbon uptake and loss  equation-the photosynthesis uptake side and then the respiration loss side-whereas changes in nighttime temperature are just going to affect the respiration side," he said. "I would say, sort of a priori-and there have been a couple of previous papers on this subject-you would expect that the nighttime temperatures would exert an unbalanced effect."

Bond-Lamberty, a PNNL researcher working at PNNL's Joint Global Change Research Institute (JGCRI) in College Park, Maryland since 2009, got his Ph.D. at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. He is a section editor for PLOS ONE, and on the editorial boards of Global Change Biology and Plant and Soil. The JGCRI is a partnership between PNNL and the University of Maryland.

Related: Top-10 Paper Co-Authored by PNNL's Ben Bond-Lamberty; Bond-Lamberty Appointed to Global Change Biology Editorial Board; Ben Bond-Lamberty, Section Editor for PLOS ONE

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