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Atmospher Sci & Global Chg

January 2016

RedOrbit, US CLIVAR and others Feature Yoon's Research

Dr. Jin-Ho Yoon, atmospheric scientist at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, led research that suggests more frequent and extremely wet and dry events are likely to occur due to weather patterns known as El Niño and La Niña. The study forecasts at least a doubling of extreme droughts and floods later this century. Published in Nature Communications, the study, and how it may affect California in the coming years, was featured by multiple news outlets including US CLIVAR, RedOrbit, and Before It's News.

Yoon received his Ph.D. in Meteorology from Iowa State University. His research focuses on climate modeling, prediction, variability and change, and sensitivity studies.

Read the PNNL News Release: California 2100: more frequent and more severe droughts and floods likely

Read the PNNL research highlight: California, Here We Come: Floods and Drought

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